CuiLei, Chen Guorong, Hexiaopeng, Recentprogress in quantum dot based sensor, RSC advance, acceptted
Hui Li,Yongdong Li, Lei Cui, Biyuan Wang,Wenli Cui, Minghua Li, Yingsheng Cheng*,Monitoring Pancreatic Carcinogenesis by the Molecular Imaging of Cathepsin E InVivo Using Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy, PLOS ONE, DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0106566
Lei Cui*, Zhe-Peng Liu, Deng-GuangYu* Shu-Ping Zhang, SW AnnieBligh, Na Zhao, Electrosprayed core-shell nanopartciles of PVP 1 and shellacfor furnishing biphasic controlled release of ferulic acid, Colloidand Polymer Science, 2014,292(9), 2089-2096.
Lei Cui*, Chunfei Ji, Zhixing Peng, Lin Zhong, Chaohui Zhou,Luliang Yan, Song Qu, Shuping Zhang, Chusen Huang, Xuhong Qian and Yufang Xu*,Unique Tri-Output Optical Probe for Specific and Ultrasensitive Detection ofHydrazine, Anal. Chem. 2014, 86(9), 4611–4617
Lei Cui*, Zhixing Peng, Chunfei Ji, Dongting Huang, Jie Ma,Shuping Zhang*, Xuhong Qian and Yufang Xu*, Hydrazine detection in the gasstate and aqueous solution based on the Gabriel mechanism and its imaging inliving cells , Chem. Commun., 2014, 50, 1485-1487
L. Cui, ping w Zhu; Fang Y Xu, Dr.;Hong X Qian, A novel ratiometric sensor for the fast detection ofpalladium species with large red-shift and high resolution both in aqueoussolution and solid state,Analytica Chimica Acta, 2013, 786, 139-145.
Lei Cui, Xiao-Peng He, Li-Xin Gao, Jia Li,* and Guo-RongChen*, Click Synthesis oftriazolyl Phenylalaninyl and Tyrosinyl Derivatives as New Protein TyrosinePhosphatase Inhibitors, Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry,2013, 50, 684-688.
Zhe-PengLiu*, Lei Cui, Deng-GuangYu*,Zhuan-xia Zhao, Lan Chen, Electrosprayed core-shell solid dispersions ofacyclovir fabricated using an epoxy-coated concentric spray head,International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2014,9, 1967-1977
LauraDiaz, Daninel Lee, Lei Cui, XinLiang, Yingsheng Cheng, Hui Li, In vivo imaging of T cells loaded with goldnanoparticles: a pilot study, La Radiologia Medica, 2014, 119,269-276.
XinWang, Lei Cui, Nannan Zhou, WeipingZhu, Rui Wang, Xu Hong Qian, Yufang Xu,, Yufang Xu,A highly selective and sensitive near-infrared fluorescence probefor arylamine N-acetyltransferase 2 in vitro and in vivo, Chemical Science, 2013,4, 2936-2940.
TingGuo, Lei Cui, Jiaoning Shen, WeipingZhu, Yufang xu and Xu Hong Qian, Highly Sensitive Long-wavelength FluorescenceProbe for Nitroreductase and Hypoxia: Selective Detection and Quantification, Chem.Commun., 2013, 49, 10820-10822
TingGuo, Lei Cui, Jiaoning Shen, RuiWang, Weiping Zhu, Yufang Xu and Xuhong Qian*, A dual-emission and large Stokesshift fluorescence probe for real-time discrimination of ROS/RNS and imaging inlive cells, Chem. Commun. 2013, 49, 1862-1864
Deng-GuangYu, Fang Liu, Lei Cui, Zhe-Peng Liu,Xia Wang and S. W. Annie Bligh, Coaxial electrospinning using a concentricTeflon spinneret to prepare biphasic-release nanofibers of helicid, RSCAdvances, 2013, 3, 17775-17783.
Lei Cui, Ye Zhong, WeipingZhu, Yufang Xu*, Xuhong Qian*,Selective and Sensitive Detection and Quantification of ArylamineN-Acetyltransferase 2 by a Ratiometric Fluorescence Probe,Chem. Commun.,2010, 46, 7121- 7123 (Highlightsin Chemical Biology, Predicting drug response, Harriet Brewerton, 27 August2010)
L. Cui, Y. Zhong, W. Zhu, Q. Du, Y. Xu,X.Qian, Y. Xiao, A Novel Prodrug-Derived Ratiometric Fluorescent Probe forHypoxia: High Selectivity of Nitroreductase and Imaging in Tumor Cell,Org.Let., 2011, 13, 928-931.