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教育背景 2002-09--2005-07 中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所 环境科学博士 1999-09--2002-07 东北师范大学 地图学与地理信息系统硕士 1995-09--1999-07 四平师范学院(现吉林师范大学) 地理教育学士 教育经历与海外工作 1995-1999 吉林师范大学地理系,学士学位 1999-2002 东北师范大学城市与环境科学学院,硕士学位 2002-2005 中科院东北地理与农业生态研究所,博士学位 2007-2008 澳大利亚CSIRO水土研究中心,访问学者 2009-2012 印第安纳大学印第安纳波利斯校区地球科学系,博士后 工作简历 2011-12~现在, 中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所, 研究员 2009-12~2012-12,印第安纳大学, 博士后(Research Associate) 2007-05~2008-05,澳大利亚联邦科学与工业组织(CSIRO), 访问学者 2006-06~现在, 中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所, 副研究员 2005-01~2006-05,中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所, 助理研究员 教授课程 地表参数遥感反演模型研究 参与会议 (1)中国不同类型水体CDOM与DOC关系研究 海洋水色遥感技术研讨会暨第15届全国II类水体水色遥感研讨会 2015-11-21 (2)蓝绿藻色素与藻类功能群组遥感反演 变化环境下湿地演变机制与适应策略研讨会暨中国生态学学会湿地生态专业委员会2015年年会 2015-08-26 (3)Remote Sensing of Phytoplankton Using Adaptive Modelling Approaches Kaishan Song, Lin Li, Zuchuan Li and Linhai Li 2012-06-20 (4)Remotely Estimates of Nutrients through daptive modelling Kaishan Song, Lin Li 2010-08-11 (5)Retrieval of total suspended matter (TSM) using remotely sensed images in Shitoukoumen Reservoir, Northeast China Kaishan Song, et al. 2010-07-23 (6)Land use/land cover classification using MODIS time series data sets Kaishan Song, Zongming Wang, Dianwei Liu 2009-07-11 专利与软件著作权 (1) 多源传感器波段融合及像素频率统计软件,2017SR 683136,2017.12.12 (2) 多传感器水体边界及藻华信息自动提取软件,2017SR16753,2017.5.10 (3) Shape文件批量裁剪遥感影像软件,2017SR387285,2017.7.20 (4) 基于时间序列遥感影像的云雾去除软件,2017SR360639,2017.5.15 (5) GOCI卫星数据处理及水体动态监测软件V1.0,软著登字第1423699号,2016.8.22 (6) MODIS地表温度数据处理及分析软件V1.0,软著登字第1406529号,2016.9.1 (7) Landsat系列卫星数据水体批量提取软件V1.0,2016SR176450,2016.7.12 (8) 高光谱遥感影像处理与分析系统,2016SR128145,2016.6.1 (9) 水色遥感实验室数据处理软件,2015R11S277342,2015.12.18 (10) 高效节水空间管理信息系统,2014SR040047,2014.2.18 (11) 水质监测评价系统,2011SR006664,2011.2.14 已完成课题 (1)中科院重要方向项目之课题:三江平原湿地植被定量遥感研究(2005-2007) (2)中科院重要方向项目之专题:松花江水质污染遥感机理研究(2006-2007) (3)中科院东北地理所前沿课题:湿地植被定量遥感研究(2007-2009) (4)院地合作项目(副主持人):吉林省重要水源地水质遥感监测与示范(2007-2009)  (5)中科院东北之春人才计划:东北农作物生理参数高光谱反演模型研究(2008-2010) (6)中科院项目群之专题:粮食增产工程对查干湖水质影响及生态效应遥感研究(2009-2011)  (7)中科院重要方向项目之课题:土壤湿度与积雪参量微波遥感反演研究(2009-2011) (8)中科院重要方向项目:基于卫地遥感信息的东北地区主要农作物生理参数反演研究(2010-2012) (9)国家重点自然基金课题:松嫩平原LUCC与湖沼生态系统演化的耦合机理(2011-2014) (10)国家自然基金面上项目:内陆浑浊水体叶绿素a与藻清蛋白(PC)遥感反演研究(2012-2015) (11)国家973计划专题:滨海湿地生态系统类型与格局演变规律研究 (2013-2017) (12)院重点部署项目之课题:土壤理化性质遥感模型研究(2013-2016) (13)中国科学院海外引进人才前期启动项目:内陆水体光学特性与水质遥感研究 (14)国防科工局高分系统重大专项“GF-5高光谱载荷的内陆水体参量反演技术-东北共性技术”(41-Y20A31-9003-15/17),宋开山,2016-2018 (15)国家自然科学基金面上项目“湖冰生物光学特性研究”(41471293),宋开山,2015-2018 (16)吉林省科技厅领军人才及创新团队项目吉林省“城市及饮用水体水质遥感创新团队”(20150519006JH),宋开山,2015-2017 (17)中国科学院“海外引进人才”项目“内陆水体光学特性与水质遥感研究”,宋开山,2014-2018 在研项目 (1)国家自然科学基金重点项目“咸水湖泊固有光学-偏振-介电特性研究”(41730104),宋开山,2018-2022 (2)国家科技部重点研发项目子课题“全球湿地动态变化检测及环境变化研究”(2016YFB0501502),宋开山,2016-2020 (3)国家科技部重点研发项目课题“水资源高效利用与安全保障综合管控平台”(2019YFC0409105),宋开山,2019-2022 专业与研究方向 专业 地图学与地理信息系统 方向 水体生物光学特性与水色遥感 内陆水体生产力与碳循环 土地利用及全球变化 招生专业 070503-地图学与地理信息系统 奖励信息 (1) 湖沼湿地生态环境演变过程与机理研究, 二等奖, 省级, 2017 (2) 吉林省自然科学学术成果奖, 一等奖, 省级, 2014 (3) 吉林省科学技术奖, 二等奖, 省级, 2013 (4) 第十二届全国青年地理科技奖, 国家级, 2013 专利成果 ( 1 ) 测定水体中有色溶解有机物吸收系数的方法, 发明, 2009, 第 3 作者, 专利号: 200910309611.3 ( 2 ) 水体中总颗粒物吸收系数及浮游植物吸收系数的测定方法, 发明, 2009, 第 3 作者, 专利号: 200910073205.1


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2020 Song, K. S.*, Ge Liu, Qiang Wang, Zhidan Wen, Lili Lyu, Yunxia Du, Linwei Sha,Chong Fang.2020. Quantification of lake clarity in China using Landsat OLI imagery data, Remote Sensing of Environment,243,111800 Ge Liu, Lin Li, Song, K. S., Yunmei Lib*, Heng Lyu, Zhidan Wen, Chong Fang, Shun Bi,Xiaoping Sun, Zongming Wang, Zhigang Cao, Yingxin Shang, Gongliang Yu, Zhubin Zheng,Changchun Huang, Yifan Xu, Kun Shi.2020. An OLCI-based algorithm for semi-empirically partitioning absorption coefficient and estimating chlorophyll a concentration in various turbid case-2 waters, Remote Sensing of Environment,239,111648 Zhidan Wen, Song, K. S.*, Lili Lyu, Chong Fang, Yingxin Shang, Ge Liu, Jia Du.2020. A national-scale data set for dissolved carbon and its spatial pattern in lakes and reservoirs across China,Scientific Data, 7:82 | https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-020-0419-5 Lili Lyu, Zhidan Wen, Pierre-Andre Jacinthe, Yingxin Shang, Ning Zhang, Ge Liu,Chong Fang, Junbin Hou, Song, K. S.*.2020.Absorption characteristics of CDOM in treated and non-treated urban lakes in Changchun, China, Environmental Research,182,109084 2019 Song, K. S.*, Yingxin Shang, Zhidan Wen, Pierre-Andre Jacinthe, Ge Liu ,Lili Lyu , Chong Fang.2019. Characterization of CDOM in saline and freshwater lakes across China using spectroscopic analysis, Water Research ,150 ,403-417. Song, K. S.*, Zhidan Wen, Pierre-André Jacinthe, Ying Zhao, Jia Du.2019. Dissolved carbon and CDOM in lake ice and underlying waters along a salinity gradient in shallow lakes of Northeast China. Journal of Hydrology ,571,545–558. Song, K. S.*, Sijia Li, Zhidan Wen, Lili Lyu, Yingxin Shang.2019. Characterization of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in lakes across the Tibet-Qinghai Plateau using spectroscopic analysis. Journal of Hydrology,579: 124190 Zhidan Wen , Song, K. S.*, Ge Liu, Yingxin Shang, Chong Fang , Jia Du , Lili Lyu.2019. Quantifying the trophic status of lakes using total light absorption of optically active components. Environmental Pollution, 245, 684-693. Zhidan Wen, Song, K. S.*, Ge Liu, Yingxin Shang,Junbin Hou, Lili Lyu, Chong Fang.2019. Impact factor of dissolved organic carbon and the transport in a river-lake continuum in the Tibet Plateau of China, Journal of Hydrology Zhidan Wen, Song, K. S.*, Ge Liu, Lili Lyu, Yingxin Shang, Chong Fang, Jia Du.2019. Characterizing DOC sources in China’s Haihe River basin using spectroscopy and stable carbon isotopes, Environmental Pollution Zhidan Wen, Song, K. S.*, Chong Fang, Qian Yang, Ge Liu, Yingxin Shang, Xiaodi Wang.2019. Estimation of Kd(PAR) in inland waters across China in relation to the light absorption of optically active components, Environmental Science and Pollution Research Fang Chong, WEN Zhidan, LI Lin, DU Jia, LIU Ge, WANG Xiaodi, Song, K. S.*.2019. Agricultural Development and Implication for Wetlands Sustainability:A Case from Baoqing County, Northeast China. Chinese Geographical Science,29(2),231-244. Qian Yang, Song, K. S.*, Zhidan Wen, Xiaohua Hao & Chong Fang.2019. Recent trends of ice phenology for eight large lakes using MODIS products in Northeast China. International Journal of Remote Sensing,40(14), 5388-5410 Yingxin Shang, Song, K. S.*, Pierre A. Jacinthe, Zhidan Wen, Lili Lyu, Chong Fang, Ge Liu.2019. Characterization of CDOM in reservoirs and its linkage to trophic status assessment across China using spectroscopic analysis,Journal of Hydrology,2019, 576: 1-11 Mu Guangyi, Chen Li, Hu Liangjun*, Song, K. S.*.2019. Remote Detection of Varying Water Storage in Relation to Surfacial Temperature of Aral Sea, Chinese Geographical Science,1002-0063 2018 Song, K., Wen, Z., Shang, Y., et al. 2018. Quantification of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) storage in lakes and reservoirs of mainland China. Journal of Environmental Management, 217, 391-402. Fang, C., Song, K., Li, L., et al. 2018. Spatial variability and temporal dynamics of HABs in Northeast China. Ecological Indicators, 90, 280-294. Wen, Z., Song, K., Shang, Y., et al. 2018. Differences in the distribution and optical properties of DOM between fresh and saline lakes in a semi-arid area of Northern China. Aquatic Sciences, 80(22), 1-12. Wen, ZD; Huang, XL ; Gao, DW; Liu, G; Fang, C; Shang, YX ; Du, J; Zhao, Y; Lv, LL; Song, KS. 2018. Phthalate esters in surface water of Songhua River watershed associated with land use types, Northeast China, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, DOI: 10.1007/s11356-017-1119-3. Shang, Y., Song, K., Wen, Z., et al. 2018. Characterization of CDOM absorption of reservoirs with its linkage of regions and ages across China. Environmental science and pollution research. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-018-1832-6. Kaishan Song, Zhidan Wen, Yijun Xu, Hong Yang, Lili Lyu, Ying Zhao, Chong Fang,Yingxin Shang, Jia Du.2018. Dissolved carbon in a large variety of lakes across five limnetic regions in China. Journal of Hydrology. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.05.072 Fang, C., Song, K.S., Shang, Y.X., et al., 2018. Remote sensing of harmful algal bloomsvariability for Lake Hulun using adjusted FAI (AFAI) algorithm. J. Environ. Inf. DOI: 10.3808/jei.201700385. Sijia Li, Hanyu Ju, Meichen Jia, Jiquan Zhang*, Song, K. S.*, Peng Chen, Guangyi Mu.2019. Terrestrial humic-like fluorescence peak of chromophoric dissolved organic matter as a new potential indicator tracing the antibiotics in typical polluted watershed, Journal of Environmental Management,2018,228:65-76 2017 Jin, X., Song, K., Du, J., et al. 2017. Comparison of different satellite bands and vegetation indices for estimation of soil organic matter based on simulated spectral configuration. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 244, 57-71. Song, K., Ma, J., Wen, Z., et al. 2017. Remote estimation of Kd (PAR) using MODIS and Landsat imagery for turbid inland waters in Northeast China. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 123, 159-172. Song, K., Zhao, Y., Wen, Z., et al. 2017. A systematic examination of the relationships between CDOM and DOC in inland waters in China. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 21(10), 5127-5141. Wen, Z., Song, K., Shang, Y., et al. 2017. Carbon dioxide emissions from lakes and reservoirs of China: A regional estimate based on the calculated pCO2. Atmospheric Environment, 170, 71-81. Zhao, Y., Song, K., Wen, Z., et al. 2017. Evaluation of CDOM sources and their links with water quality in the lakes of Northeast China using fluorescence spectroscopy. Journal of Hydrology, 550, 80-91. Zhao, Y., Song, K., Shang, Y., et al. 2017. Characterization of CDOM of river waters in China using fluorescence excitation-emission matrix and regional integration techniques. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, 122(8), 1940-1953. Liu, G ; Simis, SGH ; Li, L; Wang, Q; Li, YM; Song, KS; Lyu, H; Zheng, ZB ; Shi, K. 2017. A Four-Band Semi-Analytical Model for Estimating Phycocyanin in Inland Waters From Simulated MERIS and OLCI Data. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 56: 1374-1385. Li, SJ ; Chen, YN ; Zhang, JQ; Song, KS; Mu, GY; Sun, CY; Ju, HY ; Ji, MC. 2017. The relationship of chromophoric dissolved organic matter parallel factor analysis fluorescence and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in natural surface waters. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-018-1832-6. 王敏,梁雨华,马建行,马学垚,杜嘉,宋开山 基于MODIS数据的2015 年夏季全球大型湖泊表面温度格局初析 湿地科学,2017,15(4):571-581 侯军斌,郑喜珅,王铭,王敏,尚盈辛,宋开山 东北地区水库信息遥感提取与格局分析 湿地科学,2017,15(4):582-587 刘婷,刘兴土,杜嘉,宋开山 五个时期辽河三角洲滨海湿地格局及变化研究 湿地科学,2017,15(4):622-628 王铭,宋开山,马建行 2000—2014年东非断裂带湖泊群面积变化时间序列分析 遥感信息,2017,32(4):83-91 2016 Kaishan Song*, Min Wang, Jia Du, Yue Yuan, Jianhang Ma, Ming Wang, Guangyi Mu. 2016. Spatiotemporal variations of lake surface temperature across the Tibetan plateau using MODIS LST product. Remote Sensing, 8(10):854. doi:10.3390/rs8100854. Zhidan Wen, Kaishan Song*, Ying Zhao, Xiuliang Jin. 2016. Carbon dioxide and methane supersaturation in lakes of semi-humid/semi-arid region, Northestern China. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 304: 118-125. Zhidan Wen, Kaishan Song*, Ying Zhao, Jia Du, Jianhang Ma. 2016. Influence of environmental factors on spectral characteristic of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in Inner Mongolia Plateau, China. Wen, ZD; Song, KS; Zhao, Y ; Du, J; Ma, JH. Influence of environmental factors on spectral characteristic of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in Inner Mongolia Plateau, China. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 20(2): 787-801. Xiuliang Jin, Jia Du, Huanjun Liu, Zongming Wang, Kaishan Song*. 2016. Remote estimation of soil organic matter content in the Sanjiang Plain, Northest China: The optimal band algorithm versus the GRA-ANN model. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 218-219, 250-260. Ying Zhao, Kaishan Song*, Sijia Li, Jianhang Ma, Zhidan Wen. 2016. Seasonal characterization of CDOM for lakes in semiarid regions of Northeast China using excitation–emission matrix fluorescence and parallel factor analysis (EEM–PARAFAC). Biogeosciences, 13: 1635-1645. Ying Zhao, Kaishan Song*, Sijia Li, Jianhang Ma, Zhida Wen. 2016. Characterization of CDOM from urban waters in Northern-Northeastern China using excitation-emission matrix fluorescence and parallel factor analysis. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. DOI 10.1007/s11356-016-6703-4. Sijia Li, Kaishan Song*,Guangyi Mu, Ying Zhao,Jianhang Ma, Jianhua Ren. Evaluation of the quasi-analytical algorithm (QAA) for estimating total absorption coefficient of turbid inland waters in Northeast China. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 9(9):4022-4036. Tiantian Shao, Kaishan Song*, Jia Du, Ying Zhao, Zhiming Liu& Bai Zhang. Retrieval of CDOM and DOC using in situ hyperspectral data :a case study for potable waters in northeast China. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing,44:77-89. Jianhang Ma, Kaishan Song*, Zhidan Wen, Ying Zhao, Yingxin Shang, Chong Fang, Jia Du. Spatial distribution of diffuse attenuation of photosynthetic active radiation and its main regulating factors in inland waters of Northeast China. Remote Sensing/2016,8(11):964. 马建行, 宋开山*,邵田田,赵莹,温志丹. 基于HJ-CCD和MODIS的吉林省中西部湖泊透明度反演对比. 湖泊科学,28(3):661-668. 邵田田, 宋开山*,丁智,赵莹,王铭,杜嘉,张柏. 辽河水体光学吸收特性的季节变化. 生态学报, 36(7):1861-1871. 臧菁菁, 李国柱, 宋开山*, 金秀良, 马建行, 李博男. 1975~2014年巴尔喀什湖水体面积的变化. 湿地科学,14(3):368-375. 温志丹, 宋开山*,赵莹,邵田田,李思佳. 2016. 长春城市水体夏秋季温室气体排放特征. 环境科学, 37(1): 102-111. 李思佳, 宋开山*, 赵莹, 穆光熠, 邵田田, 马建行. 查干湖和新立城水库秋季水体悬浮颗粒物和 CDOM 吸收特性. 环境科学, 37(1): 112-122. 2015 Shang, Y., Yu, X., Romero-González M. 2015. Screening of algae material as a filter for heavymetals in drinking water. Algal Research-Biomass Biofuels and Bioproducts,12:258-261. Du, J., Song, K., Wang Z. 2015. Estimation of water consumption and productivity for rice through integrating remote sensing and census data in the Songnen Plain, China. Paddy and Water Environment,13(1):91-99. Song, K., Li, L., Lenore, T., et al. 2015. Spectral characterization of colored dissolved organic matter for productive inland waters and its source analysis. Chinese Geographical Science, 5: 25(3): 295-308. Lu D., Song K., Zang S., et al. 2015. The Effect of Urban Expansion on Urban Surface Temperature in Shenyang, China: an Analysis with Landsat Imagery, Environmental Modeling Assessment, 20(3): 197-210. Zhao, Y., Song, K., Du, J., et al. 2015. Fluorescence Excitation-emission Matrices Characterization of DOM for Urban Waters across the Changchun City, Northeast China, 2014 International Conference on water resource and environmental protection. 2014 Song, K. S., Li, L., Tedesco, L., Li, S., Hall, B., Du, J. 2014. Remote quantification of phycocyanin in potable water sources through an adaptive model. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, DOI: 10.1016/j.isprs.2014.06.008 Song, K. S., Li, L., Tedesco, L., Li, S., Shi, K., Hall, B. 2014. Remote Estimation of Nutrients for a Drinking Water Source through Adaptive Modeling. Water Resources Management, DOI: 10.1007/s11269-014-0627-x Song, K. S., Wang, Z.M., Du, J., Liu, L., Zeng, L.H., Ren, C.Y. 2014. Wetland degradation, driving forces and its environmental impacts in the Sanjiang Plain, China. Environmental Management, DOI: 10.1007/s00267-014-0278-y. Song, K. S., Li, L., Tedesco, L., Clercin, N., Li, L.H., Shi, K. 2014. Spectral Characterization of Colored Dissolved Organic Matter for Productive Inland Waters and Its Source Analysis. 24(2). DOI: 10.1007/s11769-014-0000-0. Song, K. S., Li, L., Li, S., Tedesco, L., Duan, H. T., Li, Z. C., Shi, K., Du, J., Zhao, Y., Shao, T. T. 2014. Using Partial Least Squares-Artificial Neural Network for Inversion of Inland Water Chlorophyll-a. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 52: 1502-1517. Song, K. S., Li, L., Duan, H. T., Tedesco, L., Li, L. H., Du, J. 2014. Remote quantification of total suspended matter through empirical approaches for inland waters. Journal of Environmental Informatics, 23(1): 23-36. 2013 Song, K. S., Li, L., Li, Z. C., Tedesco, L., Hall, B., Shi, K. 2013. Remote detection of cyanobacteria through phycocyanin for water supply source using three-band model. Ecological Informatics, 15, 22-33. Song, K. S., Li, L., Tedesco, L., Clercin, N., Hall, B., Li, S., Shi, K., Liu, D. W., Sun, Y. 2013. Remote estimation of phycocyanin (PC) for inland waters coupled with YSI PC fluorescence probe. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 20(8): 5330-5340. Song, K. S., Zang, S. Y., Zhao, Y., Li, L., Du, J., Zhang, N. N., Wang, X. D., Shao, T. T., Liu, L., Guan, Y., 2013. Spatiotemporal characterization of dissolved Carbon for inland waters in semi-humid/semiarid region, China. Hydrology and Earth System Science, 17, 4269-4281. Shi, K., Li, Y. M., Li, L., Lu, H., Song, K. S., Liu, Z. H., Xu, Y. F., Li, Z. C. 2013. Remote chlorophyll-a estimates for inland waters based on a cluster-based classification. Science of the Total Environment, 444: 1-15. Li, Z. C., Li, L., Song, K. S., Cassar, N. 2013. Estimation of Phytoplankton Size Fractions Based on Spectral Features of Remote Sensing Ocean Color Data. Journal of Geophysical Research, Doi: 10.1002/jgrc.20137. 2012 Song, K. S., Li, L., Li, S., Tedesco, L., Li, L. H., Hall, B. 2012. Hyperspectral remote sensing of total phosphorus (TP) in three central Indiana water supply reservoirs. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 223(4): 1481-1502. Song, K. S., Lu, D. M., Li, L., Li, S, Wang, Z. M., Du, J. 2012. Remote sensing of chlorophyll-a concentration for drinking water source using genetic algorithms (GA)-partial least square (PLS) modeling. Ecological Informactics, 10: 25-36. Song, K. S., Li, L., Li, S., Tedesco, L., Hall, B., Li, Z. C. 2012. Hyperspectral retrieval of phycocyanin in potable water sources using genetic algorithm-partial least squares (GA–PLS) modeling. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 18: 368-385. Song, K. S., Li, L., Tedesco, L. P., Li, S., Clercin, A. N., Hall, B., Li, Z. C., Shi, K. 2012. Hyperspectral determination of eutrophication for a water supply source via genetic algorithm-partial least squares (GA–PLS) modeling. Science of the Total Environment, 426: 220-232. Song, K. S., Wang, Z. M., Li, L., Xu, J. P. 2012. Retrieval of total suspended matter and chlorophyll-a using remote sensing data for drinking water resources. Environmental Monitoring and assessment, 184: 1449–1470. Tang, X. G., Wang, Z. M., Liu, D. W., Song, K. S., Jia, M. M., Dong, Z. Y., Munger, J. W., Hollinger, D. Y., Bolstad, P. V., Goldstein, A. H., Desai, A. R., Dragoni, D., Liu, X. P. 2012. Estimating the net ecosystem exchange for the major forests in the northern United States by integrating MODIS and AmeriFlux data. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 156: 75–84. Li, L. H., Li, L., Shi, K., Li, Z. C., Song, K. S. 2012. A semi-analytical algorithm for remote estimation of phycocyanin in inland waters. Science of the Total Environment, 435-436: 141–150. 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