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刘家保,男,1982年7月,安徽六安人,博士研究生,教授,硕士生导师,东南大学博士后,荣获安徽省杰出青年基金,安徽省“省级教坛新秀”。美国《数学评论》(Mathematical Reviews)评论员(108975),德国《数学文摘》(Zentralblatt Math) 评论员(15905)。先后担任 Frontiers in Neuroscience、Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience、Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening 和 Frontiers in Physics 等 8 个 SCI 学术期刊的客座主编和编委,英文国际期刊《Journal of Engineering and Applied Mathematics》、《International Journal of Applied & Experimental Mathematics》、《Interdisciplinary journal of chemistry》、《International Journal of Business Information Systems Strategies》编委,受邀担任多种学术期刊的审稿人。全国大学生数学建模竞赛安徽赛区初评和复评评委;全国研究生数学建模竞赛评委。 教育和工作经历: 2001.09-2005.07 皖西学院,数学与应用数学,学士; 2006.09-2009.07 安徽大学, 应用数学,硕士; 2009.07-2016.06 安徽新华学院,骨干教师、学科带头人; 2013.09-2014.07 东南大学,教育部骨干教师访问学者; 2013.09-2016.07 安徽大学,应用数学,博士 2017.03-至今 东南大学,数学学院,博士后; 2019.12-至今 安徽建筑大学,数理学院,教授




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

[1] Jia-Bao Liu, X.-F. Pan, J. Cao, F.-F. Hu, A note on some physical and chemical indices of clique-inserted lattices, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment,(2014)P06006. (SCI检索, JCR1区,中科院2区) [2] Jia-Bao Liu, Xiang-Feng Pan, Asymptotic Laplacian-energy-like invariant of lattices, Applied Mathematics and Computation. 253 (2015) 205-214. (ESI高被引论文,SCI检索, JCR1区,中科院2区, IF: 1.551,Top期刊, EI检索) [3] Jia-Bao Liu, Xiang-Feng Pan, A unified approach to the asymptotic topological indices of various lattices, Applied Mathematics and Computation. 270 (2015) 62-73. (SCI检索, JCR1区,中科院2区, IF: 1.551,Top期刊, EI检索) [4] Jia-Bao Liu, Xiang-Feng Pan, Asymptotic incidence energy of lattices, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 422 (2015) 193-202. (SCI检索, JCR2区, IF: 1.732; EI检索) [5] Jia-Bao Liu, J. Cao, The resistance distances of electrical networks based on Laplacian generalized inverse, Neurocomputing. 167 (2015) 306-313.(SCI检索, JCR1区,中科院2区, IF: 2.083, EI检索) [6] Jia-Bao Liu, X.F. Pan, L. Yu, D. Li, Complete characterization of bicyclic graphs with minimal Kirchhoff index, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 200 (2016) 95–107. (SCI检索) [7] Jia-Bao Liu, W.R. Wang, Y.M. Zhang, X.F. Pan, On degree resistance distance of cacti, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 203 (2016) 217-225.(SCI检索) [8] Jia-Bao Liu, Xiang-Feng Pan, Minimizing Kirchhoffindex among graphs with a given vertex bipartiteness,Applied Mathematics and Computation 291 (2016) 84–88. (SCI检索, JCR1区,中科院2区, IF: 1.551,Top期刊, EI检索) [9] Jia-Bao Liu, J.Cao, Applications of Laplacian Spectra for n-Prism Networks, Neurocomputing,198 (2016) 69–73.(SCI检索, JCR1区,中科院2区, IF: 2.083, EI检索) [10] Jia-Bao Liu, Xiang-Feng Pan, F.T. Hu, The {1}-inverse of the Laplacian of subdivision-vertex and subdivision-edge coronae with applications, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 65 (1), (2017) 178–191. (SCI检索) [11] Jia-Bao Liu, Shaohui Wang, Chunxiang Wang, Sakander Hayat, Further results on computation of topological indices of certain networks, IET Control Theory & Applications, 11 (13), (2017) 2065-2071.(SCI检索, JCR1区,中科院2区, IF: 2.232, EI检索) [12] Jia-Bao Liu, Abdul Qudair Baig, Waqas Khalid,Mohammad Reza Farahani, Multiplicative indices of carbon graphite t-levels, Compt. rend. Acad. bulg. Sci., 71(1), (2018) 10-21. (SCI检索) [13] S. Hayat , S. Wang, Jia-Bao Liu(通讯作者), Valency-based topological descriptors of chemical networks and their applications, Applied Mathematical Modelling 60 (2018) 164-178.(SCI检索, JCR1区,中科院1区, IF: 2.617,Top期刊, EI检索) [14] R. Li, Y. Huang, Jia-Bao Liu(通讯作者), Effective Approach to Calculate Analysis Window in Infinite Discrete Gabor Transform, Complexity,Volume 2018, Article ID 9039240, 10 pages.(SCI检索) [15] S. Wang, C. Wang , Jia-Bao Liu(通讯作者), On extremal multiplicative Zagreb indices of trees with given domination number, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2018.(SCI检索) [16] Z. Shao, P. Wu, X. Zhang, D. Dimitrov, Jia-Bao Liu(通讯作者), On the Maximum ABC Index of Graphs With Prescribed Size and Without Pendent Vertices, IEEE Access, 2018.(ESI高被引论文,SCI检索) [17] Jia-Bao Liu, Chunxiang Wang, Shaohui Wang, Zagreb Indices and Multiplicative Zagreb Indices of Eulerian Graphs,Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, 42 (2019):67-78. (ESI高被引论文,SCI检索) [18] Jia-Bao Liu, J. Zhao, Z. X. Zhu, On the number of spanning trees and normalized Laplacian of linear octagonal-quadrilateral networks, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 119 (2019)e25971. (SCI检索, 中科院2区, EI检索) [19] Jia-Bao Liu, J. Zhao, J. Min, J. D. Cao, On the Hosoya index of graphs formed by a fractal graph, Fractals-Complex Geometry Patterns and Scaling in Nature and Society, (2019) https://doi.org/10.1142/S0218348X19501354. (SCI检索, 中科院2区) [20] Jia-Bao Liu, J. Zhao, Z. Cai, On the generalized adjacency, Laplacian and signless Laplacian spectra of the weighted edge corona networks, Physica A, 540 (2020) 123073. (SCI检索) [21] Jia-Bao Liu, J. Zhao, H. He, Z. Shao, Valency-Based Topological Descriptors and Structural Property of the Generalized Sierpinski Networks, Journal of Statistical Physics 177 (2019) 1131–1147. (SCI检索) [22] Z. Zhu, Jia-Bao Liu(通讯作者), The normalized Laplacian,degree-Kirchhoff index and the Spanning tree Numbers of generalized phenylenes,Discrete Applied Mathematics 254(2019) 256–267.(SCI检索) [23] J. Cao, Jia-Bao Liu(通讯作者), S. Wang, Resistance distances in corona and neighborhood corona networks based on Laplacian generalized inverse approach, Journal of Algebra and Its Applications. 18(3)1950053 (2019), 1-12. (SCI检索) [24] Chris Monica Mohan, Samivel Santhakumar, Micheal Arockiaraj, Jia-Bao Liu(通讯作者), Partition dimension of certain classes of series parallel graphs, Theoretical Computer Science 778 (2019) 47-60. (SCI检索) [25] Jia-Bao Liu, S. N. Daoud, Number of Spanning Trees in the Sequence of Some Graphs,Complexity, Volume 2019, Article ID 4271783, 22 pages. (SCI检索) [26] Sakander Hayat, Muhammad Imran, Jia-Bao Liu(通讯作者), Correlation between the Estrada index and π-electronic energies for benzenoid hydrocarbons with applications to boron nanotubes, Int J Quantum Chem. 2019;119:e26016. (SCI检索, 中科院2区, EI检索) [27] Hafiz Muhammad Afzal Siddiqui, Sakander Hayat, Asad Khan, Muhammad Imran, Ayesha Razzaq, Jia-Bao Liu(通讯作者), Resolvability and fault-tolerant resolvability structures of convex polytopes, Theoretical Computer Science 796 (2019) 114-128. (SCI检索)
