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学习经历: 1980年9月-1984年6月,南京农业大学,植物保护学专业,学士学位。 1987年9月-1990年6月,南京农业大学,植物病理学专业,硕士学位。 1995年9月-2000年4月,南京农业大学,植物病理学专业,博士学位。 教学及研究经历: 1984年6月-2000年9月,江苏省农业科学院 历经研实、助研、副研、研究员,任课题组长、研究室主任。 2000年10月-2004年2月 密西根州立大学 高级访问学者 2004年3月-至今,江苏省农业科学院,历任食品质量安全与检测研究所书记、农产品质量安全与营养研究所所长。 2005年1-3月 日本国际农业研究中心 高级访问研究




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2017年 Wang, G., Yu, M., Dong, F., Shi, J., & Xu, J. (2017). Esterase activity inspired selection and characterization of zearalenone degrading bacteria Bacillus pumilus ES-21. Food Control, 77, 57-64. Ji, F., Mokoena, M. P., Zhao, H., Olaniran, A. O., & Shi, J. (2017). Development of an immunochromatographic strip test for the rapid detection of zearalenone in wheat from Jiangsu province, China. PloS one, 12(5), e0175282. Geyuan Li, Kai Zhang, Meriem Fizir, Muchuan Niu, Cheng Sun, Shuangling Xi Xuanhong Hui, Jianrong Shi and Hua He 2017 Rational design, preparation and adsorption study of a magnetic molecularly imprinted polymer using a dummy template and a bifunctional monomer. New Journal of Chemistry 41(15) 2016年 Liu, X., Han, Q., Wang, J., Wang, X., Xu, J., & Shi, J. (2016). Two FgLEU2 Genes with Different Roles in Leucine Biosynthesis and Infection-Related Morphogenesis in Fusarium graminearum. PloS one, 11(11), e0165927. Qiu, J. B., Sun, J. T., Yu, M. Z., Xu, J. H., & Shi, J. R. (2016). Temporal dynamics, population characterization and mycotoxins accumulation of Fusarium graminearum in Eastern China. Scientific reports, 6. Xu, J., Wang, H., Zhu, Z., Ji, F., Yin, X., Hong, Q., & Shi, J. (2016). Isolation and characterization of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens ZDS-1: Exploring the degradation of Zearalenone by Bacillus spp. Food Control, 68, 244-250. He, X., Lillemo, M., Shi, J., Wu, J., Bjørnstad, Å., Belova, T., ... & Singh, P. (2016). QTL Characterization of Fusarium Head Blight Resistance in CIMMYT Bread Wheat Line Soru# 1. PloS one, 11(6), e0158052. Dong, F., Qiu, J., Xu, J., Yu, M., Wang, S., Sun, Y., ... & Shi, J. (2016). Effect of environmental factors on Fusarium population and associated trichothecenes in wheat grain grown in Jiangsu province, China. International journal of food microbiology, 230, 58-63. Qiu, J., Dong, F., Yu, M., Xu, J., & Shi, J. (2016). Effect of preceding crop on Fusarium species and mycotoxin contamination of wheat grains. Journal of the science of food and agriculture, 96(13), 4536-4541. Yin, X., Zhu, Z., Zhou, Y., Ji, F., Yao, Z., Shi, J., & Xu, J. (2016). Complete genome sequence of deoxynivalenol-degrading bacterium Devosia sp. strain A16. Journal of biotechnology, 218, 21-22. 2015年 Ji, F., Wu, J., Zhao, H., Xu, J., & Shi, J. (2015). Relationship of deoxynivalenol content in grain, chaff, and straw with fusarium head blight severity in wheat varieties with various levels of resistance. Toxins, 7(3), 728-742. Liu, X., Han, Q., Xu, J., Wang, J., & Shi, J. (2015). Acetohydroxyacid synthase FgIlv2 and FgIlv6 are involved in BCAA biosynthesis, mycelial and conidial morphogenesis, and full virulence in Fusarium graminearum. Scientific reports, 5 :16315 王燕霞, 吴季荣, 俞明正, 赵晶晶, 邢宇俊, 徐剑宏, & 史建荣. (2015). 小麦根际土壤中禾谷多黏菌实时荧光定量 PCR 检测体系的建立及应用. 江苏农业学报, (2015 年 05), 962-966. 2014年 Ji,F., Xu,J., Liu,X., Yin,X. & Shi,J. (2014) Natural occurrence of deoxynivalenol and zearalenone in wheat from Jiangsu province, China. Food Chem, 157, 393-397. Wu,J., Yu,M., Xu,J., Du,J., Ji,F., Dong,F., Li,X. & Shi,J. (2014) Impact of Transgenic Wheat with wheat yellow mosaic virus Resistance on Microbial Community Diversity and Enzyme Activity in Rhizosphere Soil. PLoS One, 9, e98394. Liu,X., Wang,J., Xu,J. & Shi,J. (2014) FgIlv5 is required for branched-chain amino acid biosynthesis and full virulence in Fusarium graminearum. Microbiology, 160, 692-702. Liu,X., Xu,J., Wang,J., Ji,F., Yin,X. & Shi,J. (2014) Involvement of threonine deaminase FgIlv1 in isoleucine biosynthesis and full virulence in Fusarium graminearum. Curr.Genet Qiu,J. & Shi,J. (2014) Genetic relationships, Carbendazim sensitivity and mycotoxin production of the fusarium graminearum populations from maize, wheat and rice in eastern china. Toxins (Basel), 6, 2291-2309 史建荣, 刘馨, 仇剑波, 祭芳, 徐剑宏, 董飞. (2014). 小麦中镰刀菌毒素脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇污染现状与防控研究进展. 中国农业科学, 47(18), 3641-3654. 邢宇俊,吴季荣,徐剑宏,史建荣 环介导等温扩增技术检测转基因组分的研究进展 食品安全质量检测学报.2014(3) 杜娟, 吴季荣, 俞明正, 王燕霞, 徐剑宏, & 史建荣. (2014). 转基因小麦根际土壤中荧光假单胞菌数量的变化. 麦类作物学报, 34(3), 345-350. 祭芳,曹欢 ,史建荣等.抗玉米赤霉烯酮单克隆抗体的制备.江苏农业学报,2014,(2)


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