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Shen, J.-W.* , Yang, H.-Q., Wang, Y. et al. (2013) Coral reef community ecology and the shallow-water carbonate sedimentary characteristics of Yongxing Island, Xisha Islands. SCIENCE CHINA.Earth Sciences, 56/9, 1471–1486 Shen, J.-W.*, Long, J.-P., Pedoja, K. et al. (2013) Holocene coquina beachrock from Haishan Island, east coast of Guangdong Province, China. Quaternary International, 310, 199-212 Yang H.-Q., Shen J.-W. *, Fu, F.-X. et al. (2014) Black band disease as a possible factor of the coral decline at the northern reef-flat of Yongxing Island, South China Sea. Science China.Earth Sciences, 57/4, 569–578 Yang, H.-Q., Shen, J.-W.*, Yang, H.-J., Zhang, L.-J., Li, M., Wang, J.-P. (2014) Mixed carbonate- clastic facies in the Eocene Kalatar Formation of the southwest Tarim Basin (NW China): tectonic and climatic controls. Facies, 60, 111-131 Shen, J.-W.*, Yang, H.-J., Qing, Hairuo, Zhang, Lijuan, Yang, H.-Q. (2012) Calcimicrobes and microbialites in lagoonal sediments from Mississippian Midale Beds, Williston Basin, southeastern Saskatchewan, Canada . International Journal of Earth Sciences, 101, 109–127 Wang Y., Shen J. W.*, Long J. P. (2011) Ecological-Sedimentary Zonations and Carbonate Deposition, Xiaodonghai Reef Flat, Sanya, Hainan Island, China. Sci. China Ser. D-Earth Sci. 2011, 54/3, 359-371 Shen, J.-W.*, Webb, G.E., Qing, Hairuo (2010) Microbial mounds prior to the Frasnian–Famennian mass extinctions, Hantang, Guilin, South China. Sedimentology, 57, 1615–1639 Shen, J.-W.*, Qing, H.-R. (2010) Mississippian (Early Carboniferous) stromatolite mounds in a fore-reef slope setting, Laibin, Guangxi, South China. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 99, 443–458 Pedoja, K., Shen, J.-W., Kershaw, S., Tang, C. (2008) Coastal Quaternary morphologies on the northern coast of the South China Sea, China, and their implications for current tectonic models; a review and preliminary study. Marine Geology, 255, 103-117 Shen, J.-W.*, Webb, G.E., Jell, J.S. (2008) Platform margins, reef facies, and microbial carbonates; a comparison of Devonian reef complexes in the Canning Basin, Western Australia, and the Guilin region, South China. Earth-Science Reviews, 88, 33-59 Shen, J.-W.*, Webb, G.E. (2008) Role of microbes in reef building communities of the Cannindah limestone (Mississippian), Monto region, Queensland, Australia. Facies, 54/1, 89-105 Shen, J.-W.*, Wang, Y. (2008) Modern microbialites and their environmental significance, Meiji reef atoll Nansha (Spratly) Islands, South China Sea. Science in China Ser. D Earth Scineces, 51/4, 608-617 Teng, J-B, Shen, J-W.* (2008) Microbial carbonates in Holocene beachrocks, Shuiweiling, Luhuitou Peninsula, Hainan Island. Sci China Ser D-Earth Sci., 51/1: 30-40 Shen, J.-W.*, Teng, J.B., and Pedoja, K. (2005). Middle and Late Devonian microbial carbonates, reefs and mounds in Guilin, South China and their sequence stratigraphic, paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic significance. Science in China (Earth Sciences), 48/11, 2001-2007 Shen, J.-W.*, Webb, G. E. (2005) Metazoan-microbial framework fabrics in a Mississippian (Carboniferous) coral-sponge-microbial reef, Monto, Queensland, Australia. Sedimentary Geology, 178/1-2,113-133 Shen, J.-W.*, Xu, H.-L. (2005) Microbial carbonates as a contributor to Guadalupian to Lopingian reefs in carbonate platform margin setting, Ziyun County, Guizhou, South China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 218/3-4, 217-238 Shen, J. -W.*, Webb, G. E. (2004) Famennian (Upper Devonian) stromatolite reefs at Shatang, Guilin, Guangxi, South China. Sedimentary Geology, 170/1-2, 63-84 Shen, J. -W.*, Webb, G. E. (2004) Famennian (Upper Devonian) calcimicrobial (Renalcis) reef at Miaomen, Guilin, Guangxi, South China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 204, 373-39
