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李平,男,1978年9月生,山东昌乐人,物理学博士,副教授,硕士生导师。 科研情况 主持完成安徽省自然科学基金和安徽省教育厅优秀青年人才基金各一项,参与完成国家自然科学基金多项。




查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

[1] P. Li*, Jiangying Yu, Jinrong Xu, Li Zhang and Kai Huang. First-principles prediction of a new family of layered topological insulators. Advanced Quantum Technologies 2, 1900033 (2019). [2] P. Li*, Jiangying Yu, Jinrong Xu, Li Zhang and Kai Huang. Topological-magnetic proximity effect in Sb2Te3/CrI3 heterostructures. Physica B 573, 77 (2019). [3] P. Li and W. Luo*. A new structure of two-dimensional allotropes of group V elements. Scientific Reports 6, 25423 (2016). [4] P. Li* and W. Luo*. Properties of carbon impurities in ZnO: A hybrid functional study. Physical Review B 94, 5202 (2016). [5] Mei-Xiao Wang, Ping Li, Jin-Peng Xu, Zhi-Long Liu, Jian-Feng Ge, Guan-Yong Wang, Xiaojun Yang, Zhu-An Xu, Shuai-Hua Ji, C L Gao, Dong Qian, Weidong Luo, Canhua Liu*, and Jin-Feng Jia*. Interface structure of a topological insulator/superconductor heterostructure. New Journal of Physics 16, 123043 (2014). [6] P. Li*, S. H. Deng, G. H. Liu, L. Zhang, J. Huang, and J. Y. Yu. Stability and hydrogen storage properties of various metal-decorated benzene complexes. Journal of Power Sources 211, 27 (2012). [7] P. Li*, S. H. Deng, J. Huang. First-principles studies on the dominant acceptor and the activation mechanism of phosphorus-doped ZnO. Applied Physics Letters 99, 111902 (2011).
