[1] Z. Zeng, N. Xu and W. Mao. Event-Driven Network for Cross-Modal Retrieval. Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM'20), accepted for publication.
[2] P. Wei, J. Zhao and W. Mao.Effective Inter-Clause Modeling for End-to-End Emotion-Cause Pair Extraction. Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL'20), pp.3171-3181. ACL Press, 2020.
[3] N. Xu, Z. Zeng and W. Mao. Reasoning with Multimodal Sarcastic Tweets via Modeling Cross-Modality Contrast and Semantic Association. Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL'20), pp.3777-3786. ACL Press, 2020.
[4] P. Wei, N. Xu and W. Mao. Modeling Conversation Structure and Temporal Dynamics for Jointly Predicting Rumor Stance and Veracity. Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP'19), pp.4789-4800. ACL Press, 2019.
[5] N. Xu, W. Mao and G. Chen. Multi-Interactive Memory Network for Aspect Based Multimodal Sentiment Analysis. Proceedings of the 33rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'19), pp.371-378. AAAI Press, 2019.
[6]P. Wei, W. Mao and G. Chen. A Topic-Aware Reinforced Model for Weakly Supervised Stance Detection. Proceedings of the 33rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'19), pp.7249-7256. AAAI Press, 2019.
[7] P. Wei and W. Mao. Modeling Transferable Topics for Cross-Target Stance Detection. Proceedings of the 42nd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR'19), pp.1173-1176. ACM Press, 2019.
[8] N. Xu, W. Mao and G. Chen. A Co-Memory Network for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis. Proceedings of the 41st InternationalACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR'18), pp.929-932. ACM Press, 2018.
[9] P. Wei, J. Lin and W. Mao. Multi-Target Stance Detection via a Dynamic Memory-Augmented Network. Proceedings of the 41st International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR'18), pp.1229-1232. ACM Press, 2018.
[10] G. Chen,N. Xu and W. Mao. An Encoder-Memory-Decoder Framework for Sub-Event Detection in Social Media. Proceedings of the 27th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM'18), pp.1575-1578. ACM Press, 2018.
[11] J. Lin, W. Mao and Y. Zhang. AnEnhanced Topic Modeling Approach to Multiple Stance Identification. Proceedings of the 26th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM'17), pp.2167-2170. ACM Press, 2017.
[12]N. Xu and W. Mao. MultiSentiNet: A Deep Semantic Network for MultimodalSentiment Analysis. Proceedings of the 26th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM'17), pp.2399-2402. ACM Press, 2017.
[13] Y. Zhang, W. Mao and D. Zeng. A Non-Parametric Topic Model for Short Texts Incorporating Word Coherence Knowledge. Proceedings of the 25th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM'16), pp. 2017-2020. ACM Press, 2016.
[14] W. Mao and J. Gratch. Modeling Social Causality and Responsibility Judgment in Multi-Agent Interactions: Extended Abstract. Proceedings of the Twenty-Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'13), pp.3166-3170, 2013.
[15] J. Gratch, S. Marsella and W. Mao. Towards a Validated Model of Emotional Intelligence. Proceedings of the Twenty-First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'06), pp.1613-1616. AAAI Press, 2006.
[16] W. Mao and J. Gratch. Evaluating a Computational Model of Social Causality and Responsibility. Proceedings of the Fifth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS'06),pp.985-992. ACM Press, 2006.
[17] B. Martinovski, W. Mao, J. Gratch, et al. Mitigation Theory: An Integrated Approach. Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh AnnualConference of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci'05), pp.1407-1412. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2005.
[18] W. Mao and J. Gratch. Social Judgment in Multiagent Interactions. Proceedings of the Third International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS'04), pp.210-217. IEEE Press, 2004.
[19] N. Xu, W. Mao, P. Wei, et al. MDA: Multimodal Data Augmentation Framework for Boosting Performance on Sentiment/Emotion Classification Tasks. IEEE Intelligent Systems, in press.
[20] Q. Kong, W. Mao, G. Chen, et al. Exploring Trends and Patterns of Popularity Stage Evolution in Social Media. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, 50(10):3817-3827, 2020.
[21] J. Lin, Q. Kong, W. Mao, et al. A Topic Enhanced Approach to Detecting Multiple Standpoints in Web Texts. Information Sciences, 501:483-494, 2019.
[22] G. Chen, Q. Kong, N. Xu and W. Mao. NPP: A Neural Popularity Prediction Model for Social Media Content. Neurocomputing, 333:221-230, 2019.
[23] J. Lin, W. Mao and D. Zeng. Personality-based Refinement for Sentiment Classification in Microblog. Knowledge-Based Systems, 132:204-214, 2017.
[24] L. Zhou, L. Kaati, W. Mao, et al (Eds.). Intelligence and Security Informatics. IEEE Press, 2015.
[25] D. Zeng and W. Mao. Supporting Global Collective Intelligence via Artificial Intelligence. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 29(2):2-4, March/April, 2014.
[26] P. Su, W. Mao and D. Zeng. An Empirical Study of Cost-Sensitive Learning in Cultural Modeling. Information Systems and e-Business Management, 11(3):437-455, 2013.
[27] C. Yang, W. Mao, X. Zheng, et al (Eds.). Intelligent Systems for Security Informatics. Elsevier, February, 2013.
[28] W. Mao and F. Wang. Advances in Intelligence and Security Informatics. Academic Press, April, 2012.
[29] W. Mao and J. Gratch. Modeling Social Causality and Responsibility Judgment in Multi-Agent Interactions. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 44:223-273, May, 2012.
[30] W. Mao, J. Gratch and X. Li. Probabilistic Plan Inference for Group Behavior Prediction. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 27(4):27-36, July/August, 2012.
[31] P. Su, W. Mao, D. Zeng, et al. Mining Actionable Behavioral Rules. Decision Support Systems, 54(1):142-152, December, 2012.
[32] X. Li, W. Mao and D. Zeng. Forecasting Complex Group Behavior via Multiple Plan Recognition. Frontiers of Computer Science, 6(1):102-110, 2012.
[33] Y. Wang, W. Mao, D. Zeng, et al. Listwise Approaches Based on Feature's Ranking Discovery. Frontiers of Computer Science, 6(6):647-659, 2012.
[34] D. Zhang, W. Mao, J. Zhan, et al. Special Issue on Social Computing and E-business. Information Systems and E-Business Management, 10(2):161-163, 2012.
[35] W. Mao, A. Ge and X. Li. From Causal Scenario to Social Causality: An Attributional Approach. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 26(6):48-57, November/December, 2011.
[36] W. Mao, A. Tuzhilin and J. Gratch. Social and Economic Computing. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 26(6):19-21, November/December, 2011.
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[39] X. Li, W. Mao, D. Zeng, et al. Performance Evaluation ofMachine Learning Methods in Cultural Modeling. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 24(6):1010-1017, November, 2009.
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[41] F. Wang, N. Sun, W. Mao, et al. Special Section on International Partnership Program. Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 24(6):997-999, November, 2009.
[42] F. Wang, D. Zeng, K. Carley and W. Mao. Social Computing: From Social Informatics to Social Intelligence. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 22(2):79-83, March/April, 2007.
[43] J. Gratch, W. Mao and S. Marsella. Modeling Social Emotions and Social Attributions. In: R. Sun (Ed.), Cognition and Multi-Agent Interaction: Extending Cognitive Modeling to Social Simulation, pp.219-251. Cambridge University Press, January, 2006.
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[53] X. Xiao, P. Wei, W. Mao, et al. Context-Aware Multi-View Attention Networks for Emotion Cause Extraction. Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (IEEE ISI'19), pp.128-133. IEEE Press, 2019.
[54] N. Xu, G. Chen and W. Mao. MNRD: A Merged Neural Model for Rumor Detection in Social Media. Proceedings of the 2018 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN'18), pp.885-891, 2018.
[55] P. Wei, W. Mao and D. Zeng. A Target-Guided Neural Memory Model forStance Detection in Twitter. Proceedings of the 2018 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN'18), pp.2068-2075, 2018.
[56] G. Chen, Q. Kong, W. Mao, et al. A Partition and Interaction Combined Model for Social Event Popularity Prediction. Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (IEEE ISI'18), pp.214-219. IEEE Press, 2018.
[57] G. Chen, W. Mao, Q. Kong, et al. Event Detection for Social Media by Joint Learning with Keyword Extraction. Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (IEEE ISI'18), pp.232-237. IEEE Press, 2018.
[58] Y. Zhang, W. Mao and D. Zeng. Topic Evolution Modeling in Social Media Short Texts based on Recurrent Semantic Dependent CRP. Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (IEEE ISI'17), pp.119-124. IEEE Press, 2017.
[59] J. Lin, W. Mao and D. Zeng. Topic and User based Refinement for Competitive Perspective Identification. Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (IEEE ISI'17). IEEE Press, 2017.
[60] X. Kong and W. Mao. Ranking Events based on User Relevant Query. Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (IEEE ISI'17). IEEE Press, 2017.
[61] G. Chen, Q. Kong and W. Mao. An Attention-based Neural Popularity Prediction Model for Social Media Events. Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (IEEE ISI'17). IEEE Press, 2017.
[62] G. Chen, Q. Kong and W. Mao. Online Event Detection and Tracking in Social Media based on Neural Similarity Metric Learning. Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (IEEE ISI'17). IEEE Press, 2017.
[63] Y. Zhang, W. Mao and J. Lin. Dynamic Topic Modeling in Short Texts. Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Big Knowledge (IEEE ICBK'17), pp.315-319. IEEE Press, 2017.
[64] C. Cui, W. Mao, X. Zheng, et al. Mining User Intents in Online Interactions: Applying to Discussions about Medical Event on Sina Weibo Platform. Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference for Smart Health (ICSH'17), pp.177-183. Springer, 2017.
[65] N. Xu and W. Mao. A Residual Merged Neutral Network for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis. Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data Analysis (IEEE ICBDA'17). IEEE Press, 2017.
[66] J. Lin, W. Mao and D. Zeng. Competitive Perspective Identification via Topic based Refinement for Online Documents. Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (IEEE ISI'16). IEEE Press, 2016.
[67] Q. Kong, W. Mao and C. Liu. Popularity Prediction Based on Interactions of Online Contents. Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing and Intelligence Systems (IEEE CCIS'16), pp.1-5. IEEE Press, 2016.
[68] J. Lin and W. Mao. Personality based Public Sentiment Classification in Microblog. Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (IEEE ISI'15). IEEE Press, 2015.
[69] Y. Zhang, X. Li and W. Mao. A Bottom-up Method for Constructing Topic Hierarchies from Political Media Data. Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (IEEE ISI'15). IEEE Press, 2015.
[70] Y. Zhang, W. Mao and D. Zeng. Constructing Topic Hierarchies from Social Media Data. Proceedings of the ICDM Workshops 2015 (ISI-ICDM'15), pp. 1015-1018. IEEE Press, 2015.
[71] Q. Kong, W. Mao, D. Zeng, et al. Predicting Popularity of Forum Threads for Public Events Security. Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Joint Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference (JISIC'14), pp.99-106. IEEE Press, 2014.
[72] Y. Zhang, W. Mao, D. Zeng, et al. Exploring Opinion Dynamics in Security-Related Microblog Data. Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Joint Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference (JISIC'14), pp.284-287. IEEE Press, 2014.
[73] L. Huangfu, W. Mao, D. Zeng, et al. OCC Model-Based Emotion Extraction from Online Reviews. Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics, pp.116-121. IEEE Press, 2013.
[74] Q. Kong, W. Mao and D. Zeng. Predicting User Participation in Social Networking Sites. Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics. IEEE Press, 2013.
[75] A. Ge, W. Mao, D. Zeng, et al. Action Knowledge Extraction from Web Text. Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics. IEEE Press, 2013.
[76] Z. Tan, W. Mao, D. Zeng, et al. Acquiring Netizen Group's Opinions for Modeling Food Safety Events. Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics, pp.114-119. IEEE Press, 2012.
[77] A. Ge, W. Mao, D. Zeng, et al. Extracting Action Knowledge in Security Informatics. Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics. IEEE Press, 2012.
[78] Y. Li, W. Mao, D. Zeng, et al. Extracting Opinion Explanations from Chinese Online Reviews. Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics. IEEE Press, 2012.
[79] P. Su, W. Mao, D. Zeng, et al. Mining Actionable Behavioral Rules from Group Data. Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics. IEEE Press, 2011.
[80] X. Li, W. Mao, D. Zeng, et al. Forecasting Group Behavior via Multiple Plan Recognition. Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics. IEEE Press, 2011.
[81] Y. Wang, W. Mao, D. Zeng, et al. Boosting Rank with Predictable Training Error. Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics. IEEE Press, 2011.
[82] Z. Tan, X. Li and W. Mao. Agent-Based Modeling of Netizen Groups in Chinese Internet Events. Proceedings of the Pacific Asia Workshop on Intelligence and Security Informatics (PAISI'11), pp.43-53. Springer, 2011.
[83] X. Li, W. Mao, D. Zeng, et al. Automatic Construction of Domain Theory for Attack Planning. Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (IEEE ISI'10), pp.65-70. IEEE Press, 2010.
[84] P. Su, W. Mao, D. Zeng, et al. Employing Cost-Sensitive Learning in Cultural Modeling. Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics and Informatics (IEEE SOLI'10). IEEE Press, 2010.
[85] A. Ge, W. Mao and D. Zeng. Story Extraction from the Web: A Case Study in Security Informatics. Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics and Informatics (IEEE SOLI'10). IEEE Press, 2010.
[86] Y. Wang and W. Mao. FeatureRank: A Non-linear Listwise Approach with Clustering and Boosting. Proceedings of the Second IEEE Youth Conference on Information, Computing and Telecommunications (IEEE YC-ICT'10). IEEE Press, 2010.
[87] P. Su, W. Mao, D. Zeng, et al. Handling Class ImbalanceProblem in Cultural Modeling, Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics, pp.251-256. IEEE Press, 2009.
[88] X. Li, W. Mao, D. Zeng, et al. Performance Evaluation of Classification Methods in Cultural Modeling, Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics, pp.248-250. IEEE Press, 2009.
[89] X. Li, W. Mao, D. Zeng, et al. Agent-Based Social Simulation and Modeling in Social Computing. Proceedings of the First InternationalWorkshop on Social Computing (SOCO'08), pp.401-412. Springer, 2008.
[90] X. Li, D. Zeng, W. Mao, et al. Online Communities: A Social Computing Perspective. Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Social Computing (SOCO'08), pp.355-365. Springer, 2008
[91] W. Mao and J. Gratch. Modeling Social Inference in Virtual Agents. Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Social Intelligence Design (SID'07), pp.81-94, 2007.
[92] W. Mao, D. Zeng, L. Zhang, et al. Social Modeling and Reasoning for Security Informatics. Proceedings of the Pacific Asia Workshop on Intelligence and Security Informatics (PAISI'07). Springer, 2007.
[93] W. Mao and J. Gratch. Social Causality and Responsibility: Modelingand Evaluation. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA'05), pp.191-204. Springer, 2005.
[94] W. Mao and J. Gratch. A Utility-Based Approach to Intention Recognition. AAMAS 2004 Workshop on Agent Tracking: Modeling Other Agents from Observations (MOO'04), 2004.
[95] W. Mao and J. Gratch. The Social Credit Assignment Problem. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA'03), pp.39-47. Springer, 2003.