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B. Yao, Z. Han, K. Lu. Dry sliding tribological properties and subsurface structure of nanostructured copper at liquid nitrogen temperature, Wear, 2013, vol.301, p608-614. B. Yao, Z. Han, K. Lu. Correlation between wear resistance and subsurface recrystallization structure in copper, Wear, 2012, vol.294-295, p438-445. B. Yao, Z. Han, K. Lu. Impurity effect on wear resistance of ultrafine-grained copper, Journal Material Science &Technology, 2012, vol.28, n6, p481-487. Y.S. Zhang, W.L. Li, G. Wang, L.C. Zhang, B. Yao, Z. Han. Formation of thick nanocrystalline surface layer on copper during oscillating sliding, Materials Letters, 2012, vol.68, p432-434. B. Wang, B. Yao, Z. Han, Annealing effect on wear resistance of nanostructured 316L stainless steel subjected to dynamic plastic deformation, Journal Material Science &Technology, 2012, vol.28, n10, p871-877. B. Yao, Z. Han, Y.S. Zhang, N.R. Tao, K. Lu. Dry sliding tribological properties of nanostructured copper subjected to dynamic plastic deformation, Wear, 2011, vol.271, n9-10, p1609-1616. Z. Han, K. Lu. Friction and wear behaviors of nanostructured metals, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2008, vol.24, n4, p483-494. Y.S. Zhang, K. Wang, Z. Han, K. Lu. Transfer behavior in low-amplitude oscillating wear of nanocrystalline copper under oil lubrication, Journal of Materials Research, 2008, vol.23, n1, p150-159. Y.S. Zhang, Z. Han, K. Lu. Fretting wear behavior of nanocrystalline surface layer of copper under dry condition, Wear, 2008, vol.265, n3-4, p396-401.
