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招生专业 070905-第四纪地质学 070903-古生物学与地层学(含:古人类学) 070501-自然地理学 招生方向 古气候学,第四纪地质,新生代地质与环境,自然地理学 教育背景 1985-10--1990-06 法国巴黎第六大学 博士 1984-07--1985-09 法国波尔多第一大学第四纪学院 硕士 1979-09--1983-06 北京大学地理系 学士 学历 法国巴黎第六大学 19851001--19900601 研究生毕业 学位 法国巴黎第六大学 19851001--19900601 博士 教授课程 近代第四纪地质与环境 古气候学 奖励信息 (1) 晚新生代风化成壤作用与东亚环境演化, 二等奖, 国家级, 2014 (2) 全球变化科学奖, , 其他, 2008 (3) 第二届黄汲清青年地质科技奖科研, , 其他, 2004 (4) 第四届第四纪研究青年科学家奖, , 其他, 2004 (5) 青藏高原研究青年科技奖, , 其他, 2004 (6) 第七届中国科学院青年科学家奖, 一等奖, 部委级, 1999 (7) 中国科学院自然科学奖, 一等奖, 部委级, 1998 科研项目 ( 1 ) 风成红土碳同位素组成与新近纪植被演化, 主持, 国家级, 2015-01--2019-12 ( 2 ) 大暖期中国环境格局, 主持, 部委级, 2011-01--2015-12 ( 3 ) 新生代气候变化与人类演化和适应, 主持, 部委级, 2015-01--2017-12 ( 4 ) 末次冰盛期以来我国气候环境变化及干旱-半干旱地区人类的影响与适应, 主持, 国家级, 2010-04--2014-04




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Zhang, C.X. and Guo, Z.T, 2014. Clay mineral changes across the Eocene–Oligocene transition in the sedimentary sequence at Xining occurred prior to global cooling. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 411, 18-29. Zhang, Y., Guo, Z.T.*, Deng, C., Zhang, S., Wu, H., Zhang, C., Ge, J., Zhao, D., Li, Q., Song, Y., Zhu, R., 2014. The use of fire at Zhoukoudian: evidence from magnetic susceptibility and color measurements. Chinese Science Bulletin 59, 1013-1020. Lu, H.Y. and Guo, Z.T., 2014. Evolution of the monsoon and dry climate in East Asia during late Cenozoic: A review. Sci. China Earth Sci. 57, 70-79. Wu H.B., Guo Z.T., Guiot J, Hatté C, Peng C, Yu Y, Ge J, Li Q, Sun A, Zhao D, 2014, Elevation-induced climate change as a dominant factor causing the late Miocene C4 plant expansion in the Himalayan foreland. Global Change Biology 20, 1461-1472. 姜大膀、郭正堂,2013,古大气环流重建研究方法。见:丁仲礼主编《固体地球科学研究方法》,北京:科学出版社,p. 55-65.[pdf] 吴海斌、郭正堂,2013,过去陆地地表温度重建研究方法。见:丁仲礼主编《固体地球科学研究方法》,北京:科学出版社,p. 104-120. [pdf] Hao, Q.Z., Wang, L., Oldfield, F., Peng, S.Z., Qin, L., Song, Y., Xu, B., Qiao, Y.S., Bloemendal, J., Guo, Z.T., 2012. Delayed build-up of Arctic ice sheets during 400,000-year minima in insolation variability. Nature 490, 393-396. Guo, ZT, Zhou, X. and Wu, HB, 2012, Glacial-interglacial water cycle, global monsoon and atmospheric methane changes. Climate Dynamics, DOI: 10.1007/s00382-011-1147-5. [pdf] Yu, Y.Y., Guo, Z.T., Wu, H.B. and Finke, P., 2012, Reconstructing prehistoric land use change from archeological data: validation and application of a new model in Yiluo valley, northern China. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 156:99-107. Yao, Z.Q., Guo, Z.T., Xiao, G.Q., Wang, Q., Shi, X.F. and Wang, X.Y., 2012, Sedimentary history of the western Bohai coastal plain since the late Pliocene: Implications on tectonic, climatic and sea-level changes. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, in press http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jseaes.2012.04.013 Ge, J.Y., Guo, Z.T.*, Zhan, T., Yao, Z.Q., Deng, C.L. and Oldfield, F., 2012, Magnetostratigraphy of the Xihe loess-soil sequence and implication for late Neogene deformation of theWest QinlingMountains. Geophysical Journal International, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2012.05461.x.[pdf] Xiao, G.Q., Guo, Z.T.*, Dupont-Nivet, G., Lu, H.Y., Wu, N.Q. and Ge, J.Y., Hao, Q.Z., Peng, S.Z., Li, F.J., Abels, H.A. and Zhang, K.X., 2012, Evidence for northeastern Tibetan Plateau uplift between 25 and 20 Ma in the sedimentary archive of the Xining Basin, Northwestern China. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 317/318:185–195.[pdf] Guo, Z.T., Ge, J.Y., Xiao, G.Q., Hao, Q.Z., Wu, H.B., Zhan, T., Liu, L., Qin, L., Zeng, F.M. and Yuan, B.Y., 2010, Comment on”Mudflat/distal fan and shallow lake sedimentation (upper Vallesian-Turolian) in the Tianshui Bassin, Central China: evidence against the late Miocene eolian loess”. Sedimentary Geology, 230: 86-89. doi: 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2010.06.019. [pdf] [related] Guo, Z.T., 2010, Loess geochemistry and Cenozoic paleoenvironments. Geochemical News, 143 (6 pages), Geochemical Society. [pdf] Hao, Q.Z., Guo, Z.T., Qiao, Y.S., Xu, B. and Oldfield, F., 2010, Geochemical evidence for the provenance of middle Pleistocene loess deposits in southern China. Quaternary Science Reviews 29 (2010) 3317-3326. [pdf] Ge, J.Y. and Guo, Z.T.*, 2010, Neogene eolian deposits within the West Qinling Mountains: climatic and tectonic implications. Chinese Science Bulletin, 55(15): 1483−1487, doi: 10.1007/s11434-010-3019-5.[pdf] Zhan, T., Guo, Z.T.*, Wu, H.B., Ge, J.Y., Zhou, X., Wu, C.L., Zeng, F.M. and Xiao, G.Q., 2010, Thick eolian deposits of Miocene age on the Huajialing Mountain and geomorphic evolution of the western Loess Plateau. Science China: Earth Scince, doi: 10.1007/s11430-010-4051-7. [pdf1] [pdf2] Zhou, X., Guo, Z.T.* and Qin, L., 2010, Natural and anthropogenic impacts on the Asian monsoon precipitation during the 20th century. Science China: Earth Sciences, 53(11): 1683–1688. doi: 10.1007/s11430-010-4072-2.[pdf] 郭正堂、侯甬坚等,2010,黄土高原全新世以来自然环境变化概况。田均良等编著《黄土高原生态建设环境效应研究》。气象出版社,北京。pp. 1-47. [pdf] 郭正堂,2010,22-8 Ma风尘沉积记录的季风演变历史。丁仲礼等编著《中国西部环境演化集成研究》。气象出版社,北京。pp.1-19. [pdf] Fedoroff, N., Courty, M.A. and Guo, Z.T., 2010, Palaeosoils and Relict Soils. In: Georges Stoops, Vera Marcelino and Florias Mees, eds, Interpretation of Micromorphological Features of Soils and Regoliths. Elsevier B.V., Elsevier. pp. 623-663. [pdf] Guo, Z.T., Berger, A., Yin, Q.Z., and Qin, L., 2009. Strong asymmetry of hemispheric climates during MIS-13 inferred from correlating China loess and Antarctica ice records. Climate of the Past, 5: 21-31. [PDF] Liang, M.Y., Guo, Z.T.*, Kahmann, A. J. and Oldfield, F. 2009, Geochemical characteristics of the Miocene eolian deposits in China: their provenance and climate implications, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 10, Q04004, doi:10.1029/2008GC002331. [PDF] Yu, Y.Y., Guo, Z.T.*, Wu, H.B., Kahmann, Julia A. and Oldfield, F., 2009, Spatial changes in soil organic carbon density and storage of cultivated soils in China from 1980 to 2000. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 23, GB2021,doi:10.1029/2008GB003428. [PDF] Wu, H.B., Guo, Z.T., Gao, Q. and Peng, C.H., 2009, Distribution of soil inorganic carbon storage and its changes due to agricultural land use activity in China. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 129: 413-421. [PDF] Guo, Z.T., Sun, B., Zhang, Z.S., Peng, S.Z., Xiao, G.Q., Ge, J.Y., Hao, Q.Z., Qiao, Y.S., Liang, M.Y., Liu, J.F., Yin, Q.Z. and Wei, J.J., 2008. A major reorganization of Asian climate by the early Miocene. Climate of the Past, 4 (3), 153-174. [PDF] Yin, Q.Z. and Guo, Z.T., 2008. Strong summer monsoon during the cool MIS-13. Climate of the Past, 4 (1), 29-34. [PDF] 肖国桥、郭正堂、陈宇坤、姚政权、邵永新、王旭龙、郝青振、卢演俦,2008,渤海湾西岸BZ1 钻孔的磁性地层学研究。第四纪研究,28(5): 909-916. Hao, Q.Z, and Guo, Z.T.*, 2007, Magnetostratigraphy of an early-middle Miocene loess-soil sequence in the western Loess Plateau of China. Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L18305, doi:10.1029/2007GL031162. [PDF] Haibin Wu, Joël Guiot, Simon Brewer, Zhengtang Guo, and Changhui Peng, 2007, Dominant factors controlling glacial and interglacial variations in the treeline elevation in tropical Africa. PNAS, 104:9720-9724. [PDF] 袁宝印、郭正堂、郝青振等,2007, 天水秦安一带中新世黄土堆积区沉积-地貌演化. 第四纪研究,27(2): 161-171.[PDF] 彭淑贞、郭正堂,2007,风成三趾马红土与第四纪黄土的粘土矿物组成异同及其环境意义。第四纪研究,27(2): 277-285. 周鑫, 郭正堂*, 彭淑贞, 郝青振, 肖国桥, 葛俊逸, 秦利, 西峰剖面午城黄土古风化强度变化与早更新世季风环境演化. 第四纪研究, 27(4)(2007), 645-650. [PDF] Yin, Q.Z. and Guo, Z.T.*, 2006, Mid-Pleistocene vermiculated red soils in southern China as an indication of unusually strengthened East Asian monsoon. Chinese Science Bulletin, 51(2): 213-220.[PDF] Liu, J.F., Guo, Z.T.*, Qiao, Y.S, Hao, Q.Z. and Yuan, B.Y., 2006, Eolian origin of the Miocene loess-soil sequence at Qin’an, China: evidence of quartz morphology and quartz grain-size. Chinese Science Bulletin, 51(2): 213-220. [PDF] Qiao, Y.S., Guo, Z.T.*, Hao, Q.Z., Yin, Q.Z., Yuan, B.Y. and Liu, T.S., 2006, Grain-size features of a Miocene loess-soil sequence at Qinan: implications on its origin. Science in China (Series D), 49(7): 731-738.[PDF] [pdf_cn] Jiang, W.Y., Guo, Z.T., Sun, X.J., Wu, H.B., Chu, G.Q., Yuan, B.Y., Chritine Hatté and Jöel Guiot, 2006,Reconstruction of climate and vegetation changes of Lake Bayanchagan (Inner Mongolia): Holocene variability of the East Asian monsoon. Quaternary Research,65: 411-420. 孙斌、郭正堂*、尹秋珍、郝青振,2006,西宁第四纪黄土-古土壤序列中的可溶盐、来源及环境意义。第四纪研究,26: 649-656。 梁美艳、郭正堂*、顾兆炎,2006,中新世风尘堆积的地球化学特征及其与上新世和第四纪风尘堆积的比较。第四纪研究,26: 657-664。 尹秋珍、郭正堂、方小敏,2006,海南砖红壤的微形态特征以及南方网纹红土与砖红壤环境意义的差异。土壤学报, 43(3): 353-361。[PDF] 姚政权、郭正堂、陈宇坤等,2006,渤海湾海陆交互相沉积的磁性地层学研究。海洋地质与第四纪地质, 26(1): 9-15 葛俊逸、郭正堂、郝青振,2006,特征时期黄土高原风化成壤强度的空间特征及气候梯度。第四纪研究,26(6): 962-968。 顾兆炎、郭正堂、D.Lal、J.Southon、M.W.Cafee、刘东生,2006,黄土和红粘土中宇宙成因核素定年的潜力:10Be浓度与化学成分的关系.第四纪研究,26(2): 244-249. Guo, Z.T., Hao, Q.Z., Wei, J.J. and An, Z.S., 2005, Astronomical signals in different climate proxies from the Quaternary loess-soil sequences in China. In A. Berger, M. Ercegovac & F. Mesinger (Eds.): Proceedings of Milutin Milankovitch Anniversary Symposium: Paleoclimate and the Earth Climate System. 101-110. [PDF] Guo, Z.T., Wu, H.B. and Peng,C.H., 2005 Human-induced changes of organic carbon storage in soils of China. PAGES News, 13(2): 11-12. Hao, Q.Z. and Guo, Z.T.*, 2005,Spatial variations of magnetic susceptibility of Chinese loess for the last 600 ka: implications for monsoon evolution. Journal of Geophysical Research, 110, B12101, doi: 10.1029/2005JB003765. [PDF] 郭正堂、刘东生,2005,黄土与地球系统--李希霍芬对黄土研究的贡献及对地球系统科学研究的现实意义。第四纪研究, 25(4): 443-448。[PDF] 刘进峰、郭正堂*、郝青振、彭淑贞、乔彦松、孙斌、葛俊逸,2005,秦安糜子湾剖面中新世风尘堆积的磁性地层学研究。第四纪研究, 25(4): 503-509. [PDF] 张仲石、郭正堂*,2005,根据地质记录恢复渐新世和中新世内部环境空间特征。第四纪研究, 25(4): 523-530。 Guo, Z.T., Peng, S.Z., Hao, Q.Z., Biscaye, P. E., An, Z.S. and Liu, T.S., 2004, Late Miocene-Pliocene development of Asian aridification as recorded in an eolian sequence in northern China. Global and Planetary Changes 41(3-4): 135-145. [PDF] Hao, Q.Z. and Guo Z.T.*, 2004, Magnetostratigraphy of a late Miocene-Pliocene loess-soil sequence in the western Loess Plateau in China.Geophysical Research Letters 31:L09209, doi:10.1029/2003GL019392. [PDF] 郭正堂,吴海斌,2004,浅谈固体地球科学与地球系统科学。地球科学进展,19(5):609-705. 郭正堂,彭淑贞,郝青振,陈习慧,刘东生,晚第三纪中国西北干旱化的发展及其与北极冰盖形成演化和青藏高原隆升的关系. 第四纪研究,(6) (1999), 556-567. 郭正堂,吕厚远,刘晓东,鹿化煜,熊尚发,郝青振,汶玲娟,彭淑贞,青藏高原及其周边地区环境变化的事件(第五章).《青藏高原隆升与环境效应》(郑度,姚檀栋等著),科学出版社,2004,北京, 269-279. [PDF] Qiao Yansong, Guo Zhengtang*, Hao Qingzhen, Wu Wenxiang, Jiang Wenying, Yuan Baoyin, Zhang Zhongshi, Wei Jianjing and Zhao Hua, 2003, Loess-soil sequences in southern Anhui Province: magnetostratigraphy and paleoclimatic significance. Chinese Science Bulletin, 48(9): 2088-2093. [PDF] Wei Jianjing and Guo Zhengtang*, 2003, Changes in the content of eolian iron during the past 900 ka and the implications. Chinese Science Bulletin, 48(17):1882-1886. [PDF] [pdf2] Wu H.B., Guo, Z.T.* and Peng, C.H., 2003, Distribution and storage of soil organic carbon in China. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 17(2), 1048-1058. [PDF] Wu H.B., Guo, Z.T.* and Peng, C.H., 2003, Land use induced changes of organic carbon storage in soils of China. Global Change Biology, 9:305-315. [PDF] 郭正堂,2003,高原隆升与中国风尘堆积。《青藏高原形成环境与发展》(郑度、姚檀栋主编),河北科学技术出版社,2003,石家庄, 70-79. [PDF] 彭淑贞,郭正堂,2003,西峰晚第三纪红土记录的亮度特征。第四纪研究,23(1):110. Guo Z T, Ruddiman W F, Hao Q Z, Wu H B, Qiao Y S, Zhu R X, Peng S Z,Wei J J, Yuan B Y, Liu T S. 2002, Onset of Asian desertification by 22 Myr ago inferred from loess deposits in China. Nature, 416:159-163. [PDF] [PDF2] Wu, H.B.,Guo, Z.T.*, Fang Xiaomin, Zhang Jiawu and Chen Fahu, 2002, Extension of drylands in northern China around 250 ka B.P. linked with the uplift of the southeast margin of Tibetan Plateau. Chinese Science Bulletin,47:1739-1745. [PDF] Guo Z T, Peng S Z, Hao Q Z, Biscaye P E, Liu D S, 2001. Origin of the Miocene-Pliocene red-earth formation at Xifeng in Northern China and implications for paleoenvironments. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 170: 11-26. [PDF] Peng S Z and Guo Z.T.*, 2001, Geochemical indicator of original eolian grain size and the implications on winter monsoon evolution. Sci. Chin. (Series D), 44 (Suppl). 261-266. [PDF] Guo, Z.T., Peng, S.Z. and Liu, T.S., 2001, Millennial-scale oscillations of loess weathering over the last glacial period. PAGES Newsletter, 9(2) 9. Zhu, R.X., K. A. Hoffman, R. Potts, C. L. Deng, Y. X. Pan, B. Guo, C. D. Shi, Z. T. Guo, B. Y. Yuan, Y. M. Hou & W. W. Huang, 2001, Earliest presence of humans in northeast Asia. Nature, 413, 413 – 417. 郭正堂、吴海斌、魏建晶、姜文英、赵希涛,2001,用古土壤有机质碳同位素探讨青藏高原东南缘的隆升幅度。第四纪研究,21(5),392-398。[PDF] 吴海斌、郭正堂、彭长辉,2001,末次间冰期以来陆地生态系统的碳储量与气候变化。第四纪研究,21(4)366-376。 Guo Z T, Petit-Maire N and Kropelin S. Holocene non-orbital climatic events in present-day aird areas of northern Africa and China. Global and Planetary Change, 2000, 26: 97-103. [PDF] Guo, Z.T., Biscaye, P., Wei, L.Y., Chen, X.F., Peng, S.Z., and Liu, T.S., 2000. Summer monsoon variations over the last 1.2 Ma from the weathering of loess-soil sequences in China. Geophysical Research Letters. 27: 1751-1754. [PDF] Hou, Y.M., Potts, R., Yuan, B.Y., Guo, Z.T., Deino, A., Wang, W. Lark, J., Xie, G., Huang, w., 2000, Mid_Pliocene Acheulean-like stone technology of the Bose basin, South China. Science, 287: 1622-1626. [PDF] 彭淑贞、郭正堂, 2000. 西峰晚第三纪红土稀土元素的研究. 海洋地质与第四纪地质,20(2): 39-43 郝青振,郭正堂,彭淑贞, 2000. 陇西第三纪红土磁学性质初步研究. 第四纪研究,20(5): 447-456 吴海斌,郭正堂, 2000. 末次盛冰期以来中国北方干旱区演化及短尺度干旱事件.第四纪研究, (6): 548-558 Guo, Z.T., Peng, S.Z., Wei, L.Y., and Liu, Tungsheng, 1999. Weathering Signals of Millennial-scale Oscillations of the East-Asian Summer Monsoon over the Last 220 ka. Chinese Science Bulletin, 44(Suppl.): 20-25. 郭正堂、魏兰英、吕厚远、吴乃琴、姜文英、刘东生,1999,晚第四纪风尘物质成分的变化及其环境意义。第四纪研究,(1): 41-48. 郭正堂、刘东生,1999,中国黄土-古土壤序列与古全球变化研究。中国科学基金, 14(2): 81-85. 郭正堂, 彭淑贞, 魏兰英, 刘东生, 1999, 二十二万年以来东亚夏季风的千年尺度变化及其在不同时期的差异. 第四纪研究, (4): 299-305. Guo, Z.T., Liu, T.S. Fedoroff, N., Wei, L.Y., Ding, Z.L., Wu, N.Q., Lu, H.Y., Jiang, W.Y. and An, Z.S., 1998, Climate Extremes in Loess of China Coupled with the Strength of Deep-Water Formation in the North Atlantic.Global and Planetary Change, 18: 113-128. [PDF] Guo, Z.T., Liu, T.S., Wei, L.Y., Wu, N.Q., Lu, H.Y. and Jiang, W.Y., 1998, A new proxy of the East-Asian paleomonsoon. PAGES Newsletter, 6(1): 2-3. Petit-Maire, N. & Guo, Z.T. 1998. Mid-Holocene climatic change and Man in the present-day Sahara desert. In: ALSHARHAN, A.S., GLENNIE, K.W., WHITTLE, G.L. & KENDALL, C.G.St.C. (eds) Quaternary deserts and climatic change. A.A.Balkema, Rotterdam, 351-356. 郭正堂, 1998, 土壤与全球和区域环境变化. 《地质环境系统研究》(孙枢主编), 海洋出版社, 54-62. Liu T.S. and Guo Z.T., 1997, Geological environment in China and global Change. Selected works of Liu Tungsheng, Science Press, Beijing, 192-202. Petit-Maire, N. and Guo, Z.T., 1997, Holocene paleoprecipitation over the present-day Sahara desert: implication for the future. Episode, 20: 232-235. 郭正堂,1997,土壤微形态学及其在古土壤学中的应用。中国第四纪地质与环境,海洋出版社,188-194. 刘东生、郭正堂、韩家懋、丁仲礼,1997,当前国际古全球变化研究的主要科学问题和任务。地学前缘,4: 63-70. Guo, Z.T., Liu, T.S., Guiot, J., Wu, N.Q., Lu, H.Y., Han, J.M., Liu J.Q. & Gu, Z.Y., 1996, High Frequency Pulses of East Asian Monsoon Climate in the Last Two Glaciations: link with the North Atlantic. Climate Dynamics 12: 701-709. [PDF] Guo, Z.T., 1996, Behaviour of the glacial-interglacial-glacial transitions recorded in China loess. Climate of the Past, Las Palmas de Graan Canaria University Press, 97-104. [PDF] Guo, Z.T., Ding, Z.L. and Liu, T.S., 1996, Pedosedimentary events in loess of China and Quaternary climatic cycles. Chinese Science Bulletin, 41(14): 1189-1193. 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