蔡延江,男,博士,教授,博士生导师。先后于河北大学、大连交通大学和中国科学院南京土壤研究所获得学士、硕士和博士学位。曾在中国科学院、水利部成都山地灾害与环境研究所工作多年,2014-2015年获加拿大阿尔伯特大学出资邀请并担任Visiting Professor、2015-2017年获JSPS基金资助并任日本NARO外国人特别研究员。2017年获北美华人土壤及植物学者协会(ACSPSNA)杰出青年科学家奖,目前为农林科学1区TOP SCI期刊Biology and Fertility of Soils的编辑委员会委员(Member of Editorial Board)。2018年1月人才引进到浙江农林大学工作,现为国家重点实验室PI。长期从事土壤碳氮循环及其环境效应的研究,重点研究人为活动和全球变化对土壤碳氮迁移转化特征和温室气体排放的影响。先后主持和参与国家自然科学基金项目、中国科学院西部行动项目、中国科学院战略性先导科技专项项目和国家科技基础性工作专项项目等10余项,发表论文40余篇,在Earth-Science Reviews、Soil Biology &Biochemistry、Biology and Fertility of Soils、Plant and Soil、Geoderma和Soil &Tillage Research等国际著名SCI期刊上发表学术论文20余篇。担任Soil Biology & Biochemistry、Field crops research、Biology and Fertility of Soils、Geoderma、Catena、Journal of Environmental Management、Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences、Environmental Pollution、European Journal of Soil Biology等多个国际著名SCI期刊的审稿人
Cai Yanjiang, Chang X. Scott*. Disturbance effects on soil carbon and greenhouse gas emissions in forest ecosystems. Forests, 2020, 11: 297 (Editorial).
Yan Yan,Tian Linlin, Du Ziyin, Chang X. Scott, Cai Yanjiang*. Carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus stocks differ among vegetation patch types in a degraded alpine steppe. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2019, 19: 1809-1819.
Niu Yuhui#, Cai Yanjiang#, Chen Zengming, LuoJiafa, Di Hong J, Yu Hongyan, Zhu Anning, Ding Weixin. No-tillage did not increase organic carbon storage but stimulated N2O emissions in an intensively cultivated sandy loam soil: A negative climate effect. Soil & Tillage Research, 2019, 195: 104419.
Tian Linlin#, Cai Yanjiang#, Akiyama Hiroko*. A review of indirect N2O emission factors from agricultural nitrogen leaching and runoff to update of the default IPCC values. Environmental Pollution, 2019, 245: 300-306.
Ma Bin, LvXiaofei, Cai Yanjiang∗, Chang X. Scott*, Dyck F. Miles. Liming does not counteract the influence of long-term fertilization on soil bacterial community structure and its co-occurrence pattern. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 2018, 123: 45-53.
Ma Bin, Cai Yanjiang∗, Bork W. Edward, Chang X. Scott*. Defoliation intensity and elevated precipitation effects on microbiome and interactome depend on site type in northern mixed-grass prairie. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 2018, 122: 163-172.
Du Ziyin,Cai Yanjiang*, Yan Yan, Wang Xiaodan*. Embedded rock fragments affect alpine steppe plant growth, soil carbon and nitrogen in the northern Tibetan Plateau, Plant and Soil, 2017,420: 79-92.
Cai Yanjiang, Akiyama Hiroko*. Effects of inhibitors and biochar on nitrous oxide emissions, nitrate leaching, and plant nitrogen uptake from urine patches of grazing animals on grasslands: A meta-analysis. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2017,63: 405-414.
Cai Yanjiang*, Du Ziyin, Yan Yan, Wang Xiaodan, Liu Xiuping. Greater stimulation of greenhouse gas emissions by stored yak urine than urea in an alpine steppe soil from the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau: A laboratory study. Grassland Science, 2017, 63: 196-207.
Cai Yanjiang, Chang X. Scott*, Cheng Yi. Greenhouse gas emissions from excreta patches of grazing animals and their mitigation strategies. Earth-Science Reviews, 2017, 171: 44-57.
Cai Yanjiang, Akiyama Hiroko*. Nitrogen loss factors of nitrogen trace gas emissions and leaching from excreta patches in grassland ecosystems: A summary of available data.Science of The Total Environment, 2016, 572: 185-195.
Cai Yanjiang, Chang X. Scott*, Ma Bin, Bork W. Edward. Watering increased DOC concentration but decreased N2O emission from a mixed grassland soil under different defoliation regimes. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 2016, 52: 987-996.
Cheng Yi, Cai Yanjiang, Wang Shengqiang*. Yak and Tibetan sheep dung return enhance soil N supply and retention in two alpine grasslands in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 2016, 52: 413-422.
Du Ziyin, Wang Xiaodan*, Liu Xiuping,Cai Yanjiang*. Effects of rock fragments on yak dung greenhouse gas emissions on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Mountain Science, 2016, 13: 2006-2014.
Cai Yanjiang, Chang X. Scott*. Biochar effects on soil fertility and nutrient cycling. Biochar: Production, Characterization, and Applications. CRC Press, 2015, 246-271 (Book Chapter).
Cai Yanjiang, Wang Xiaodan*, TianLinlin, Zhao Hui, Lu Xuyang, Yan Yan. The impact of excretal returns from yak and Tibetan sheep dung on nitrous oxide emissions in an alpine steppe on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 2014, 76: 90-99.
Cai Yanjiang*, Wang Xiaodan, Ding Weixin, TianLinlin, Zhao Hui, Lu Xuyang. Potential short-term effects of yak and Tibetan sheep dung on greenhouse gas emissions in two alpine grassland soils under laboratory conditions. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 2013, 49(8): 1215-1226.
Cai Yanjiang, Ding Weixin*, LuoJiafa. Nitrous oxide emissions from Chinese maize-wheat rotation systems: a 3-year field measurement. Atmospheric Environment, 2013,65:112-122.
Cai Yanjiang, Ding Weixin*, LuoJiafa. Spatial variation of nitrous oxide emission between interrow soil and interrow plus row soil in a long-term maize cultivated sandy loam soil. Geoderma, 2012, (181-182): 2-10.