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主要从事南极地质和变质地质学研究,主要研究内容包括:应用现代变质岩石学及变质地质学理论和方法研究HT/UHT和HP/UHP 变质的P-T历史及相关的变质过程, 结合锆石U-Pb和单矿物Ar-Ar等同位素年龄测定, 了解和探讨大陆地壳的演化历史, HT/UHT麻粒岩的岩石成因及其形成的大地构造背景, 及UHP变质榴辉岩的岩石成因和大陆深俯冲与剥蚀过程。 主要研究区域包括: (1) 东南极普里兹湾的变质演化历史及东冈瓦纳大陆的聚合, (2) 阿尔泰等高温-超高温变质带的变质演化历史及大地构造背景研究,(3) 大别山等超高压变质地体的大陆深俯冲与折返过程研究。


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Tong L., Jahn B.M. & Zheng Y.F., 2011, Diverse P-T paths of the Northern Dabie Complex (central China) and its reworking in the early Cretaceous. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 42, 633-640. Tong L., Jahn B.M., Iizuka Y. & Xu Z., 2007. Assemblages and textural evolution of UHP eclogites from the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling main hole. International Geology Review, 49, 73-89. Tong L. & Wilson C.J.L., 2006. Tectonothermal evolution of the ultrahigh temperature metapelites from the Rauer Group, east Antarctica. Precambrian Research, 149, 1-20. Tong L., Wilson C.J.L. & Vassallo J.J., 2004. Metamorphic evolution and reworking of the Sleaford Complex metapelites in the southern Eyre Peninsula, South Australia. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 51, 571-589. Tong L., Wilson C.J.L. & Liu X., 2002. A high-grade event of ~1100 Ma preserved within the ~500 Ma mobile belt of the Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica: further evidence from Ar-Ar dating, Terra Antartica, 9, 73-86. Tong L., Liu X., Zhang L., Chen H., Chen F., Wang Y. & Ren L., 1998. The Ar-Ar ages of hornblendes in Grt-Pl-bearing amphibolite from the Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica and their geological implications. Chinese Journal of Polar Science, 9, 79-91. Tong L. & Liu X., 1997. The prograde metamorphism of the Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica: evidence for an anticlockwise P-T path. The Antarctic Region: Geological Evolution and Processes, ed. Ricci C.A., Terra Antartica Publication, Siena, 105-114. Tong L., Liu X., Xu P., Han X., Zhao Y., Ren L. & Wang Y., 1997. Discovery of sapphirine-bearing hyperthene quartzite in the Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica and its geological significance. Chinese Science Bulletin, 42, 324-327. 仝来喜,刘小汉,王彦斌,C.J.L. Wilson,2012. 东南极拉斯曼丘陵泥质麻粒岩变质作用演化. 地质学报,86,1273-1290. 仝来喜,刘小汉,张连生,陈福坤,王彦斌,任留东,1998. 东南极拉斯曼丘陵石榴斜长角闪岩中角闪石的Ar-Ar年龄及其地质意义. 极地研究,10, 161-171. 仝来喜,张振禹,刘小汉,韩秀伶,刘蔚玲,1997. 东南极拉斯曼丘陵柱晶堇青紫苏麻粒岩的矿物学特征. 岩石学报,13,395-405. 仝来喜, 刘小汉, 张连生,任留东,王彦斌,赵越,1997. 东南极拉斯曼丘陵麻粒岩相岩石中早期残留矿物组合及其变质作用条件.岩石学报,13, 127-138. 仝来喜, 刘小汉, 徐平,韩秀玲,赵越,任留东,王彦斌,1996. 东南极拉斯曼丘陵紫苏石英岩的发现及其地质意义. 科学通报, 41,1205-1208.
