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1.全球环境变化的同位素标记 2.全新世气候和环境 3.泥炭同位素代用气候指标及泥炭地固碳动力学


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Y.T. Hong, B. Hong, Q.H. Lin, Yasuyuki Shibata, Y.X. Zhu, X.T. Leng, Y. Wang. Synchronous climate anomalies in the western North Pacific and North Atlantic regions during the last 14000 years. Quaternary Science Reviews, 2009, 28: 840-849. Y.T. Hong, B. Hong, Q.H. Lin, Yasuyuki Shibata, Masashi Hirota, Y.X. Zhu,X.T. Leng, Y. Wang, H. Wang, L. Yi. Inverse phase oscillations between the East Asian and Indian Ocean summer monsoons during the last 12000 years and paleo-El Niño. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2005, 231 (3-4): 337-346. Y.T. Hong, B. Hong, Q.H. Lin, Y.X. Zhu, Yasuyuki Shibata, Masashi Hirota, Masao Uchida, X.T. Leng, H.B. Jiang, H. Xu, H. Wang, L. Yi. Correlation between Indian Ocean summer monsoon and North Atlantic climate during the Holocene. Earth and Planetary Science Letters,2003, 211:369-378. Y.T. Hong, Z.G. Wang, H.B. Jiang, Q.H. Lin, B. Hong, Y.X. Zhu, Y. Wang, L.S. Xu, X.T. Leng, H.D. Li. A 6000-year record of changes in aridity and precipitation in northeastern China based on a δ13C time-series from peat cellulose. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2001, 185, (1-2):111-119. Y.T. Hong, H.B. Jiang, T.S. Li, L.P. Zhou, J. Beer, H.D. Li, X.T. Leng, B. Hong, X.G. Qin. Response of climate to solar forcing recorded in a 6000-year δ18O time-series of Chinese peat cellulose. The Holocene, 2000, 10 (1): 1-7. Y.T. Hong. A question of timing, reply to Oldfield’s comment. The Holocene, 2001, 11(1): 124-125. Hong Yetang, Liu Dongsheng, Jiang Hongbo, Zhou Liping, Hong Bing, Zhu Yongxuan, Li Handing, Leng Xuetian, Qin Xiaoquang, Wang Yu, Lin Qinghua, Zeng Yiqiang. Evidence for solar forcing of climate variation from δ18O of peat cellulose. Science in China (Series D), 2000, 43(2): 217-224. Hong Yetang, Gu Ailiang, Wang Hongwei, Hong Bing. Sulfur isotopic composition of two Asian great rivers and uplift of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. Proceedings of 30th Int’l. Geol. Congr., 19, (Ed) Xie Xuejin, 1997,165-172. Hong Yetang, Zhang Hongbin, Zhu Yongxuan, Piao Hechun, Jiang Hongbo and Liu Deping. Characteristics of sulphur isotopic composition of meteoric water in China. Progress in Natural Science, 1995, 5(3): 344-349. Y.T. Hong. Some research results on stable composition in the environment in China. In: Isotopic Techniques in the Study of Past and Current Environmental Changes in the Hydrosphere and the Atmosphere, edited by International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1993. 597-598. Hong Yetang, Zhang Hongbin, Zhu Yongxuan. Sulfur isotopic characteristics of coal in China and sulfur isotopic fractionation during coal-burning process. Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, 1993, 12(1): 51-59. Y.T. Hong. Characteristics of acid rain in mainland China. In: ASAIHL In Combating Health Hazards of Environmental Pollution, edited by A.J. Hedley, I.J. Hodgkiss, and N.W.M. Ko. Hong Kong, 1992, 42-45. Hong Ye-tang, Piao He-chun, Jiang Hong-bo. Geoenvironmental characters of Yellow (HUANGHE) River suspended load. Science in China (Series B), 1991, 34(7): 859-870. Hong Yetang and Jiang Hongbo. Contents and distribution of carbon, sulfur and phosphorus in the lithospheric layers of China’s continent. Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, 1990, 9(1): 54-66. Y.T. Hong and U. Förstner. Chemical forms of some heavy metals in Huanghe river sediments (China) and comparison with data from Rhine river sediments (West Germany). Geochemistry, 1984, 3(1): 35-44. Y.T. Hong. Metals in waters of the People’s Republic of China. In: Metal Pollution in the Aquatic Environment, written by U. Förstner, G.T.W. Wittmann, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. 1983, 101-102. Y.T. Hong,U. Förstner. Speciation of heavy metals in Yellow River sediments. Proceedings of Int’l. Congr. on Heavy Metals in the Environment II. Sponsored by Commission of European Communities et al., Heidelberg, 1983, 872-875. Hong Yetang, Gu Ailiang, Wang Hongwei and Hong Bing. Sulfur isotopic composition of Yellow and Yangtze rivers and uplift of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. Chinese Science Bulletin, 1999, 44 (Suppl. 2): 120-122. 洪业汤. 建会立室三十春. 矿物岩石地球化学通报. 2009, 28(增刊): 16-17. 洪业汤,朱泳煊,姜洪波,林庆华,洪冰,王羽. 泥炭纤维素同位素: 全新世气候环境变化的敏感记录. 矿物岩石地球化学通报, 2006,25卷增刊, 1-4. 洪业汤, 姜洪波, 洪冰, 朱泳煊, 林庆华, 曾毅强,王羽. 近5000 a的气候波动与太阳变化. 中国科学D辑,1998, 28 (6): 491-497. 洪业汤, 姜洪波, 陶发祥, 洪冰, 曾毅强,李汉鼎, 冷雪天. 近5ka年温度的金川泥炭δ18O记录. 中国科学D辑,1997,27 (6): 525-530. 洪业汤, 刘东生, 姜洪波, L. Zhou, J. Beer, 朱泳煊, 冷雪天, 李汉鼎, 秦小光, 洪冰, 王羽, 林庆华, 曾毅强. 太阳幅射驱动气候变化的泥炭氧同位素证据. 中国科学D辑,1999, 29 (6): 527-531. 洪业汤,张鸿斌,朱泳煊,朴河春,姜洪波,曾毅强,刘广深. 中国煤的硫同位素组成特征及燃煤过程硫同位素分馏. 中国科学B辑,1992,(8): 868-873. 洪业汤,朴河春,姜洪波. 黄河泥沙的环境地质特征. 中国科学B辑,1990,(11): 1175-1184.
