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工作经历 1996-1998 中山大学博士后 1998-现在 历任华南理工大学讲师、副教授、教授 2004-2005 Universite de Savoie(法国)访问学者 2012-2013 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 高级访问学者 教育经历 1986-1990 中南大学工学学士 1993-1996 湖南师范大学理学硕士 1993-1996 华南理工大学工学博士


(1)环境、能源功能材料(多级孔分子筛、多级孔MOFs、COFs等)的结构设计、制备和应用研究 (2)环境、能源功能材料(多级孔分子筛、多级孔MOFs、COFs等)的结构建模及构效关系研究 (3)挥发性有机化合物(VOCs)的吸附净化技术的开发 (4)非常规条件下的材料制备技术、吸附分离新技术的开发


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Zewei Liu, Kai Zhang, Qibin Xia, Xiujun Wang, Bichun Huang, Hongxia Xi*, Predicting adsorption and separation performance indicators of Xe/Kr in metal-organic frameworks via a precursor-based neural network model, Chemical Engineering Science, 2021, 243, 116772. C. Duan, Yu Yi, Jingjing Li, Li Libo, Bichun Huang, DongChu Chen, Hongxia Xi, Recent advancements in the synthesis of monolithic metal–organic frameworks, Science China Materials (2021), doi/10.1007/s40843-020-1585-1. C. Duan, Y. Yu, J. Xiao, Y. Li, P. Yang, F. Hu, H. Xi, Recent advancements in metal–organic frameworks for green applications, Green Energy & Environment 6 (2021), 33-49. M. Yang, C. Duan*, X. Zeng, J. Li, C. Liu, L. Zeng, Y. Zhang, K. Wang, H. Xi*, Facile fabrication of nanoscale hierarchical porous zeolitic imidazolate frameworks for enhanced toluene adsorption capacity, Rare Metals 40 (2021) 471-477. Duan, chongxiong; Dong, Lei; Li, Feier; Xie, Yawei; Huang, Bichun; Wang, Kai; Yu, Yi; Xi, Hongxia,Room-temperature rapid synthesis of two-dimensional metal-organic framework nanosheets with tunable hierarchical porosity for enhanced adsorption desulfurization performance,Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,2020 Duan C., Yu Y., Xiao J., Li Y., Yang P., Hu F*. and Xi H*., Recent advancements in metal–organic frameworks for green applications, Green Energy & Environment, 2020, doi.org/10.1016/j.gee.2020.04.006. C. Duan, Y. Yu, J. Xiao, X. Zhang, L. Li, P. Yang, J. Wu*, H. Xi*, Water-based routes for synthesis of metal-organic frameworks: A review, SCIENCE CHINA Materials 63 (2020) 667-685. Duan C. X., Yu Y., Yang P. F., Zhang X. L., Li F. E., Li L. B. and Xi H. X*., Engineering New Defects in MIL-100(Fe) via a Mixed-Ligand Approach To Effect Enhanced Volatile Organic Compound Adsorption Capacity, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2020, 59(2),‏ 74-782. Duan C. X., Yu Y., Li F. E., Wu Y*. and Xi H. X*., Ultrafast room-temperature synthesis of hierarchically porous metal-organic frameworks with high space-time yields, Crystengcomm, 2020, 22(15), 2675-2680 Lv, DF, Wu, Y, Chen, JY, Tu, YH , Yuan, YN, Wu, HX, Chen, YW, Liu, BY , Xi, HX, Li, Z , Xia, QB, ImprovingCH(4)/N(2) selectivity within isomeric Al-based MOFs for the highly selective capture of coal-mine methane,AICHE JOURNAL ,2020.66(9), DOI: 10.1002/aic.16287 Wu, Y, Duan, HP, Xi, HX*, Machine Learning-Driven Insights into Defects of Zirconium Metal- Organic Frameworks for Enhanced Ethane-Ethylene Separation,CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS,2020,32(7),2986-2997 Zheng, K; Liu, BY; Huang, JJ ; Zhang, K ; Li, FE; Xi, HX*, Cationic surfactant-directed synthesis of hollow Beta zeolite with hierarchical structure,INORGANIC CHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS,2019, 107,107468 Feier Li, Ke Zheng, Hang Zhang, Chongxiong Duan, Hongxia Xi*,Nanoscale Hierarchically Porous MetalOrganic Frameworks: Facile Synthesis, Mechanism Research, and Application, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2019, 7 (13) , 11080-11087. Xin Yan, Baoyu Liu, Jiajin Huang, Ying Wu, Huiyong Chen, Hongxia Xi*, Fabrication of meso- and microporous MFI zeolites by amphiphilic molecules with biphenol group, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials,2019,279,278–285. Xin Yan, Baoyu Liu, Jiajin Huang,Ying Wu, Huiyong Chen, Hongxia Xi*, Dual template preparation of MFI zeolites with tuning catalytic properties in alkylation of mesitylene with benzyl alcohol, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2019, 58, 2924-2932. H. Zhang, J. Huo, H. Yang, F. Li, C. Duan, H. Xi*, Green and rapid preparation of hierarchically porous metal–organic zeolites and simulation of their growth, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019,7, 1022- 1029. C. Duan, H. Zhang, M. Yang, F. Li, Y. Yu, J. Xiao, H. Xi*, Templated fabrication of hierarchically porous metal–organic frameworks and simulation of crystal growth, Na8 Feier Li,Ke Zheng Xiang Zheng Liming Zheng Chongxiong Duan, Hongxia Xi*, Facile Synthesis of Hierarchical Micro-mesoporous HKUST-1 Using Organic Silane Surfactant as a Novel Template, Chemistry Select, 2019, 4, 2079-2083. C. Duan, F. Li, S. Luo, J. Xiao, L. Li*, H. Xi*, Facile synthesis of hierarchical porous metal-organic frameworks with enhanced catalytic activity, Chemical Engineering Journal, 334 (2018) 1477-1483 C. Duan, F. Li, L. Li, H. Zhang, X. Wang, J. Xiao*, H. Xi*, Hierarchically structured metal–organic frameworks assembled by hydroxy double salt–template synergy with high space–time yields, CrystEngComm, 20 (2018) 1057-1064. Daofei Lv, Renfeng Shi, Yongwei Chen, Yang Chen, Houxiao Wu, Xin Zhou, Hongxia Xi*, Zhong Li, and Qibin Xia*, Selective Adsorptive Separation of CO2/CH4 and CO2/N2 by a Water Resistant Zirconium–Porphyrin Metal–Organic Framework. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2018, DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.8b02596 C. Duan, F. Li, J. Xiao, Z. Liu, C. Li*, H. Xi*, Rapid room-temperature synthesis of hierarchical porous zeolitic imidazolate frameworks with high space-time yield, Science China Materials, 60 (2017) 1205-1214. C. Duan, H. Zhang, A. Peng, F. Li, J. Xiao, J. Zou, S. Luo*, H. Xi*, Synthesis of Hierarchically Structured Metal−Organic Frameworks by a Dual-Functional Surfactant, ChemistrySelect, 3 (2018) 5313-5320. C. Duan, F. Li, H. Zhang, J. Li, X. Wang, H. Xi*, Template synthesis of hierarchical porous metal–organic frameworks with tunable porosity, RSC Advances, 7 (2017) 52245-52251. Chongxiong Duan, Jinhao Huo, Feier Li, Minhui Yang, Hongxia Xi*, Ultrafast room-temperature synthesis of hierarchically porous metal–organic frameworks by a versatile cooperative template strategy, Journal Materials Scicence (accepted). F. Li, C. Duan, H. Zhang, X. Yan, J. Li, H. Xi*, Hierarchically Porous Metal–Organic Frameworks: Green Synthesis and High Space-Time Yield, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 57 (2018) 9136-9143. H. Zhang, C. Duan, F. Li, X. Yan, H. Xi*, Green and rapid synthesis of hierarchical porous zeolitic imidazolate frameworks for enhanced CO2 capture, Inorganica Chimica Acta, 482 (2018) 358-363. Zewei Liu, Kai Zhang, Ying Wu, Hongxia Xi*. Effective enhancement on methanol adsorption in Cu-BTC by combination of lithium-doping and nitrogen-doping functionalization. Journal of Materials Science. 2018, 53, 6080-6093. ewei Liu, Kai Zhang, Ying Wu, Hongxia Xi*. New functionalized IRMOF-10 with strong affinity for methanol: A simulation study. Applied Surface Science 2018, 440, 351-358. ai Zhang, Shaojuan Luo, Zewei Liu, Chao Li, Zheng Ke, Xin Yan,YingWu*, Hongxia Xi*, In Situ Fabrication of Hierarchical MTW Zeolite via Nanoparticle Assembly by a Tailored Simple Organic Molecule, Chemistry – A European Journal, 2018, 505(32) 206-212. Kai Zhang, Zewei Liu, Xin Yan, Xuelong Hao, Min Wang, Chao Li*, Hongxia Xi*, In Situ Assembly of Nanoparticles into Hierarchical Beta Zeolite with Tailored Simple Organic Molecule, Langmuir, 2017,33, 14396–14404. Kai Zhang, Zewei Liu, Min Wang, Xin Yan, Chao Li and Hongxia Xi*,Synthesis and catalytic performance of hierarchically structured beta zeolites by dual-functional templating approach,New Journal of Chemistry,New J. Chem., 2017,41, 3950-3956 Kai Zhang, Chao Li*, Zewei Liu, Min Wang, Xin Yan, Hongxia Xi*, Tailoring Hierarchical Zeolites with Designed Cationic Surfactants and Its High Catalytic Performance, Chemistry-An Asian Journal, 2017, 12, 2711—2719. Wu Ying, Tang Dai, Ross J. Verploegh, Xi Hongxia, David S. Sholl,Impacts of Gas Impurities from Pipeline Natural Gas on Methane Storage in Metal-Organic Frameworks during Long Term Cycling,The Journal of Physical Chemistry C,2017, 121(29): 15735-15745. Chao Li, Yanqun Ren,Jinsheng Gou, Baoyu Liu, Hongxia Xi*,: Facile synthesis of mesostructured ZSM-5 zeolite with enhanced mass transport and catalytic performances, Applied Surface Science,v.392, 2017 Jan 15, p.785(10) (ISSN: 0169-4332)
