1. Ru, T*., Kompier, M. E., Chen, Q., Zhou, G., & Smolders, K. C. H. J. (2023). Temporal tuning of illuminance and spectrum: Effect of a full-day dynamic lighting pattern on well-being, performance and sleep in simulated office environment. Building and Environment, 228, 109842. (SCI, IF= 7.093, 中科院1区top)
2. Ru, T#., Ma, Y#., Zhong, L#., Chen, Q*., Ma, Y., Zhou, G. (2022). Effects of Ambient Illuminance on Explicit and Implicit Altruism: The Mediation Roles of Perceived Anonymity and Satisfaction with Light. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(22), 15092. (SCI & SSCI, IF= 4.614, JCR Q1)
3. Ru, T#*., Qian, L#., Chen, Q#., Sun, H., & Zhou, G. (2022). Effects of an afternoon nap on sustained attention and working memory: The role of physiological arousal and sleep variables. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 179, 21-29. (SCI & SSCI, IF= 2.903, JCR Q2)
4. Ru, T., Smolders, K. *, Chen, Q., Zhou, G. *, & de Kort, Y. (2021). Diurnal effects of illuminance on performance: Exploring the moderating role of cognitive domain and task difficulty. Lighting Research & Technology, 2021 doi:10.1177/1477153521990645(SCI, IF=2.77)
5. Ru, T., de Kort, Y. A*. W., Smolders, K. C. H. J., Chen, Q., & Zhou*, G. (2019). Non-image forming effects of illuminance and correlated color temperature of office light on alertness, mood, and performance across cognitive domains. Building and Environment. 2019.149.253-263. doi: 10.1016/j.buildenv. (SCI, IF=7.093, 中科院1区top)
6. Ru, T*., Chen, Q., You, J., & Zhou, G*. (2019) Effects of a short midday nap on habitual nappers’ alertness, mood and mental performance across cognitive domains. Journal of Sleep Research, 28(3), e12638.doi:10.1111/jsr.12638. (SCI, IF =5.296, JCR Q2)
7. Qian, L., Ru, T*., He, M., Li, S., & Zhou, G. (2022). Effects of a brief afternoon nap on declarative and procedural memory. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 194, 107662. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.nlm.2022.107662 (SCI, IF=2.95, JCR Q2)
8. He, M., Ru, T*., Li, S., Li, Y., & Zhou, G. (2022). Shine light on sleep: Morning bright light improves nocturnal sleep and next morning alertness among college students. Journal of Sleep Research, , 11. doi:https://doi.org/10.1111/jsr.13724. (SCI, IF =5.296, JCR Q2)
9. Luo, X., Ru, T*., Chen, Q., Li, Y., Chen, Y*., Zhou, G. (2022). Influence of daytime blue-enriched bright light on heart rate variability in healthy subjects. Chronobiology International. 39(6), 826–835. (SCI, IF 3.749, JCR Q2)
10. Luo, X., Ru, T*., Chen, Q., Hsiao, F., Hung, C., Yang, C., Zhou, G. (2021). Temporal dynamics of subjective and objective alertness during exposure to bright light in the afternoon for 5 h. Frontiers in Physiology. 12, 771605. (SCI, IF 4.755, JCR Q1)
11. Li, Y., Ru, T. *, Chen, Q., Qian, L., Luo, X., & Zhou, G. (2021). Effects of illuminance and correlated color temperature of indoor light on emotion perception. Scientific Reports, 11(1).doi:10.1038/s41598-021-93523-y (SCI, IF=4.99, JCR Q2)
12. Li, Y., Zhou, Y., Ru, T. *, Niu, J., He, M., & Zhou, G. (2021). How does the COVID-19 affect mental health and sleep among Chinese adolescents: a longitudinal follow-up study. Sleep Medicine, 85, 246–258.doi:10.1016/j.sleep.2021.07.00(SCI, IF=3.49, , JCR Q2)
13. Zhou Y, Chen Q, Luo X, Li L, Ru T* and Zhou G (2021) Does Bright Light Counteract the Post-Lunch Dip in Subjective States and Cognitive Performance Among Undergraduate Students? Front. Public Health 9:652849. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.652849(SCI, IF=2.71)
14. Zhou, Y., Shi, H., Chen, Q.-W., Ru, T. *, & Zhou, G. (2021). Investigation of the Optimum Display Luminance of an LCD Screen under Different Ambient Illuminances in the Evening. Applied Sciences, 11(9), 4108. (SCI, IF=2.22)
15. Qian L, Ru T*, Chen Q, Li Y, Zhou Y, Zhou G. * (2020) Effects of bright light and an afternoon nap on task performance depend on the cognitive domain. J Sleep Res; e132424. doi:10.3390/app11094108 (SCI, IF =5.296, JCR Q2)
16. Chen, Q. W., Ru, T. T*., Zhai, D. G., Huang, X. H., Li, Y., Qian, L., Zhou, G. F. (2020). Half a century of Lighting Research & Technology: A bibliometric review. Lighting Research & Technology, 52(4), 554–578.https://doi.org/10.1177/1477153519857788(SCI, IF=2.77)
17. Chen, Q., Ru, T*., Yang, M., Yan, P., Li, J., Yao, Y., & Zhou, G*. (2018). Effects of afternoon nap deprivation on adult habitual nappers’ inhibition functions. BioMed Research International, 2018, 5702646. doi:10.1155/2018/5702646. (SCI, IF=2.58)
18. Yang, J., Ru, T*., Chen, Q., Mao, T., Ji, Y., & Zhou, G*. (2019). (2019). The effects of ambient light on task switching depend on the chronotype. Lighting Research & Technology, 51(4), 544–556., doi:10.1177/1477153518777028. (SCI, IF=2.77)
19. Mao, T., Yang, J., Ru, T., Chen, Q., Shi, H., Zhou, J., Zhou, G. * (2018). Does red light induce people to be riskier? Exploring the colored light effect on the Balloon Analogue Risk Task (BART). Journal of Environmental Psychology, 57, 73–82. (SCI, , IF=5.19)
20. Wang, J., Xia, T., Xu, L., Ru, T., Mo, C., & Wang, T. T., et al. (2015). What is beautiful brings out what is good in you: The effect of facial attractiveness on individuals' honesty. International Journal of Psychology, 52(3), 197-204.(SSCI, IF=1.86,共一)
21. 何美亨,汝涛涛*,李乐,李丝雨,周国富.(2023)日间光暴露对睡眠的优化及其作用机理. 心理科学进展.(in press)
22. 钟罗金,汝涛涛.(2021)自我欺骗的认知加工: 模型及其构建.华南师范大学学报(社会科学版)(3).81-89.
23. 钟罗金, 汝涛涛(共一), 范梦, 莫雷.2019) 认知模糊程度和动机强度对有意识和无意识自我欺骗的影响.心理学报,51(12) : 1330-1340.
24. 李芸, 汝涛涛*,李思雨, 陈涵宇, 谢舒雅, 周国富. (2021). 环境光照对情绪的影响及作用机理. 心理科学进展, 30(2), 389–405.
25. 钱柳, 汝涛涛*, 罗雪, 牛佳兴, 马永骏, 周国富*. (2020). 睡眠限制对认知功能的影响及其潜在作用机制. 心理科学进展, 28(9), 1493–1507
26. 汝涛涛*, 李芸, 钱柳, 陈庆伟, 周国富*. (2019).环境光照的认知功效及其影响因素与作用机理. 心理科学进展, 27(10), 1687–1702. ( CSSCI, B类)
27. 钟罗金, 汝涛涛, 范梦, 莫雷. (2019).认知模糊程度与动机强度对有意识和无意识自我欺骗的影响.心理学报,31(12),1330–1340. (共同一作, CSSCI, T类)
28. 陈庆伟, 汝涛涛*, 罗雪, 董巧玲, 翟迪国, 熊晓, 周国富*. (2019). 电子媒体使用对睡眠的影响、机制及其干预. 心理科学进展, 27(1), 70–82. ( CSSCI, B类)
29. 熊晓, 朱莹莹, 陈庆伟, 汝涛涛*, 周国富. (2018).室内照度和时间对警觉性和视空绩效的影响. 心理科学, 41(6), 1325-1332. (通讯作者, CSSCI, A类)
30. 陈庆伟, 汝涛涛*, 周菊燕, 李静华, 熊晓, 李笑然, 周国富*. (2018). 光照对社会心理和行为的影响. 心理科学进展, 26(6), 1083–1095. (CSSCI, B类)
31. 汝涛涛, 范若琳, 陈庆伟, 李静华, 莫雷*, & 周国富. (2017). 女性面孔吸引力的加工及其对男性诚实道德行为的影响:一项ERP研究. 心理科学, 40(6), 1428-1432. (CSSCI,A类)
32. 钟伟芳, 汝涛涛, & 莫雷. (2016). 右视野颜色范畴知觉是长期习得语言范畴还是即时分类颜色的结果? 心理发展与教育, 32(1), 1-8. (CSSCI,A类)
33. 汝涛涛, 王婷婷, 朱莹莹, 钟罗金, 周国富, & 莫雷*. (2015). 道德推断中的面孔刻板效应: 性别的调节作用. 心理学探新, 35(4), 337-343. (CSSCI,B类)
34. 钟伟芳, 汝涛涛, 李悠, 彭少灵, & 莫雷. (2015). 习得的语言范畴影响颜色知觉的机制: 来自ERP的证据. 心理发展与教育, 31(2), 157-164.
35. 朱莹莹, 汝涛涛, & 周国富. (2015). 照明的非视觉作用及其脑神经机制. 心理科学进展, 23(8), 1348-1360.
36 汝涛涛, 莫雷*, 张婷, 焦鸿浩, & 黄玉兰. (2013). 基于规则的类别学习中言语标签和动作标签的建构. 心理学报, 45(12), 1334-1344. (CSSCI,T类)