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研究专业 081104-模式识别与智能系统 071006-神经生物学 081101-控制理论与控制工程 教育背景 2000-09--2005-07 中国科学技术大学 生物学博士学位 1996-09--2000-07 中国科学技术大学 生物学/工商管理双学士学位 工作简历 2018-06~现在, 模式识别国家重点实验室, 副主任 2013-12~现在, 中科院自动化研究所, 研究员 2008-09~2013-12,美国国家精神卫生研究所, 博士后研究人员 2005-09~2008-08,德国马克思普朗克脑研究所, 博士后研究人员 教授课程 类脑智能导论 系统与计算神经科学 脑-机接口技术 科研项目 ( 1 ) 基于猕猴模型研究精神分裂症中工作记忆损伤的神经网络机制, 主持, 国家级, 2015-05--2018-12 ( 2 ) 介观脑网络动态活动记录与分析, 主持, 部委级, 2015-07--2017-06 ( 3 ) 中枢神经疾病及干细胞治疗的神经环路机制, 主持, 国家级, 2017-08--2021-12 ( 4 ) 高速闭环脑机接口, 主持, 部委级, 2018-01--2022-12 发表著作 (1) 章节, Critical exponents, universality class and thermodynamic temperature for the brain (Book Chapter) , WILEY, 2014-04, 第 1 作者


脑网络研究及其临床应用 系统与计算神经生物学 脑网络,类脑计算,脑机接口

人类大脑是极端复杂而又非常高效的信息处理系统。了解大脑的工作原理既有助于寻找预防和治疗各种精神及神经疾病的更有效手段,也会给人工智能和新一代计算技术提供重要的启示和借鉴。在技术高度发达的今天,脑研究常常被认为是最为重要的,尚未被征服的科学边疆。普遍的观点也认为,这一领域正在孕育着重大的突破,将为人类带来深刻的变革。 在脑科学方面,我的研究兴趣是了解脑中复杂的神经元网络是如何相互作用,进行信息处理,以及这些网络是如何受到精确的调控,以实现在不同情境、不同任务、不同状态下的高效运作。要研究这些问题,需要结合先进的生物学试验手段与强大的理论分析框架。以往的工作曾开创性的把信息理论、复杂网络理论和统计力学方法与整体动物微电极阵列记录技术相结合,在脑网络的结构与功能、神经信息的编码与处理等方面取得了一系列重要的结果。近年来,我们把大脑神经网络信息处理中发现的原理用于指导新型人工神经网络的设计,也取得了重要的进展,包括利用自组织临界状态改善人工神经网络的信息处理能力,通过引入新的学习算法和结构设计实现深度神经网络的连续、情境化学习等。今后的工作将着重研究1)脑功能的神经网络机制;2)类脑计算, 以及 3)脑机接口。


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

G Zeng, Y Chen, B Cui, S Yu (2019) Continual learning of context-dependent processing in neural networks. Nature Machine Intelligence 1:364–372. Zeng G, Huang X, Jiang T, Yu S (2019) Short-term synaptic plasticity expands the operational range of long-term synaptic changes in neural networks. Neural Networks, Epub ahead of print. G Hu, B Cui, S Yu (2019) Skeleton-Based Action Recognition with Synchronous Local and Non-local Spatio-temporal Learning and Frequency Attention. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 1216-1221 W Niu, X Huang, K Xu, T Jiang, S Yu (2019) Pairwise Interactions among Brain Regions Organize Large-Scale Functional Connectivity during Execution of Various Tasks. Neuroscience, Epub ahead of print. G Hu, X Huang, T Jiang, S Yu (2019) Multi-Scale Expressions of One Optimal State Regulated by Dopamine in the Prefrontal Cortex. Neuroscience, Frontiers in physiology 10, 113. J Zhang, J Zhang, S Yu (2018) Hot Anchors: A Heuristic Anchors Sampling Method in RCNN-Based Object Detection. Sensors 18 (10), 3415. M Song, Y Yang, J He, Z Yang, S Yu, Q Xie, et al (2018) Prognostication of chronic disorders of consciousness using brain functional networks and clinical characteristics. Elife 7, e36173. Z Wang, S Yu, Y Fu, T Tzvetanov, Y Zhou (2018) Aging potentiates lateral but not local inhibition of orientation processing in primary visual cortex. Frontiers in aging neuroscience 10, 14. Huang X, Xu K, Chu C, Jiang T, Yu S (2017) Weak Higher-Order Interactions in Macroscopic Functional Networks of the Resting Brain. Journal of Neuroscience 37 (43), 10481-10497 Yu S*, Ribeiro TL*, Meisel C, Chou S, Mitz A, Saunders R, Plenz D (2017) Maintained avalanche dynamics during task-induced changes of neuronal activity in nonhuman primates. eLife 6:e27119 Yu S (2016) New challenge for bionics—brain-inspired computing. Zoological Research 37 (5): 261 Fan L, Li H, Yu S, Jiang T (2015) Human Brainnetome Atlas and Its Potential Applications in Brain-Inspired Computing. International Workshop on Brain-Inspired Computing, 1-14 Yu S*, Klaus K*, Yang H, Plenz D (2014) Scale-invariant neuronal avalanche dynamics and the cut-off in size distributions. PloS ONE 9 (6), e99761 Yu S, Yang H, Shriki O, Plenz D (2014) Critical exponents, universality class, and thermodynamic "temperature" for the brain. In Criticality in Neural Systems, edited by Plenz D and Nieber E. Wiley-VCH Yu S*, Yang H*, Shriki O, Plenz D (2013) Universal organization of resting brain activity at the thermodynamic critical point. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 7:42. Larremore D, Shew W, Yu S, Plenz D, Ott E, Sorrentino F, Restrepo J (2013) Inhibition guarantees ceaseless cortex network dynamics. preprint arXiv:1307.7658 Folias SE, Yu S, Snyder A, Nikolic D, Rubin JE (2013) Synchronisation hubs in the visual cortex may arise from strong rhythmic inhibition during gamma oscillations. European Journal of Neuroscience 38 (6), 2864-2883 Fu Y*, Yu S*, Ma Y, Wang Y, Zhou Y (2013) Functional degradation of the primary visual cortex during early senescence in rhesus monkeys. Cerebral Cortex 23(12): 2923-2931 Yu S, Yang H, Nakahara H, Santos, G.S, Nikolic D, Plenz D (2011) Higher-order interactions characterized in cortical activities. Journal of Neuroscience 31(48):17514-17526 Yu S, Nikolic D (2011) Quantum mechanics needs no consciousness. Annalen der Physik, 523(11): 931–938 Havenith MN, Yu S, Biederlack J, Chen N, Singer W, Nikolic D (2011) Synchrony makes neurons fire in sequence, and stimulus properties determine who is ahead. Journal of Neuroscience 31(23):8570-8584 Shew WL, Yang H, Yu S, Roy R, Plenz D (2011) Information capacity and transmission are maximized in balanced cortical networks with neuronal avalanches. Journal of Neuroscience 31(1):55-63. Klaus A, Yu S, Plenz D (2011) Statistical analyses support power law distributions found in neuronal avalanches. PLoS ONE 6(5):e19779 Jurjut OF, Nikolic D, Singer W, Yu S, Havenith MN, Muresan RC (2011) Timescales of multineuronal activity patterns reflect temporal structure of visual stimuli. PLoS ONE 6(2):e16758. Hahn G, Petermann T, Havenith MN, Yu S, Singer W, Plenz D, Nikolic D (2010) Neuronal avalanches in spontaneous activity in vivo. Journal of Neurophysiology 104(6):3312-22. Havenith MN, Zemmar A, Yu S, Baudrexel SM, Singer W, Nikolic D (2009) Measuring sub-millisecond delays in spiking activity with millisecond time-bins. Neuroscience Letters 450:296-300 Yu S, Huang D, Singer W, Nikolic D (2008) A small world of neuronal synchrony. Cerebral Cortex 18(12):2891-2901 Yu S, Wang Y, Li X, Zhou Y, Leventhal AG (2006) Functional degradation of extrastriate visual cortex in senescent rhesus monkeys. Neuroscience 140(3):1023-1029 Yu S, Wang XS, Fu Y, Zhang J, Ma YY, Wang YC, Zhou YF (2005) Effects of age on latency and variability of visual response in monkeys. Chinese Science Bulletin 50(11):1163-1165 Liu N, Yu S, Zhou Y, Cai J, Ma Y (2005) Age-related effects of bromocriptine on sensory gating in rhesus monkeys. Neuroreport 16(6):603-606 Yu S*, Liu N*, Zeng T, Tian S, Chen N, Zhou Y, Ma Y (2004) Age-related effects of bilateral frontal eye fields lesions on rapid eye movements during REM sleep in rhesus monkeys. Neuroscience Letters 366(1):58-62


2018-12-01-2021-11-30,中国认知科学学会, 监事 2018-05-01-今,Translational Neuroscience, Editor 2016-03-02-今,BMC Neuroscience, Associate Editor 2012-04-03-今,Frontiers in Fractal Physiology, Review Editor 2011-03-31-今,Frontiers in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Review Edito
