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史东辉,男,博士,安徽建筑大学,电子与信息工程学院教授,硕士生导师。美国路易斯维尔大学访问学者;厄瓜多尔洛哈科技大学,普罗米修斯学者;西班牙阿尔卡拉大学访问学者。主要研究方向为机器学习、数据挖掘、信息系统等,主持安徽省自然科学基金、留学科技活动、安徽省计委高新技术产业化项目,参加安徽省科技厅重大科技攻关,安徽省建设厅重点科研等项目。在 《Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS)》《Expert System with Applications》,《Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce》,《计算机研究发展》,《小型微型计算机》等高水平期刊,以及连续五年在美国夏威夷系统科学(HICSS)国际会议发表论文。近期担任JMIS,SCIENCE CHINA:Information Sciences(中国科学:信息科学英文版),Artificial Intelligence Review, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems等国际知名期刊审稿人及夏威夷系统科学等国际会议审稿人。2001年获教育部第八界霍英东青年教师三等奖。 主持和参加的科研项目: (1)2017.10.1-2017.10.21参加西班牙阿尔卡拉大学教师交流计划,参加“复杂事件处理的异构体系结构”的研究项目。 (2)2014.10-2015.11 厄瓜多尔普罗米修斯项目, “基于语义WEB的智慧城市决策支持系统”。(Prometeo researcher, “Semantic Web Technology and Decision support systems for Smart Cities”, this project was supported by Prometeo Project of the Secretariat for Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation of the Republic of Ecuador.) (3)主持2015安徽省自然科学基金“基于本体的IFC和CityGML互联的徽派古建筑信息模型的研究”(1508085MF114)。 (4) 2012.2-2013.3在美国路易斯维尔大学商学院计算机信息系统系参加“模糊神经推理系统用于房地产评估”、“使用文本挖掘的方法对人的因素导致的航空安全事件进行研究”、“基于自适应神经网络推理系统的分类研究”等研究项目。


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

(1) Donghui Shi, Jian Guan, Jozef Zurada, Andrew Manikas, A Data-Mining Identification of Risk Systems Mining Approach to Factors in Safety Management. Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS).2017.Vol.34,No,4.pp1054-1081. 信息系统领域排名TOP 3期刊,SCI,SSCI,二区,影响因子:3.025 (2) Donghui Shi, Jozef Zurada, Jian Guan An adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system for predicting the risks of low back disorders due to manual material lifting jobs, Expert Systems with Applications, 2013, 40(14):5490-5500. (SCI, EI) 二区 影响因子:3.526 (3) Jian Guan, Donghui Shi, Jozef Zurada, Alan S. Levitan An Adaptive Fuzzy Neural Approach for Prediction, with a Real Estate Illustration, Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 2014, 24(1):94-112. (SCI) (4) Donghui Shi, Jian Guan, Jozef Zurada, Alan S. Levitan An Innovative Clustering Approach to Market Segmentation for Improved Price Prediction, Journal of International Technology and Information Management, 2015, 24(1):15-32. (国际信息管理协会官方期刊) (5) Donghui Shi, Jozef Zurada, Jian Guan, Sandeep Goyal An Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy System with Semi-supervised Learning as An Approach to Improving data Classification- An Illustration of bad Debt Recovery in Healthcare,Journal of International Technology and Information Management. 2015, 24(4): Article 1. (国际信息管理协会官方期刊) (6) Donghui Shi, Jian Guan, Jozef Zurada, Jorge Lopez-Vargas, Maria del Carmen Cabrera Loayza A Fuzzy Neura Approach with Multiple Models to Time-dependent Short Term Power Load Forecasting Based on Weather, Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering. 2017.1. Vol 12 no 1.pp1-16. 2. 会议论文 (1) Donghui Shi, Jozef Zurada, Jian Guan Identification of Human Factors in Aviation Incidents Using a Data Stream Approach, the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS’50). Hawaii (The best paper of the minitrack and nominated for the best paper award.) (夏威夷国际会议在信息系统领域国际会议中排名第二,获得最佳论文提名奖) (2) Donghui Shi, Jozef Zurada, Jian Guan A Bayesian Network Approach to Classifying Bad Debt in Hospitals, the 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS’49), Hawaii, 2016.1.6-2016.1.9. (EI) (3) Donghui Shi, Jozef Zurada, Jian Guan. A Neuro-fuzzy System with Semi-supervised Learning for Bad Debt Recovery in the Healthcare Industry, the 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS’48), Hawaii, 2015.1.6-2015.1.9. (EI) (4) Donghui Shi, Jian Guan, Jozef Zurada Cost-Sensitive Learning for Imbalanced Bad Debt Datasets in Healthcare Industry, 2015 Asia-Pacific Conference on Computer Aided System Engineering, Quito, 2015.7.14-2015.7.16. (EI) (5) Donghui Shi, Jozef Zurada, Jian Guan A Neuro-fuzzy Approach to Bad Debt Recovery in Healthcare, the 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS’47), Hawaii, 2014.1.6-2014.1.9. (EI) (6) Jozef Zurada, Donghui Shi, Jian Guan A Fuzzy Neural Approach to Classifying Low Back Disorders Risks, the 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS’46), 2382-2388, Hawaii, 2013.1.7-2013.1.10 (EI) (7) Donghui Shi, Jian Guan and Zurada Jozef Human Factors Identification in Aviation Incidents Using Topic Mining, Proceedings of the Seventh China Summer Workshop on Information Management, 2013.7 pp.143-149. (8) Shi, Donghui, Jorge Lopez-Vargas, and María del Carmen Cabrera Loayza. The Design and Implementation of English Listening Question Bank and Dynamic Examination System Based on Internet. Anais dos Workshops do Congresso Brasileiro de Informática na Educação. Vol. 4. No. 1. 2015. (9) Donghui Shi, Jian Guan and Zurada Jozef Improving Prediction Models for Mass Assessment: A Data Stream Approach. Proceedings of the 11th China Summer Workshop on Information Management, 2017.6.24-25 Nanjing China.
