1. 边界等离子体与第一壁材料相互作用基础研究;
2. 低地球轨道辐照环境下润滑与防护薄膜材料服役行为研究;
3. 新型润滑与防护薄膜材料生长机理研究;
Peng. Wang, W. Jacob, Deuterium diffusion and retention in a tungsten-carbon multilayer system. Nucl. Instr. Meth. B. 329, 6-13, 2014.
Peng. Wang, W. Jacob, L. Gao, S. Lindig, M. Balden, Deuterium retention in tungsten films deposited by magnetron sputtering. Accepted by Phys. Scr. 2014.
Peng. Wang, W. Jacob, L. Gao, T. Dürbeck, T. Schwarz-Selinger, Comparing deuterium retention in tungsten coatings measured by temperature programmed desorption spectroscopy and nuclear reaction analyses. Nucl. Instr. Meth. B, 300, 54-61, 2013.
Peng. Wang, W. Jacob, L. Gao, T. Dürbeck, Deuterium Retention in Tungsten-doped Amorphous Carbon Films Exposed to Deuterium Plasma. J. Nucl. Mater. 438, 1134-1137, 2013.
Peng. Wang, W. Jacob, M. Balden, T. Höschen, A. Manhard, Erosion of tungsten-doped amorphous carbon film exposed to deuterium plasma. J. Nucl. Mater. 426, 277-286, 2012.
Peng. Wang, W. Jacob, M. Balden, A. Manhard, T. Schwarz-Selinger, Erosion of tungsten-doped amorphous carbon films in oxygen plasma. J. Nucl. Mater. 420, 101-109, 2012.
Peng Wang, Xia Wang, Bin Zhang, Weimin Liu. Structural, mechanical and tribological behavior of fullerene-like carbon film. Thin Solid Films. 518: 5938-5943, 2010.
Peng Wang, Xia Wang, Bin Zhang, Weimin Liu. Formation of hydrogenated amorphous carbon films containing fullerene-like structure. Journal of Non-crystalline Solids. 355: 1742-1746, 2009.
Peng Wang, X. Wang, W. M. Liu, J. Y. Zhang. Growth and structure of hydrogenated carbon films containing fullerene-like structure. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 41: 085401-085407, 2008.
Peng Wang, X. Wang, Y. M. Chen, G. A. Zhang, J. Y. Zhang, W. M. Liu. The effect of applied negative bias voltage on the structure of Ti-doped a-C:H films deposited by FCVA, Applied Surface Science. 253: 3722-3726, 2007.
Peng Wang, X. Wang, T. Xu, W. M. Liu, J. Y. Zhang. Comparing internal stressing diamond-like carbon films with different structure. Thin Solid Films. 515: 6899-6903, 2007.