1986-09--1992-03 北京科技大学 博士
1980-09--1984-07 江西大学(现:南昌大学) 学士
2004-08~2018-06,中国科学院高能物理研究所, 研究员
2000-06~2001-05,英国Kent大学, 访问
1996-06~1997-05,法国地质材料与物理机制实验室, 访问
1995-05~2004-07,中国科学院高能物理研究所, 副研
1994-05~1995-04,中国科学院高能物理研究所, 待定
1992-04~1994-04,中科院物理研究所, 博士后
1984-08~1986-08,江西大学(现:南昌大学), 助教
同步辐射应用概论 / X射线吸收谱技术
现代大科学装置-同步辐射在材料科学中的运用 / 小角X射线散射技术及其应用
现代大科学装置在材料科学中的运用-同步辐射、中子技术 / 小角X射线散射技术及其应用
(1) 北京同步辐射小角X射线散射实验平台, 二等奖, 省级, 2012
(2) X射线吸收精细结构方法和固体原子近邻结构研究, 二等奖, 院级, 1996
( 1 ) 原位反应装置, 发明, 2018, 第 2 作者, 专利号: 201811244357.9
(1) 同步辐射光源及其应用--第五章, synchrotron Radiation Source and Its Applications, 科学出版社, 2013-03, 第 2 作者
(2) 中子和同步辐射在工程材料科学中的应用--第6,12,14章, Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation in Engineering Materials Sciences--Chapter 6,12,14, 科学出版社, 2014-09, 第 1 作者
(3) 北京同步辐射装置及其应用 --第5章, 广西科学技术出版社, 2016-01, 第 1 作者
(4) Synchrotron Radiation Applications / Chapter 7 -- Small Angle X-ray Scattering and Its applications, World Scientific Publishing, 2018-04, 第 1 作者
( 1 ) 同步辐射小角X射线散射先进技术研究及若干应用, 主持, 国家级, 2009-01--2012-12
( 2 ) 硅微条探测器, 主持, 国家级, 2011-01--2011-12
( 3 ) 材料力学行为与纳尺度结构演变小角X射线同步辐射原位探测装置, 参与, 部委级, 2009-01--2010-12
( 4 ) 同步辐射技术在软物质研究中的应用, 参与, 部委级, 2007-01--2010-11
( 5 ) 衍射温度环境系统, 主持, 部委级, 2009-01--2012-12
( 6 ) 散射原位环境系统, 主持, 部委级, 2009-01--2012-12
( 7 ) 清洁介质复杂流体体系中分子聚集结构和功能研究, 参与, 国家级, 2013-01--2016-12
( 8 ) 复杂流体中新型材料的合成反应过程实时跟踪研究, 主持, 国家级, 2017-07--2022-06
(1)金属富勒醇诱导转铁蛋白四聚化的小角X射线散射研究 中国晶体学会 第七届学术年会 吴忠华 2018-09-25
(2)同步辐射小角X射线散射 第十三届全国X-射线衍射学术大会 暨国际衍射数据中心(ICDD)研讨会 吴忠华 2018-07-28
(3)拉伸诱导聚丙烯腈基碳纤维前驱体的微晶结构变化 第二届高分子结晶理论、应用及表征学术会议 2018-05-12
(4)多学科交叉领域公共技术平台对科研项目的支撑与促进 中国科学院大型仪器区域中心物质材料领域片区工作交流会 2016-09-27
(5)高能光源工程材料应用 同步辐射光源材料实验线站用户联盟成立大会 2016-07-28
(6)1. Basics of SAXS; 2. BSRF-SAXS applications in protein and biomass 第一届生物小角X-射线散射技术讲习班 2016-06-27
(7)北京同步辐射小角 X 射线散射技术及应用 第十二届全国X射线衍射学术会议 2015-10-26
(9)SAXS study on size and shape changes of gold and platinum nanoparticles Wu Zhonghua 2012-11-18
(10)SAXS SAXS在天然纤维材料中的应用 上海光源SAXS讲习班 2012-11-15
(11)Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility and Its Application in Nanoscaled materials 2011-09-29
(12)工程材料研究对高能光源的需求 第406次香山会议 2011-09-16
(1) Small Angle X-ray Scattering Study on the Orientation of Suspended Sodium Titanate Nanofiber Induced by Applied Electric Field, RDTM, 2019, 通讯作者
(2) Synthesis and Formation Mechanism of Self-assembled 3D Flowerlike Bi/γ-Fe2O3 Composite particles, CrystEngComm, 2019, 通讯作者
(3) Modulating the hydrothermal synthesis of Co3O4 and CoOOH nanoparticles by H2O2 concentration, Inorg Chem, 2019, 通讯作者
(4) Interaction between Surface-charge Modified Gold Nanoparticles and Phospholipid Membranes, Langmuir, 2018, 通讯作者
(5) Nanostructural hereditability in polyacrylonitrile based fibers studied by small angle X-ray scattering, Polymer, 2018, 通讯作者
(6) In Situ Time-Resolved X-ray Absorption Fine Structure and Small Angle X-ray Scattering Revealed an Unexpected Phase Structure Transformation during the Growth of Nickel Phosphide Nanoparticles, Journal of Physcial Chemistry C, 2018, 通讯作者
(7) In situ X-ray absorption fine structure study on the polymerization of isoprene assisted by Nd-based ternary catalysts, RSC Adv., 2017, 通讯作者
(8) Correlation of alkylaluminum cocatalyst in Nd-based ternary catalyst with the polymerization performance of isoprene, Polymer, 2017, 通讯作者
(9) Metallofullerenol inhibits cellular iron uptake by inducing transferrin tetramerization, Chemistry-An Asian Journal, 2017, 通讯作者
(10) Mythen detector for X-ray diffraction at the Beijing synchrotron radiation facility, Instrum. Sci. Tech., 44(1) (2016) 1–11, 2016, 通讯作者
(11) Application of Mythen detector: In-situ XRD study on the thermal expansion behavior of metal indium, Sci. China –Phys. Mech. Astron.,59(7) (2016): 677011, 2016, 通讯作者
(12) Temperature-driving Directional Coalescence of Silver Nanoparticles, J. Synchrotron. Rad. 23 (2016) 718-728, 2016, 通讯作者
(13) Synthesis and formation mechanism of Ag–Ni alloy nanoparticles at room temperature, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 2016, 通讯作者
(14) Local structure analysis around the Nd center in a ternary catalyst comprising Nd(vers)3, Al(iBu)3 and Al(iBu)2Cl by XAFS, Dalton Trans., 2015, 通讯作者
(15) Noncrystalline Structure of Ni-P Nanoparticles from Pulse Discharge in Liquid, Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 2015, 通讯作者
(16) Grazing incidence small angle X-ray scattering study of silver nanoparticles in ion-exchanged glasses, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 2015, 通讯作者
(17) Mayer function perturbation theory of effective interaction of charged colloids, Molecular Physics, 2015, 通讯作者
(18) A Small Angle X-Ray Scattering Station at Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Instrumentation Science and Technology, 2014, 通讯作者
(19) X射线吸收精细结构技术在高分子及相关材料中的应用, XAFS applications on polymers and related materials, 高分子学报, 2014, 通讯作者
(20) Optimal Synthesis and magnetic properties of size-controlled nickel phosphide nanoparticles, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2014, 通讯作者
(21) Impact of heating on the nanostructure of Red pine studied by small angle X-ray scattering, J. Anal. Appl. Pyrol., 2014, 通讯作者
(22) Time-Resolved Small-Angle X-ray Scattering Study on the Growth Behavior of Silver Nanoparticles, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2014, 通讯作者
(23) Crystallization Mechanism Analysis of Noncrystalline Ni-P Nanoparticles through XRD, HRTEM and XAFS, CrystEngComm, 2014, 通讯作者
(24) In-situ microstructural changes of polyacrylonitrile based fibers with stretching deformation, Polymer, 2014, 通讯作者
(25) Microstructural change of degummed Bombyx mori silk: An in-situ stretching wide-angle X-ray-scattering study, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2013, 通讯作者
(26) Synthesis and structural character- ization of ZnO nanoparticles doped with Co, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2013, 通讯作者
(27) Shape evolution with temperature of a thermotolerant protein (PeaT1) in solution detected by small angle X-ray scattering, Proteins, 2013, 通讯作者
(28) Structural change of human hair induced by mercury exposure, Environm. Sci. Tech., 2013, 通讯作者
(29) Hierarchical structure and biominerali- zation in cricket tooth, Chin. Phys. C, 2013, 通讯作者
(30) Small angle x-ray scattering study on the nanostructural change with water content in Red pine, American pine and White ash, J. Wood Sci., 2011, 通讯作者
(31) GISAXS and SAXS studies on the spatial structures of Co nanowire arrays, Chin. Phys. C, 2011, 通讯作者
(32) Characterization of the nanopore structures of PAN-based carbon fiber precursors by small angle X-ray scattering, Chin. Phys. C, 2011, 通讯作者
(33) Temperature-Induced Interfacial Change in Au@SiO2 Core-Shell Nanoparticles detected by EXAFS, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2010, 通讯作者
(34) In-situ heating studies on the structure of Ni-Cu alloy nanowire arrays using X-ray absorption fine structure technique, Mater. Chem. Phys., 2010, 通讯作者
(35) Real-time SAXS and Ultraviolet-visible spectral Studies on Size and Shape Evolution of Gold Nanoparticles in aqueous solution, Eur. Phys. J. B, 2010, 通讯作者
(36) In-Situ Heating SAXS Study on Size Changes of Platinum Nanoparticles, Eur. Phys. J. B, 2008, 通讯作者
(37) Thermal expansion behavior study of Co nanowire array with in situ x-ray diffraction and x-ray absorption fine structure techniques, Appl. Phys. Lett, 2008, 通讯作者
(38) Thermal Stability and Structural Evolution of Surfactant-Templated Germanium Oxide Mesostructure, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2008, 通讯作者
(39) Formation of Ge-S bonds from AOT-coated GeO2 nanoparticles at high temperature: An in-situ heating EXAFS investigation, Chem. Mater., 2008, 通讯作者
(40) Structure study on Ni nanowires in AAM, by using in-situ heating EXAFS and XRD techniques, J. Phys.: Conden. Matter, 2008, 通讯作者
(41) X-ray diffraction and x-ray absorption spectroscopy studies on the chemical transformation and formation of nanoscale LaMnO3.12, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2008, 通讯作者
(42) A furnace to 1200K for in situ heating x-ray diffraction, small angle x-ray scattering, and x-ray absorption fine structure experiments, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 2008, 通讯作者
(43) 用SAXS和XRD方法研究TiO2纳米颗粒的微观结构, 物理学报, 2008, 通讯作者
2018-09-25-今,中国晶体学会小角散射专业委员会, 委员
2011-05-24-今,中国晶体学会粉末衍射专业委员会, 委员