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招生专业 070104-应用数学 招生方向 自动推理,符号计算研究,智能软件开发 教育背景 1988-09--1990-07 美国Texas大学 博士后 1984-09--1988-07 中科院系统所 博士 1980-09--1984-07 国防科学技术大学 学士 学历 -- 研究生 学位 -- 博士 工作经历 1991.12—1997.12 中科院系统科学研究所 副研 1993—1996 美国Wichita州立大学, 访问学者 1997.12—1998.12 中科院系统科学研究所 研究员 1998.12— 中科院数学与系统科学研究院 研究员、 系统科学研究所 所长(2003-2011) 副院长(2012-2016) 教授课程 数学机械化 奖励信息 (1) “十一五”国家科技计划执行,国家级,2011 (2) ISSAC杰出论文奖,其他级,2011 (3) 中创软件人才奖,其他级,2006 (4) 中国科学院先进工作者,院级级,2006 (5) 数学与系统科学研究院突出成果,研究所(学校)级,2003 (6) 第一届中国科协期刊优秀学术论文,部委级,2003 (7) 中国科学院盈科优秀青年学者,院级级,2000 (8) ATCM“最佳论文奖”,其他级,1999 (9) 求是杰出青年学者奖,其他级,1999 (10) 中科院(十大)杰出青年,院级级,1999 (11) 中科院有突出贡献的中青年专家,院级级,1998 (12) 中科院青年科学家一等奖,院级级,1997 (13) 国家自然科学二等奖,国家级,1997 (14) 中国科学院自然科学一等奖,院级级,1995 专利成果 (1) 一种由圆柱副、圆柱副和球面副构成的并联机构,发明,2008,第1作者,专利号:ZL 2006 1 0109345.6 (2) 由圆柱副、圆柱副和球面副构成的并联机构,发明,2007,第1作者,专利号:ZL 2004 1 0073712.2 (3) 数控系统基于多周期最优拐角的小直线段插补方法,发明,2010,第4作者,专利号:ZL200910083950.4 (4) 基于二次B样条曲线对G01代码的拟合及插补方法,发明,2009,第5作者,专利号:ZL200910082732.9 (5) 基于曲面重构的三轴数控机床刀具的半径补偿方法,发明,2010,第2作者,专利号:ZL200910089707.3 科研项目 1. 国家基金委优秀创新群体,“数学机械化及其在信息技术中的应用”,2009 – 2014,学术带头人。 2. 973项目:“数学机械化与数字化设计制造”,2011-2015,任首席科学家。 3. 973项目:“数学机械化方法及其在信息技术中的应用”,2004-2009,首席科学家。 4. 973项目:“数学机械化与自动推理平台”,1998-2003,首席科学家。 5. 国家杰出青年基金,1998—2001。 6. 中国科学院重要方向性项目,“基于数学机械化方法的数控系统研制”,2008-2010,项目共同负责人。 7. 中科院****,2001-2004。 8. 国家攀登计划“数学机械化及其应用”子项目,1997。 9. 国家攀登计划“机器证明及其应用”子项目,1992-1996。 10. 美国自然科学基金 CCR-0201253, 2002-2005,“Automated Geometry Reasoning and Methods of Diagram Generation”, 主要研究人员 (CO-PI)。 11. 863项目:“吴方法计算机软件研究”,1991-1993。


数学机械化,计算代数几何,符号计算, 自动推理,智能CAD,数控算法


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

(1)、Monographs 1. S.C. Chou, X.S. Gao, and J.Z. Zhang, Machine Proof in Geometry, World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 1994. 2. X.S. Gao, J. Z. Zhang and S. C. Chou, Geometry Expert (Chinese), Chiu Chang Mathematics Publishers, Taipei, 1998. 3. X.S. Gao, D. Wang, Z Qiu, and H Yang, Equations Solving and Machine Proofs, Science Press, Beijing, 2006. (2)、Edited Books 4. A. Cohen, X.S. Gao, N. Takayama (eds), Mathematical Software, World Scientific Pub., Singapore, 2002 5. X.S. Gao and D. M. Wang (eds), Mathematics Mechanization with Applications, Academic Press, London, 2000. 6. X.S. Gao and D. Wang, Computer Mathematics-Proc. of ASCM'2000, World Scientific, Singapore, 2000. 7. X.S. Gao, D. M. Wang abd L. Yang (eds), Automated Deduction in Geometry, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1999. (3)、Journal Papers 1. W. Li, C.M. Yuan, X.S. Gao. Sparse Differential Resultant for Laurent Differential Polynomials. Foundations of Computational Mathematics, 15(2), 451-517, 2015. 2. W. Li, C.M. Yuan, X.S. Gao. Sparse Difference Resultant. Accepted by Journal of Symbolic Computation, 2014. 68, 169-203, 2015. 3. J.S. Cheng and X.S. Gao. Multiplicity-preserving triangular set decomposition of two polynomials. J Syst Sci Complex, 27(6), 2014. 4. J.X. Guo, K. Zhang, Q. Zhang, X.S. Gao, Efficient Time Optimal Feedrate Planning under Dynamic Constraints for High-order CNC Servo System. Computer-Aided Design, 45,1538-1546,2013. 5. W. Fan, X.S. Gao, C.H. Lee, K. Zhang, Q. Zhang. Time-Optimal Interpolation for Five-axis CNC Machining along Parametric Tool Path based on Linear Programming. Int J Adv Manuf Technol, 69(5), 1373-1388, 2013. 6. L. Han, X.S. Gao, H. Li, Space Cutter Radius Compensation Method for Free Form Surface End Milling. Int J Adv Manuf Technol, 67, 2563-2575, 2013. 7. K. Zhang, C.M. Yuan, X.S. Gao. Efficient Algorithm for Feedrate Planning and Smoothing with Confined Chord Error and Acceleration for Each Axis. Int J Adv Manuf Technol. 66(9), 1685-1697, 2013. 8. K. Zhang, J.X. Guo, X.S. Gao. Cubic Spline Trajectory Generation with Axis Jerk and Tracking Error Constraints. Int J Precis Eng Manuf, 14(7), 1141-1146, 2013. 9. J.X. Guo, Q. Zhang, X.S. Gao, Tracking Error Reduction in CNC Machining by Reshaping the Kinematic Trajectory. J Syst Sci Complex, 26(5), 800-817, 2013. 10. X.S. Gao, W. Li, C.M. Yuan, Intersection Theory for Generic Differential Polynomials and Differential Chow Form. Accepted by Trans. Amer. Math. Soc, 365(9), 4575-4632, 2013. 11. W. Li and X.S. Gao. Chow form for projective differential variety. Journal of Algebra, 370(2012) 344–360。 12. X.S. Gao and Z. Huang. Characteristic Set Algorithms for Equation Solving in Finite Fields. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 47 (2012) 655-679. 13. J.S. Cheng,X.S. Gao,L. Guo. Root Isolation of Zero-dimensional Polynomial Systems with Linear Univariate Representation. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 47 (2012) 843-858. 14. L.Y. Shen, C.M. Yuan, X.S. Gao. Certified approximation of parametric space curves with cubic B-spline curves. Computer Aided Geometric Design, 29 (2012) 648-663. 15. S.W. Zhao, R. Feng, and X.S. Gao. On Functional Decompisition of Multivariate Polynomials with Differentiation and Homogenization. J Syst Sci Complex, 25(2), 329-347, 2012. 16. Zhang K., Gao X.S., Li H.B., Yuan C.M. A greedy algorithm for feed-rate planning of CNC machines along curved tool paths with confined jerk for each axis. Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 28 (2012) 472-483. 17. Fan W., Gao X.S., Yan W., Yuan C.M. Interpolation of parametric CNC machining path under confined jounce. Int J Adv Manuf Technol. 62, 719–739, 2012 18. L.X. Zhang, R.Y. Sun, X.S. Gao, H. Li, High speed interpolation for micro-line trajectory and adaptive real-time lookahead in CNC machining. Science China, Series F, 54(6), 1481-1495, 2011. 19. M. Zhang, W. Yan, C.M. Yuan, D.K. Wang, X.S. Gao. Curve fitting and optimal interpolation on CNC machines based on quadratic B-splines. Science China, Series E, 54(7): 1407-1418, 2011. 20. L. Shen, E. Chionh, X.S. Gao, J. Li. Proper Reparametrization for inherently improper unirational varieties. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 24(2), 367-380, 2011. 21. Z. Ye, S.C. Chou, X.S. Gao, Visually Dynamic Presentation of Proofs in Plane Geometry, Part 1. Basic Features and the Manual Input Method. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 45, 213–241, 2010. 22. Z. Ye, S.C. Chou, X.S. Gao, Visually Dynamic Presentation of Proofs in Plane Geometry, Part 2. Automated Generation of Visually Dynamic Presentations with the Full-Angle Method and the Deductive Database Method. Journal of Automated Reasoning, 45, 213–241, 2010. 23. X.S. Gao and Z. Huang, Characteristic Set Algorithms for Equation Solving in Finite Fields. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 47 655–679, 2012. 24. M. Zhang, W. Yan, C.M. Yuan, D. Wang, X.S. Gao, Curve fitting and time-optimal interpolation on CNC machines. Accepted by Science China, Series E. 25. L.X. Zhang, R.Y . Sun, X.S. Gao, H. Li, High speed interpolation for micro-line trajectory and adaptive real-time lookahead in CNC machining, accepted by Science China, Series F, Science China, Series F, 54(6), 1481-1495. 26. X.S. Gao, Y. Luo, and C. Yuan, A Characteristic Set Method for Difference Polynomial Systems, Journal of Symbolic Computation, 44(3), 242-260, 2009. 27. X.S. Gao, J. Van der Hoeven, C.M. Yuan, G.L. Zhang, Characteristic set method for differential–difference polynomial systems, Journal of Symbolic Computation, 44(9), 2009, 1137-1163. 28. R. Feng, X.S. Gao and Z. Huang. Rational solutions of ordinary difference equations, Journal of Symbolic Computation, 43(10), 746-763, 2008. 29. X.S. Gao and M. Zhang, Decomposition of Differential Polynomials, Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing, 19(1), 1-25, 2008. 30. J. Li, L. Shen, X.S. Gao, Proper Reparametrization of Rational Ruled Surface, Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 23(2), 290-297, 2008. 31. W.T. Wu and X.S. Gao, Mathematics Mechanization and Applications after Thirty Years, Front. Comput. Sci. China, 1(1), 1-8, 2007. 32. X. Zhao and X.S. Gao, Binary Affinity Genetic Algorithm, Journal of Heuristics, 13, 133-150, 2007. 33. X. Zhao, X.S. Gao, and Z. Hu, Evolutionary Programming Based on Non-uniform Mutation,Applied Mathematics and Computation 192(1), 1-11, 2007. 34. E.W. Chionh, X.S. Gao and L.Y. Shen, Inherently improper surface parametric supports, Computer Aided Geometric Design, 23, 629-639, 2006. 35. X.S. Gao and J. Tang, On the Probability of the Number of Solutions for the P4P Problem, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 25, 79-86, 2006. 36. M. Li, X.S. Gao, and S.C. Chou, Quadratic Approximation to Plane Parametric Curves and Applications in Approximate Implicitization, Visual Computers, 22, 906-917, 2006. 37. R.Y. Feng and X.S. Gao, A Polynomial Time Algorithm To Find Rational General Solutions Of First Order Autonomous ODEs, Journal of Symbolic Computation, 41(7), 739-762, 2006. 38. X.S. Gao, Q. Lin, and G. Zhang, A C-tree Decomposition Algorithm for 2D and 3D Geometric Constraint Solving, Computer-Aided Design, 38(1), 1-13, 2006. (SCI, EI) 39. W.T. Wu and X.S. Gao, Automated Reasoning and Equation Solving with the Characteristic Set Method, Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 21, 756-764, 2006. 40. G..F. Zhang and X.S. Gao, Well-constrained Completion and Decomposition for Under-constrained Geometric Constraint Problems, International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications, 461-478, 2006.. 41. J. Li and X.S. Gao, The Proper Parametrization of a Special Class of Rational Parametric Equations, J. of Sys. Sci. and Complexity, 19, 331-339, 2006. 42. X.S. Gao, D. Le, Q. Liao, and G Zhang, Generalized Stewart Platforms and their Direct Kinematics, IEEE Trans. Robotics, 21(2), 141-151, 2005. 43. M. Li, X.S. Gao, and J.S. Cheng, Generating Symbolic Interpolants for Scattered data with Normal Vectors, Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 20, 861-874 2005. 44. X.S. Gao and M. Li, Rational Quadratic Approximation to Real Algebraic Curves, Computer Aided Geometric Design, 21, 805-828, 2004. 45. X.S. Gao, C.M. Hoffmann and W. Yang, Solving spatial basic geometric constraint configurations with locus intersection, Computer-Aided Design, 111-122, 36(2), 2004. 46. J. Wang and X.-S. Gao, An Algorithm for Solving Partial Differential Parametric Systems, Discrete Applied Mathematics. 136(1), 105-116, 2004. 47. X.S. Gao, Implicitization for Differential Rational Parametric Equations, Journal of Symbolic Computation, 811-824, 36(5), 2003. 48. X.S. Gao, X. Hou, J. Tang, and H. Chen, Complete Solution Classification for the Perspective-Three-Point Problem, IEEE Tran. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 930-943, 25(8), 2003. 49. Y. Chen and X.-S. Gao, Involutive Bases of Algebraic Partial Differential Equation Systems, Sciences in China (A), 33(2), 97-113, 2003. 50. X.S. Gao, K. Jiang, and C.-C. Zhu, Geometric Constraint Solving with Conics and Linkages, Computer-Aided Design, 34 (6), 421-433, 2002. 51. X.S. Gao, C. Zhu, S.-C. Chou, and J.-X. Ge, Automated Generation of Kempe Linkages for Algebraic Curves and Surfaces, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 36 (9), 1019-1033, 2002. 52. T. Chaolu and X.S. Gao, Nearly Differential Characteristic Set for Differential Polynomial System, Acta Mathematica Sinica, 45(6), 1041-1050, 2002. 53. X.S. Gao and T. Xu, Luroth's Theorem in Differential Fields, J. Sys. Sci. and Complexity, 15(4), 376-383, 2002. 54. X.S. Gao, L. Huang, and K, Jiang, Geometric Constraint Solving with Geometric Transformation, Sciences in China (Series F), 44 (1), 50-59, 2001. 55. Y.F. Chen and X.S. Gao, Involutive Directions and New Involutive Divisions, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 41 (7-8), 2001, 945-956. 56. X.S. Gao and H. Chen, New Algorithms for the Perspective-Three-Point Problem, J. of Computer Science and Technology , 16 (3), 194--207, 2001. 57. S.C. Chou, X.S. Gao, and J.Z. Zhang, A Deductive Database Approach to Automated Geometry Theorem Proving and Discovering, Journal of Automated Reasoning, 25(3), 219-246, 2000. 58. J. Ge, S. C. Chou and X. Gao, Geometric Constraint Satisfaction Using Optimization Methods, Computer-Aided Design, Vol. 31, 867-879, 2000. 59. X.S. Gao and C. Zhu, Geometric Constraint Solving with Linkages, Journal of Software, 11(9), 1151 - 1158, 2000. 60. X.S. Gao and C. Zhu, Automated Generation of Kempe Linkage and Its Complexity, Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 14, 460-467, 1999. 61. X.S. Gao and S. C. Chou, On the Theory of Resolvents and Its Applications, J. Sys. Sci. and Math. Sci., 12, Suppl., 17--30, 1999. 62. X.S. Gao and S. C. Chou, Solving Geometric Constraint Systems, I. A Global Propagation Approach, Computer-Aided Design, 30(1), 47-54, 1998. 63. X.S. Gao and S. C. Chou, Solving Geometric Constraint Systems, II. A Symbolic Computational Approach, Computer-Aided Design, 30(2), 115-122, 1998. 64. S.C. Chou, X.S. Gao, and J.Z. Zhang, Automated Generation of of Readable Proofs with Geometric Invariants, I. Multiple and Shortest Proof Generation, Journal of Automated Reasoning, 17, 325-347, 1996. 65. S. C. Chou, X.S. Gao, and J.Z. Zhang, Automated Generation of of Readable Proofs with Geometric Invariants, II. Proving Theorems with Full-Angles, Journal of Automated Reasoning, 17, 349-370, 2000. 66. S. C. Chou, X.S. Gao, The Computer Searches for Pascal Conics, Computers and Mathematical Applications, 29(2), 63-71, 1995. 67. S. C. Chou, X.S. Gao, and J.Z. Zhang, Automated Production of Traditional Proofs in Solid Geometry, Journal of Automated Reasoning, 14, 257-291, 1995. 68. J.Z. Zhang, S. C. Chou, X.S. Gao, Automated Production of Traditional Proofs for Theorems in Euclidean Geometry, I. The Hilbert Intersection Point Theorems, Annals of Mathematics and AI, 13, (1995), 109-137. 69. X.S. Gao and D. K. Wang,, On the Automatic Derivation of a Set of Geometric Formulae, Journal of Geometry, vol. 53, 79-88, 1995. 70. X.S. Gao and S.C. Chou A Zero Structure Theorem for Differential Parametric Systems, Journal of Symbolic Computation, vol. 16, 585-595, 1994. 71. S. C. Chou and X.S. Gao , Automated Reasoning in Differential Geometry and Mechanics: Part IV, Bertrand Curves, J. of Sys. Sci & Math. Sci, vol. 6, 186-192, 1993. 72. S.C. Chou and X.S. Gao, Automated Reasoning in Differential Geometry and Mechanics: Part I. An Improved Version of Ritt--Wu's Decomposition Algorithm, Journal of Automated Reasoning, 10:161--172,1993. 73. S.C. Chou and X.S. Gao Automated Reasoning in Differential Geometry and Mechanics: II. Mechanical Theorem Proving, Journal of Automated Reasoning, 10:173-189, 1993. 74. X.S. Gao and S.C. Chou, On the Dimension for Arbitrary Ascending Chains, Chinese Bull. of Scis., vol. 38, 396--399, 1993. 75. X.S. Gao and S.C. Chou, On the Parameterization of Algebraic Curves, Applicable Algebra in Elementary Communication and Computing, 3, 27--38, 1992. 76. X.S. Gao and S.C. Chou, Transformation Theorems among Caley-Klein Geometries, J. of Sys. Sci. and Math. Sci., 1992, 3: 260--273. 77. S.C. Chou, X.S. Gao, D. Arnon, On the Mechanical Proof of Geometry Theorems Involving Inequalities, Advances in Computing Research, vol. 6, 139-181, 1992.. 78. X.S. Gao and S.C. Chou, Implicitization of Rational Parametric Equations, Journal of symbolic computation, (1992) 14, 459--470. 79. X.S. Gao,The Discriminant Systems of Univariate Polynomials and Their Computations, Chinese Quarterly J. of Mathematics, No2., p1-p11, 1991. 80. X.S. Gao and S. C. Chou, On the Normal Parameterization of Curves and Surfaces, International J. of Computational Geometry & Applications, vol. 1, 125-136, 1991. 81. X.S. Gao, The Minimal Characteristic Basis of a Differential Polynomial Ideal, Chinese Science Bulletin, 35(6), 1990, 455-458. 82. X.S. Gao, Transcendental Functions and Mechanical Theorem Proving in Elementary Geometries, Journal of Automated Reasoning, 6, 403-417, 1990. 83. X.S. Gao, The Minimal Characteristic Basis of a Polynomial Ideal, J. Sys sci and Math Scis, No.2, 1989, 236-242. 84. X.S. Gao,Trigonometric Identities and Mechanical Theorem Proving in Elementary Geometries, J. Sys. Sci. and Math. Scis. No.3 1987. (4) Papers in International Conference Proceedings and as Book Chapters 85. W. Li, C.M. Yuan, X.S. Gao. Sparse Difference Resultant. Proc. ISSAC 2013, 275-282, ACM Press, New York, 2013. 86. Q. Zhang, S. Li, X.S. Gao. Practical smooth minimum time trajectory planning for path following robotic manipulators. Proc. American Control Conference 2103, 17-19, Washington DC, 2013. 87. W. Li, X.S. Gao, C.M. Yuan. Sparse Differential Resultant. Proc. ISSAC 2011, 225-232, ACM Press, New York, 2011. 88. Zheng Ye, Shang-Ching Chou, and Xiao-Shan Gao , An Introduction to Java Geometry Expert, ADG 2008, LNAI 6301, 189-195, Springer, 2011. 89. L. Han and X.S. Gao, Articulation-Constrained Skeleton Extraction. Proc. IPCV2010, 441-446, CSREA Press, 2010. 90. J.S. Cheng, X.S. Gao, and C.K. Yap, Complete Numerical Isolation of Real Zeros in General Triangular Systems, Proc. ISSAC 2007, 92-99, ACM Press, New York, 2007. 91. G.F. Zhang and X.S. Gao, Planar Generalized Stewart-Gough Platforms and their Direct Kinematics, ADG 2004, LNAI 3763, 198-211, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2006,. 92. G.F. Zhang and X.S. Gao, Spatial Geometric Constraint Solving Based on k-connected Graph Decomposition, 973-977, Proc. of The 21st Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Dijon, France, ACM Press, 2006. 93. X.S. Gao and C. Yuan, Resolvent Systems of Difference Polynomial Ideals, Proc. ISSAC 2006, ACM Press, New York, 2006. 94. J.M. Aroca, J.Cano R. Feng and X.S. Gao, Algebraic general solutions of algebraic ODEs, Proc. ISSAC2005, 29-36,ACM Press, New York, 2005. 95. R. Feng and X.S. Gao, Polynomial general solutions of first order autonomous ODEs, Computer Algebra and Geometric Algebra with Applications, H. Li, P. Olver, G . Sommer (eds.), LNCS 3519, pp. 7-19, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2005. 96. J.S. Cheng, X.S. Gao, and M. Li, Determine the Topology of Real Algebraic Surfaces, Mathematics of Surfaces, 121-146, LNCS 3604, Springer-Verlag, 2005. 97. X.S. Gao and Q. Lin, MMP/Geometer - A Software Package for Automated Geometry Reasoning, Automated Deduction in Geometry, (ed. F. Winkler), 44-66, LNCS 2930, Springer, Berlin, 2004. 98. R. Feng and X.S. Gao, Rational General Solutions of Algebraic Ordinary Differential Equations, Proc. ISSAC2004, 155-162, ACM Press, New York, 2004. 99. X.S. Gao and M. Zhang, Decomposition of Differential Polynomials, Proc. ISSAC2004, 175-182, ACM Press, New York, 2004. 100. X.S. Gao and D.K. Wang, Zero Decomposition Theorems for Counting the Number of Solutions for Parametric Equation Systems, in Computer Mathematics, Proc. of ASCM2003, (eds. Z. Li and W. Sit), 130-145, World Scientific, Singapore, 2003. 101. X.S. Gao and G. Zhang, Geometric Constraint Solving via C-tree Decomposition, ACM Solid Modelling 2003, 45-55, Seattle, USA, ACM Press, New York, 2003. 102. X.S. Gao and G. Zhang, Classification and Solving of Merge Patterns in Geometric Constraint Solving Proc. Shape Modelling and Applications, 2003, 89-90, Seoul Korea, IEEE press, 2003. 103. X.S. Gao and M. Li, Solving Piecewise Hermite Interpolation Problem with Blending Methods, Proc. Geometric Modeling and Processing, H. Suzuki and R. Martin (eds), 53-59, IEEE Press, Los Alamitos, 2002. 104. X.S. Gao, C.M. Hoffmann and W. Yang, Solving Basic Gometric Constraint Configurations with Locus Intersection, Proc. ACM SM02 , 95-104, ACM Press, New York, 2002. 105. X.S. Gao, W. Yang and G. Zhang, Simulation of Complex Linkages (in Chinese), Geometric Design and Computing , 208-215, Chinese Petrolium University Press, ShanDong, 2002. 106. S.C. Chou and X.S. Gao, Automated reasoning in geometry, X.S. Handbook of Automated Reasoning , (eds. A. Robinson and A. Voronkov), 709-749, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2001. 107. X.S. Gao, L. Huang, and K, Jiang, A Hybrid Method for Solving Geometric Constraint Problems in Automated Deduction in Geometry , J. Richter-Gebert and D. Wang (eds), 16-25, LNAI No. 2061 , Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2001. 108. Y. Ma and X.S. Gao, Polynomial Solutions of Algebraic Differential Equations, in X.S. Computer Mathematics, Proc. of ASCM 2001 , , 92-101, World Scientific, Singapore, 2001. 109. K. Jiang and X.S. Gao, 3D Geometric Constraint Solving with Conicoid, X.S. Proc. Inter. Conf. On CAD/CG'01 , 25-32, Kunming, 2001. 110. X.S. Gao, D, Lin, and H. Shi, Mathematics Mechenizatio and Mechenized Mathematics, in X.S. Modern Mathematics Handbook- Computer Mathemtaics , ed. L. Xu, 727-778, Univ. of HuaZhong Sci. and Tech., WuHan, China, 2001. 111. X.S. Gao, Search Methods Revisited, in Mathematics Mechanization and Applications, 253-272, Academic Press, 2000. 112. X.S. Gao, Conversion between Implicit and Parametric Representations of Algebraic Varieties, in Mathematics Mechanization and Applications, 253-272, Academic Press, 2000. 113. S.C. Chou, X.S. Gao, Z. Liu, D. Wang, and D.K.Wang, Geometric Theorem Provers and Algebraic Equation Solvers, in Mathematics Mecanization and Applications, 491-506, Academic Press, 2000. 114. X.S. Gao and K. Jiang, Order in Solving Polynomial Equations, Computer Mathematics, Proc. of ASCM'2000, 308-318, World Scientific, 2000. 115. X.S. Gao, W.Q. Yang, and L. Huang, Intelligent Dynamic Geometry, Proc. ATCM'2000, ATCM Inc. Press, Thailand, 162-171, 2000. 116. X.S. Gao, Automated Geometry Diagram Construction and Engineering Geometry, in Automated Deduction in Geometry, Procs. of ADG98, pp. 226-252, LNCS 1669 , Springer, 1999. 117. X.S. Gao, Building Dynamic Mathematical Models with Geometry Expert, Proc. Of ATCM'99, pp.153-162, 1999, ATCM Inc., USA. 118. X.S. Gao and K, Jiang, Geometric Constraint Solving with Conics, Proc. Of Six Inter. Conf. On CAD/CG'99, pp.101-106, 1999, ShangHai WenHui Pub. 119. L. Yang, X.S. Gao, S. C. Chou, and Z. J. Zhang,, Automated Proving and Discovering of Theorems in Non-Euclidean Geometries, in: Automated Deduction in Geometry, LNAI 1360, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 1998, pp.171--188. 120. X.S. Gao, C. C. Zhu, and Y. Huang, Building Dynamic Mathematical Models with Geometry Expert, I. Geometric Transformations, Functions and Plane Curves, Proc. ATCM, pp. 216-224, 1998. 121. X.S. Gao, C. C. Zhu, and Y. 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Gao , A Combination of Ritt-Wu's Method and Collins' Method, Proc. of CADE-12, p.401-415, France, 1994. 133. S.C. Chou, X.S. Gao, and J. Z. Zhang, Automated Production of Traditional Proofs for Constructive Geometry Theorems, Proc. of Eighth IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, p.48-56, 1993. 134. S.C. Chou and X.S. Gao , Automated Reasoning in Differential Geometry and Mechanics: Part III, Mechanical Formula Derivation, IFIP Transaction on , Automated Reasoning, p.1-12, North-Holland. 135. X.S. Gao, An Introduction to Wu's Method of Mechanical Geometry Theorem Proving, IFIP Transaction on , Automated Reasoning, p.13--21, North-Holland,1993. 136. S.C. Chou, X.S. Gao, and J.Z. Zhang, Mechanical Geometry Theorem Proving by Vector Calculation, Proc. of ISSAC-93, ACM Press, Kiev, pp.284--291. 137. S.C. Chou and X.S. 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Gao , Mechanical Formula Derivation in Elementary Geometries, Proc. ISSAC-90, ACM Press, New York, 1990, 265--270.


1. ACM SIGSAM Advisory Board, 委员,2010-2014 2. ISSAC Steering Committee,委员,2006-2009;主席,2008-2009。 3. ACM/SIGSAM Jenks Symbolic Computation Software Award,评奖委员会委员,2011-2013 4. 中国数学会,常务理事,1999-2007;副理事长 2011-2014 5. 中国应用与工业数学会,副理事长 2012-2015 6. 中国系统工程学会,副理事长,2006-2010。 7. 中国图学会,常务理事:2010-2013 8. 中国数学会计算机数学专业委员会,主任,2007-2011。 9. Journal of System Science and Complexity,主编,2004-2008。 10. Journal of Symbolic Computation,编委,2003- 。 11. 《系统科学与数学》,副主编,2004-2008。 12. 《系统工程理论与实践》,副主编,2007-2010。 13. 《计算机辅助设计与图形学学报》,编委,2005- 14. 《中国图像图形学报》,编委,2004- 15. 《中国高校应用数学学报》,编委,2004- 16. 《数学研究与评论》,编委,2010-
