Yujiang Xie, Maocai Wang, Microstructural morphology of electrospark deposition layer of a high gamma prime superalloy, Surface & Coatings Technology, 2006, 201(3-4): 691~698
Yujiang Xie, Maocai Wang, Epitaxial MCrAlY coating on a Ni-base superalloy produced by electrospark deposition, Surface & Coatings Technology, 2006, 201(6): 3564-3570
Yujiang Xie, Maocai Wang, Dawei Huang, Comparative study of microstructural characteristic of electrospark and Nd:YAG laser epitaxially growing coatings, Applied Surface Science, 2007,253(14):6149-6156
Yujiang Xie, Maocai Wang, Isothermal oxidation behavior of electrospark deposited MCrAlX-type coatings on a Ni-based superalloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2009, 480(2): 454-461
Yujiang Xie, Maocai Wang, A feasibility study of preparing MCrAlX/BN composite coatings by electrospark deposition process, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2009, 484(1-2):21-24
Yujiang Xie, Maocai Wang, Unweldable superalloy component repair using electro-spark deposition with high strength filler material, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2005, 5 S (3): 359~364
Yujiang Xie, Maocai Wang, Ge Zhang, Min Chang, Analysis of superalloy turbine blade tip cracking during service, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2006,13(8): 1429~1436
Maocai Wang, Weifu Wang, Yujiang Xie,Electrospark epitaxial deposition of NiCoCrAlYTa alloy on a D.S. nickel-based superalloy,Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2010(20), 795~802
Yujiang Xie, Yanhong Yang, Mingsheng Wang, MCrAlY/TaC Metal Matrix Composite coatings produced by electrospark deposition,Acta Metallurgica Sinica,2013(26), 173~176
Y.H.Yang, Y.J.Xie, M.S.Wang, W.Ye, Microstructure and tensile properties of nickel-based superalloy K417G bonded using transient liquid-phase infiltration, Materials and Design 2013 (51) 141~147