1987-08--1993-05 中国科学院大气物理研究所 理学博士
1982-09--1987-07 中国科学技术大学 理学学士
2011-07--今 中国科学院大气物理研究所 研究员
2002-12--2011-07 意大利国际理论物理研究中心地球系统物理组 联合国P2级副研究员
1998-10--2002-11 意大利国际理论物理中心天气和气候物理组 高级博士后
1997-02--1998-10 中国科学院大气物理研究所 副研究员
1993-06--1993-12 美国纽约州立大学Albany分校 访问工作
1993-05--1997-02 中国科学院大气物理研究所 助理研究员
(1) GRAPES陆面数据同化系统建设,参与,部委级,2012-01--2014-12
(2) 生态和环境过程模式的研制和改进,参与,国家级,2012-01--2014-12
(1) RegCM4: model description and preliminary tests over multiple CORDEX domains,Climate Research,2012,第5作者
(2) RegT-Band: a tropical band version of RegCM4,Climate Research,2012,第4作者
(3) High-resolution simulations of West African climate using regional climate model (RegCM3) with different lateral boundary conditions,Theoretical and Applied Climatology,2010,第5作者
(4) Validation of a high-resolution regional climate model for the Alpine region and effects os a subgrid-scale topography and land use representation,Journal of Climate,2010,第4作者
(5) Local effects of climate change over the Alpine region: A study with a high resolution regional climate model with a surrogate climate change scenario,Geophysical Research Letter,2010,第4作者
(6) Multiyear simulation of the African climate using a regional climate model (RegCM3) with the high resolution ERA-interim reanalysis,Climate Dynamics,2010,第5作者
(7) An atmosphere-ocean regional climate model for the Mediterranean area: assessment of a present climate simulation.,Climate Dynamics,2010,第5作者
(8) Time of emergence (TOE) of GHG-forced precipitation change hot-spots,Geophysical Research Letter,2009,第2作者
(9) 陆面过程模型CoLM与区域气候模式RegCM3的耦合及初步评估,大气科学,2009,第5作者
(10) Coupling of dimethly sulfide and its contribution to sulfate aerosols in regional climate model: From fluxes to direct radiative forcing,GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA,2009,第4作者
(11) A regional climate modeling study of the effect of desert dust on the West African monsoon,Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere,2008,第5作者
(12) Modeling of sea salt in a regional climate model: Fluxes and radiative forcing,Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere,2008,第3作者
(13) Indicators of 21st century socioclimatic exposure,Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,2007,第4作者
(14) Regional climate modeling for the developing world - The ICTP RegCM3 and RegCNET,Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society,2007,第3作者
(15) Regional model simulation of summer rainfall over the Philippines: Effect of choice of driving fields and ocean flux schemes,Theoretical and Applied Climatology,2006,第5作者
(16) Comparison of regional climate model and statistical downscaling simulations of different winter precipitation change scenarios over Romania,Theoretical and Applied Climatology,2006,第3作者
(17) Extreme precipitation over the Maritime Alps and associated weather regimes simulated by a regional climate model: Present-day and future climate scenarios,Theoretical and Applied Climatology,2006,第4作者
(18) Introduction to the TAC special issue: The RegCNET network,Theoretical and Applied Climatology,2006,第3作者
(19) Updated regional precipitation and temperature changes for the 21st century from ensembles of recent AOGCM simulations,Geophysical Research Letter,2005,第2作者
(20) Regional changes in surface climate interannual variability for the 21st century from ensembles of global model simulations,Geophysical Research Letter,2005,第2作者
(21) Mean, interannual variability and trends in a regional climate change experiment over Europe. I: Present day climate (1961-1990),Climate Dynamics,2004,第2作者
(22) Consistency of recent European summer precipitation trends and extremes with future regional climate projections,Geophysical Research Letter,2004,第3作者
(23) Analysis of dynamical and statistical downscaling approaches for generating winter precipitation change scenarios over Romania,Romanian Journal of Meteorology,2004,第4作者
(24) Mean, interannual variability and trends in a regional climate change experiment over Europe. II: climate change scenarios (2071-2100),Climate Dynamics,2004,第2作者
(25) Indirect vs. direct effects of anthropogenic sulfate on the climate of East Asia as simulated with a regional coupled climate-chemistry/aerosol model,Climatic Change,2003,第2作者
(26) Direct radiative forcing and regional climatic effects of anthropogenic aerosols over East Asia: A regional coupled climate-chemistry/aerosol model study,Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere,2002,第2作者
(27) Modelling the Global Monsoon System by IAP 9L AGCM,Advances in Atmospheric Sciences,2001,第2作者
(28) A study of internal variability of a regional climate model, Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere,2000,第2作者
(29) IAP/CAS的短期气候距平数值预测研究,气象科学,2000,第4作者
(30) Inter-Decadal Variations of Atmospheric Circulation, Part II: GCM Simulation Study,Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences,2000,第3作者
(31) A Numerical Experiment on the Impact of Antartic Ozone Hole on the Globally Atmospheric Radiative Heating Field,Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences,1999,第3作者
(32) Numerical simulation of moisture content and flux for the unsaturated soil water flow problem,Progress in Natural Sciences,1999,第5作者
(33) Dependence of the AGCM climatology on the method of prescribing surface boundary conditions and its climatological implication,Advances in Atmospheric Sciences,1999,第2作者
(34) The Influence of Antarctic Ozone Hole on the Antarctic Vortex Simulated by the IAP AGCM,Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences,1999,第3作者
(35) 南极臭氧洞与南极涡旋的变化---IAP模式的试验结果,大气科学,1999,第3作者
(36) Numerical Experiment on the Impact of Antarctic Ozone Hole on the Global Climate,Advances in Atmospheric Sciences,1998,第3作者
(37) 气候模式并行计算,气候与环境研究,1997,第1作者
(38) Seasonal and extraseasonal predictions of summer monsoon precipitation by GCMs,Advances in Atmospheric Sciences,1997,第5作者
(39) The Interannual variability and Predictability in a Global Climate Model,Advances in Atmospheric Sciences,1997,第3作者
(40) The African Climate as Predicted by the IAP Grid-Point Nine-Layer Atmospheric General Circulation Model (IAP-9L-AGCM),Advances in Atmospheric Sciences,1997,第2作者
(41) Parallel computing of a climate model on the Dawn 1000 by Domain Decomposion Method,Advances in Atmospheric Sciences,1997,第1作者
(42) The East Asian monsoon simulated with IAP AGCMs, a composite study,Advances in Atmospheric Sciences,1996,第2作者