胡正飞著, 《马氏体耐热钢的应用研究与评价》(国家科学技术学术著作出版基金),北京:科学出版社,ISBN:978-7-03-057477-0, 2018.9.
Zhen Zhang, ZhengfeiHu, and Siegfried Schmauder. Fatigue Behavior of 9–12% CrFerritic-Martensitic Steel, in Handbook of Mechanicsof Materials, Chun-Hway Hsueh ed. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018(ISBN978-981-10-6855-3)
Hu Zheng-Fei, Chap.10 Heat-resistant steels, microstructureevolution and life assessment in power plants. Thermal Power Plant(ISBN:978-953-307-952-3),Mohammad Rasul ed.,InTech. pp195-226,2012.1
Zhen Zhang, Haoyun Tu, Zhengfei Hu,Yan Li, Baosen Zhang, Zhangzhong Wang. Experimental and numerical investigationof low-cycle fatigue behavior of 9Cr ferritic-martensitic steel at roomtemperature. Mat Design Process Comm. 2020:1–10.
Hu Zheng-Fei, Li Xiang-Yang, Zhang Yan. High resolution investigation on the NiAu Ohmic contactto p-AlGaN|GaN heterostructure, Physicsof the Solid State, 2019: 61(12): 2295-2301.
Hu Zheng-Fei, Zhang Zhen. Investigation intothe effect of precipitating characteristics on the creep behavior of HR3Caustenitic steel at 650℃, Mater. Sci & Eng. A, 2019,742: 451-463.
Sun, Haixiang; Hu,Zhengfei*, Electrochemical Behavior of Al-1.5Mg-0.05Sn-0.01Ga Alloyin KOH Ethanol-Water Solutions for Al-Air Battery, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2019, 166(12):A2477-A2484.
Yao, Cheng; Hu,Zhengfei; Mo, Fan; Wang, Yu,Fabrication and Fatigue Behavior of Aluminum FoamSandwich Panel via Liquid Diffusion Welding Method, Metals, 2019, 9(5): 582
ZhenZhang, Zhengfei Hu, Siegfried Schmauderd, Baosen Zhang, Zhangzhong Wang, Lowcycle fatigue properties and microstructure of P92 ferritic-martensitic steelat room temperature and 873 K, Mater. Character. 2019,157,109923
Ren, Cheng Xu; Hu, Zheng Fei;Yao, Cheng; Mo, Fan,Experimentalstudy on the quasi-static compression behavior of multilayer aluminum foamsandwich structure,Journal ofAlloys and Compounds, 2019, 810:UNSP 151860.
Xu, Ting; Hu,Zhengfei; Yao, Cheng,The effects of Ca additionon corrosion and discharge performance of commercial pure aluminum alloy 1070as anode for Aluminum-air battery,International Journal ofElectrochemical Science, 2019, 14(3): 2606-262
ZhangZ; Hu Z F; Singh P M; Li X; Xiong S; Fang X X, Microstructure Evolution and Stress Corrosion CrackingSusceptibility of 12Cr Martensitic Steel Upon Long-Term Service in Power Plants,Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2019, 28(2): 995-1006.
Zhang Zhen,Hu Zheng-Fei, P. Singh, Effect of temperature and dissolved oxygen on stress corrosion crackingbehavior of P92 martensitic steel in supercritical water environment, Journalof Nuclear Materials, 2018, v 498(1), p 89-102
王宇,胡正飞,姚骋,张振,许婷. 液态扩散焊制备泡沫铝夹芯板及其疲劳行为,复合材料学报,2018,35(6):1653-1660
胡正飞著, 马氏体耐热钢的应用研究与评价,北京:科学出版社,ISBN: 978-7-03-057477-0, 2018.9.
Zhen Zhang, ZhengfeiHu, Haoyun Tu, Siegfried Schmauder, Gaoxiang Wu. Microstructure evolutionin HR3C austenitic steel during long-term creep at 650 °C, Materials Science& Engineering A ,2017,681: 74–84
童慧,胡正飞,祁昌亚,单既万,何大海,莫凡. SiC分散性对AlSiC复合材料力学性能及组织结构的影响. 材料热处理学报, 2016, 37(12): 1-6.
Zhang Zhen, HuZheng-Fei, S. Schmauder. Cyclic behaviour of 12% Cr ferritic-martensiticsteel upon long-term on-site service in power plants, Fatigue & FractureEngineering Materials & Structure, 2016, 39(10): 1179-1192.
张振, 胡正飞, 张乐福, 溶解氧对P92钢超临界水环境中应力腐蚀开裂的影响 ,材料热处理学报,2016, 37(9): 105-111.
Zhang,Zhen; Hu, ZhengFei; Schmauder, Siegfried; et al. Low-Cycle Fatigue Properties of P92Ferritic-Martensitic Steel at Elevated Temperature. J.Mater.Eng. & Perf. 2016, 25(4): 1650-1662.
童慧,胡正飞,祁昌亚,单既万,何大海,莫凡. Ca 含量对SiC/Al 泡沫复合材料性能和结构的影响。复合材料学报,2016, 33(11): 2576-2583.
HuZheng-Fei,Mo-Fan, et al. Application ofaluminum foam and composite panels in railway vehicles. Proc. of the FirstInternational Seminar of Rolling Stock Composites Materials, Dec.3-5, Zhuzhou,China, pp475-482.
HuZheng-Fei. Spinning andheat-treatment effects on performance and microstructure of maraging steel. ACSR-Advances in Comptuer Science Research. 2015,Vol.15: 1236-1242.
张振,胡正飞. 温度对P92 耐热钢高温水中应力腐蚀开裂行为的影响. 材料热处理学报,2015,36(8):121-125.
Zhang Zhen, HuZheng-Fei et al. TheCorrosion behavior of P92 martensitic heat-resistant steel in water andchloride environment, J. Eng. Mater. Tech., 2015, 137(3),031009(7pp)
Zhang Zhen, HuZheng-Fei et al. Low cyclefatigue behavior and cyclic softening of P92 ferritic-martensitic steel. J.Iron & Steel Res Inter. 2015, 22(6): 534-542.
Hu Zheng-Fei, He Da-hai, Mo Fan. Carbides Evolution in 12Cr Martensitic Heat-resistant Steel withLife Depletion for Long-term Service. J. Iron & Steel Res Inter. 2015, 22(3):250-255.
王岗,胡正飞,服役 230000 h 的 X20 马氏体耐热钢主蒸汽管道的组织和性能,金属热处理,2014,35(1): 60-65.
Hu Zheng-Fei, He Da-hai and Wu Xi-mao, Failure analysis of T12boiler re-heater tubes during short-term service. Fail. Anal & Prev. 2014,14: 637-644.
严益民,胡正飞,林富生,赵双群. 长期服役对30Cr1MoV钢疲劳断裂性能和组织结构的影响,材料热处理学报, 2013,34(1): 60-63.
黄竹平,胡正飞,王起江. HR3C奥氏体耐热钢的持续性能与断裂行为. 材料热处理学报,3013,34(11): 61-66.
Hu Zheng-Fei, WangQi-Jiang, Jiang Kai-Yan. Microstructureevolution in 9Cr martensiticsteel during long-term creep at 650℃. J. Iron & Steel Res Inter., 2012,19(7):55-59.
Hu Zheng-Fei, WangChun-Xun.Shrinkage Behavior in Spun Tube of MaragingSteel during Heat-treatment. J. Iron & Steel Res Inter., 2012,19(5):63-68.
严益民,胡正飞,等汽轮机转子30Cr1Mo1V钢长期服役状态下的高温疲劳行为,材料工程,2012,38(11): 38-41+96
袁超,胡正飞,吴细毛. 热电厂15CrMo锅炉管的高温蒸汽氧化研究,材料热处理学报,2012,33(6): 90-95
Jian Cao, Yi Gong,Zhen-Guo Yang, Xiao-Ming Luo, Zheng-Fei Hu., Creep fracture behavior of dissimilar weld jointsbetween T92 martensitic and HR3C austenitic steels. International journal of pressure vessels andpiping, 2011, 88(2-3) : 94-98.
Gong Yi,Cao Jian, Yang Zhen-Guo, Luo Xiao-Ming, Yang Zhen-Guo, Gu Fu-Ming, Qi An-Fang;, HuZheng-Fei. Assessment of creep rupture properties for dissimilar steels weldedjoints between T92 and HR3C.Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 2011, 34(2): 83-89.
Mo D F, He GQ, Hu Zhengfei, Liu XS, Zhang WH, Effect ofmicrostructures on strain hardening exponent prediction of cast aluminum alloy.Acta metallurgica sinica, 2010, 46 (2): 184-188.
Mo D F, He GQ, Hu Zhengfei, Liu XS, Zhang WH, Effect of microstructural features on fatiguebehavior in A319-T6 aluminum alloy. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2010, 527( 15), 3420-3426.
Hu Zhengei, Wu Ximao,Zhang Bin, Lu Changzhen.Evolution of carbides in 12%Cr heat-resistant steels after long-term service.J. Chinese Soc. Power Eng.,2010,30(4): 269-274
张斌,胡正飞. 9Cr马氏体耐热钢的发展及其蠕变寿命预测,钢铁研究学报,2010,22(1): 26-31