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招生专业:海洋地质 招生方向: 1.陆架全新世古环境记录 2.第四纪古海洋学 3.浮游和底栖有孔虫生态 4.有孔虫壳体地球化学环境指标研究 教育背景 1996-09--2001-07 中国科学院海洋研究所 理学博士 1992-09--1996-07 中国地质大学(武汉)资源学院矿床勘察专业 学士 工作经历 2001.8—2003.11,中国海洋大学海洋地球科学学院,博士后; 2003.12—2009.9,进入中科院南海海洋研究所地质室,任责任副研究员; 2009.9—至今,在中科院南海海洋研究所地质室,任研究员。 2009.3—2009.9赴德国不来梅大学MARUM作访问学者。 在研项目 先后参加多项国家自然科学重点基金和中国科学院重点课题等项目的研究工作。已负责完成3项国家自然科学基金和其他5项项目研究,现在研国家基金项目、中科院重点项目等5项。 ? 国家自然科学基金面上项目“南海北部冷泉活动区及其邻近海底的底栖有孔虫对比研究”, 批准号40976031,2010.1~2012.12;; ? 国家973项目“我国陆架海生态环境演变过程、机制及未来变化趋势预测”二级课题“我国陆架海生态环境年代际变化的沉积记录重建及特征分析”子课题,编号:2010CB428900,2010~2014; ? 中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目“南海北部水合物分解溢出区环境的沉积特征 ”子课题““南海北部微体古生物群落的现代过程研究”,KZCX2-YW-211-28,2009~2011.12; ? 中科院国际合作项目“南海北部冷泉活动机制及其生物地球化学过程 ”子课题 “冷泉区海底生物组合及其生态环境意义”,KZCX2-YW-211-28,2010.5~2013.5; ? 国土资源部科技项目“南海北部陆坡末次冰期以来环境演化的地球化学记录研究”, GZH201100311-02,2011.6~2014.5;




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Liu J, Xiang R, Muhong Chen, et al. Impact of the Kuroshio Current intrusion on depositional environment of the northern SCS: records from surface sediments. Marine Geology,2011, 285: 59-68. 2. Xiang Rong, Muhong Chen, Qianyu Li, Jianguo Liu, Lanlan Zhang, Jun Lu. Planktonic foraminiferal records of East Asia monsoon changes in the southern South China Sea during the last 40,000 years. Marine Micropaleontology, 2009, 73: 1-13. 3. Xiang, R., Yang, Z., Saito, Y., Fan, D., Chen, M., Guo, Z., Chen, Z. Paleoenvironmental changes during the last 8400 years in the southern Yellow Sea: Benthic foraminiferal and stable isotopic evidence. Marine Micropaleontology , 2008, 67, 104-119 4. Xiang, R., Youbin Sun, Tiegang Li, Delia W. Oppo, Muhong Chen, Fan Zheng. Paleoenvironmental change in the middle Okinawa Trough since the last deglaciation: Evidences from the sedimentation rate and planktonic foraminiferal record. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2007, 243: 378-393. 5. Xiang, R., Yang Zuosheng, Saito Y, Guo Zhigang, Fan Dejiang, Li Yunhai, Xiao Shangbin, Shi Xuefa, Chen Muhong. East Asia Winter Monsoon changes inferred from environmentally sensitive grain size component records during the last 2300 a in mud area southwest off Cheju island, ECS. Science in China, (Series D), 2006, 49(6): 604-614. 6. Xiang R., Li T G, Yang Z S, Li Anchun, Jiang Fuqing, Yan Jun, Cao Qiyuan. Geological records of marine environmental changes in the southern Okinawa Trough. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2003, 48(2): 194-199. 7. Xiang R., Li T G, Yang Z S, Yan Jun. Benthic foraminiferal distribution in surface sediments along continental slope of the southern Okinawa Trough: dependance on water mass and food supply. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2003, 22(1): 133-143. 8. Liu Jianguo, Chen M, Xiang R, et,. Abrupt change of sedimentary records in the southern SCS during the last glacial period and its environment significance. Quaternary International, 2011,237:109-122. 9. Shuqing Qiao, Zuosheng Yang, Jingpu Liu, Xiaoxia Sun, Rong Xiang, Xuefa Shi, Dejiang Fan, Yoshiki Saito. Records of late-Holocene East Asian winter monsoon in the East China Sea: Key grain-size component of quartz versus bulk sediments. Quaternary International, 2011, 230: 106-114. 10. Qianyu Li, Fan Zheng, Muhong Chen, Rong Xiang, Peijun Qiao, Lei Shao, Xinrong Cheng. Glacial paleoceanography off themouth of the Mekong River, southern South China Sea, during the last 500 ka. Quaternary Research, 2010, 73: 563–572. 11. Zhang Lanlan, Chen Muhong, Xiang Rong, Zhang Jianlin, Liu Changjian, Zhang Lili, Lu Jun. Distribution of polycystine radiolarians in the northern South China Sea in September 2005. Marine Micropaleontology, 2009, 70: 20-38. 12. Zhang Lili, Chen Muhong, Xiang Rong, Zhang Lanlan, Lu Jun. Nutrients constraint on the prosperity and decline of siliceous planktons in the southern South China Sea since the Late Miocene. Marine Micropaleontology. 2009, 72: 76-85. 13. Li, Q., Xiang, R., and Zheng, F., 2007. Data report: planktonic and benthic foraminifers from IODP Hole U1322B. In Flemings, P.B., Behrmann, J.H., John, C.M., and the Expedition 308 Scientists, Proc. IODP, 308: College Station, TX (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.). doi:10.2204/iodp.proc.308.202.2007 14. Li Tiegang, Xiang Rong, Sun Rongtao, Cao Qiyuan. Benthic foraminifera and deep-water evolution of the middle and southern Okinawa Trough during the last 18,000 years. Science in China, (Series D), 2005, 48(6): 805-814. 15. Sun Youbin, Oppo D W, Xiang R, Liu Weiguo, Gao Shu. The last deglaciation in the Okinawa Trough: subtropical northwest Pacific link to northern hemisphere and tropical climate. Paleoceanography. 2005,20(4), PA4005. 16. 向荣, 刘芳, 孙有斌, 陈木宏. 冲绳海槽末次冰消期以来的浮游有孔虫群落变化及五种古温度转换函数对比. 地球科学. 2011, 36(4): 599-609. 17. 向荣,陈木宏,张兰兰,陆钧,陈忠,古森昌. 南海北部秋季活体浮游有孔虫的组成与分布特征. 地球科学. 2010,35(1): 1-10. 18. 向荣, 杨作升, 郭志刚, Saito Y., 范德江, 肖尚斌, 陈木宏. 济州岛西南泥质区粒度组分变化的古环境应用。地球科学. 2005, 30(5): 582-588.
