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康 乐,中国科学院院士,发展中国家科学院院士,国际欧亚科学院院士,中科院动物所杰出研究员,我国著名生态学家和昆虫学家。现任河北大学校长、中科院北京生命科学院院长、中国科学院大学生命科学院院长,中国科学院大学学位委员会副主任。长期从事生态基因组学研究,是国际上生态基因组学研究的领衔科学家、国家“973”项目首席科学家和基金委创新团队学术带头人,也是国际上几个重要学术期刊的主编和编委。他将基因组学与生态学结合,系统研究动物的适应性和表观可塑性


1. 生态基因组学 在基因组、转录组以及表观遗传水平系统研究昆虫对环境的适应性。 2. 表型可塑性研究 研究蝗虫多型、生态免疫、繁殖、衰老和行为的可塑性,为建立相关疾病模型奠定基础。 3. 神经生物学及行为 研究神经系统和行为对种内和种间信息化合物的识别、响应机制


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Guo X.J., Ma Z.Y., Yang P.C., Kang L. 2018, Dop1 enhances conspecific olfactory attraction by inhibiting miR-9a maturation in locusts. Nature Communication. DOI : 10.1038/s41467-018-03437-z Chen B. , Zhang B. , Xu L.L., Li Q., Jiang F., Yang P.C., Xu Y.N., Kang L.2017. Transposable Element-Mediated Balancing Selection at Hsp90 Underlies Embryo Developmental Variation. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 34(5):1127-1139. Hou L., Yang P.C., Jiang F., Liu Q. Wang X.H., Kang L. 2017. The neuropeptide F/nitric oxide pathway is essential for shaping locomotor plasticity underlying locust phase transition. eLife, 6:e22526.DOI:10.7554/eLife.22526 Wang W, Zhao W, Li J, Luo L., Kang L., Cui F. 2017. The c-Jun N-terminal kinase pathway of a vector insect is activated by virus capsid protein and promotes viral replication. eLife. 6: e26591. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.26591. Chen B. ①, Ma R.H. ①., Ding D., Wei L.Y. Kang L.2017. Aerobic respiration by hemocyanin in the embryo of the migratory locust. Insect Molecular Biology, 26(4):461-468. Wang Z.M., Yang L.B., Song J.S., Kang L., Zhou S.T.2017. An Isoform of Taiman that Contains a PRD-Repeat Motif Is Indispensable for Transducing the Vitellogenic Juvenile Hormone Signal in Locusta migratoria. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 82: 31-40 Luo M.W., Li D, Wang Z.M., Guo W, Kang L., Zhou S.T.2017.Juvenile Hormone Differentially Regulates Two Grp78 Genes Encoding Protein Chaperones Required for Insect Fat Body Cell Homeostasis and Vitellogenesis. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 292(21): 8823-8834 Jiang F. ①, Liu Q. ①, Wang Y.L., Zhang J., Wang H.M., Song T.Q., Yang M.L., Wang X.H., Kang L. 2017. Comparative genomic analysis of SET-domain family reveals the origin, expansion, and putative function of the arthropod-specific SmydA genes as histone modifiers in insects. GigaScience, DOI: 10.1093/gigascience/gix031 Zhu J.J.①,Jiang F. ①, Wang X.H., Yang P.C., Zhao W, Wang W, Kang L., Cui F. 2017. Genome Sequence of the Small Brown Planthopper Laodelphax striatellus. GigaScience, doi: 10.1093/gigascience/gix109 Wei J.N., Shao W.B., Wang X.H., Ge J., Chen X.Y., Yu D., Kang L. 2017. Composition and emission dynamics of migratory locust volatiles in response to changes in developmental stages and population density. Insect Science 24(1): 60-72. Cui N. ①, Yang P.C. ①, Guo K., Kang L., Cui F. 2017. Large-Scale Gene Expression Reveals Different Adaptations of Hyalopterus persikonus to Winter and Summer Host Plants. Insect Science 24(3): 431-442. Hou L., Yang P.C., Jiang F., Liu Q. Wang X.H., Kang L. 2017. The neuropeptide F/nitric oxide pathway is essential for shaping locomotor plasticity underlying locust phase transition. eLife, DOI:10.7554/eLife.22526 Chen B., Zhang B., Xu L.L., Li Q., Jiang F., Yang P.C., Xu Y.N., Kang L., 2017. Transposable Element-Mediated Balancing Selection at Hsp90 Underlies Embryo Developmental Variation. Molecular Biology and Evolution. doi:10.1093/molbev/msx062 Jiang F. ①, Liu Q. ①, Wang Y.L., Zhang J., Wang H.M., Song T.Q., Yang M.L., Wang X.H., Kang L. 2017. Comparative genomic analysis of SET-domain family reveals the origin, expansion, and putative function of the arthropod-specific SmydA genes as histone modifiers in insects. GigaScience, DOI: 10.1093/gigascience/gix031 He, J. ①, Chen, Q.Q. ①, Wei, Y.Y. ①, Jiang, F., Yang, M.L., Hao, S.G., Guo, X.J., Chen, D.F., Kang, L. 2016.MicroRNA-276 promotes egg hat ching synchrony by upregulating brm in locusts. Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 113:584-589. Yang M.L. ①, Wang Y.L. ①, Jiang F., Song T.Q., Wang H.M., Liu Q, Zhang J., Zhang J.Z.., Kang L., 2016. miR-71 and miR-263 Jointly Regulate Target Genes Chitin synthase and Chitinase to Control Locust Molting. PLoS Genetics 12:e1006257. Wang,X.H., Kang,L. 2014.Molecular mechanisms of phase change in locusts. Annual Review of Entomology, 59:225-43. Wang, X.H. ①, Fang, X.D. ①, Yang, P.C. ①, Jiang, X.T. ①, Jiang, F. ①, Zhao, D.J., Li B., Cui, F., Wei, J.N., Ma, C., Wang, Y.D., He, J., Luo Y., Wang, Z.F., Guo, X.J., Guo W., Wang X., Zhang Y., Yang M.L., Hao S.G., Chen B., Ma Z.Y., Yu D., Xiong Z., Zhu Y., Fan D., Han L., Wang B., Chen Y., Wang J., Yang L., Zhao W., Feng Y., Chen G., Lian J., Li Q., Huang Z., Yao X., Lv N., Zhang G., Li Y., Wang J., Wang, J., Zhu B. Kang, L., 2014. Locust genome sequence provides insight into swarm formation and long-distance flight. Nature Communications, 10.1038/ncomms3957. Yang, M.L.①, Wei, Y.Y.①, Jiang, F.①, Wang, Y.L., Guo, X.J., He, J., Kang, L. 2014. MicroRNA-133 Inhibits Behavioral Aggregation by Controlling Dopamine Synthesis in Locusts. PLoS Genetics,10(2): e1004206. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1004206 Wang, Y.D., Yang, P.C., Cui, F., Kang, L. 2013. Altered Immunity in Crowded Locust Reduced Fungal (Metarhizium anisopliae) Pathogenesis. PLoS Pathogens, DOI:10.1371/journal.ppat.1003102.
