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马德香,理学博士,华北电力大学数理学院教授,硕士生导师。1972年2月出生,1995年本科毕业于曲阜师范大学数学系,获学士学位。1998年硕士研究生毕业于曲阜师范大学数学系,获硕士学位。2006年7月博士研究生毕业于北京理工大学,获博士学位。2016/03 – 2017/03, 澳大利亚科廷科技大学,数学与统计系,访问学者.自1998年至今,一直从事非线性微分方程(整数阶和分数阶)的研究。出版专著一本《非线性常微分方程若干边值问题的研究》。现已在《J. Math. Anal.Appl. 》(SCI), 《Computers Math. Appl.》(SCI),《Appl. Math. Letters》(SCI),《Taiwan Journal of Mathematics》(SCI), 《Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal》 (SCI),《Rocky Mountain Mathematical Journal》(SCI),《数学学报》,《应用数学学报》(英文版),《系统科学与数学》等国内外重要学术刊物上发表论文三十余篇,其中 SCI 收录19篇。




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1:Dexiang Ma,Lishan Liu,Yonghong Wu,Existence of nontrivial solutions for a system of fractional advection–dispersion equations,https://doi.org/10.1007/s13398-018-0527-7,2019,REVISTA DE LA REAL ACADEMIA DE CIENCIAS EXACTAS FISICAS Y NATURALES SERIE A-MATEMATICAS 2:Ma dexiang, Liu Lishan, Wu Yonghong, NONTRIVIAL WEAK SOLUTION FOR A SCHRODINGER-KIRCHHOFF-TYPE SYSTEM DRIVEN BY A (P1, P2)-LAPLACIAN OPERATOR,DOI :10.1007/s41980-018-0017-x,2018,Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 3:Ma dexiang, A generalized Lyapunov inequality for a higher-order fractional boundary value problem, (2016) 2016:261,Journal of Inequalities and Applications 4: Ma dexiang, Yang xiaozhong, Existence and Iteration of Positive Solutions to thirdorder three-point BVP with increasing homeomorphism and positivehomomorphism ,Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 43: 2 (2013)539-550. 5: Ma dexiang, Yang xiaozhong,, On eigenvaluein intervals of higher-order boundary value problems with a sign-changing nonlinear term, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 235 (2011) 2314–2324 6: Ma dexiang, Sun shuzhen, Existence of Solution for a Third-order Boundary Value Problem with p-Laplacian Operator and Nonlinear BoundaryConditions, Portugaliae Mathematica, (2009)13-27 7: Ma dexiang, Yang xiaozhong, Upper and lower solution method for fourth-order four-point boundary value problems, JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS 223(2) 543-551, JAN 15 2009 8: Ma dexiang, Ge weigao, Existence and iteration of positive pseudo-symmetric solutions for a three-point second-order p-Laplacian BVP, APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS 20(12)1244-1249,DEC 2007 9: Ma dexiang, Ge weigao, Positive solution of multi-point boundary value problem for the one-dimensional p-laplacian with singularities, ROCKY MOUNTAIN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS 37( 4) 1229-1249, 2007 10: Ma dexiang, Ge weigao, Chen xuegang, New results on periodic solutions for a p-Laplacian Lienard equation with a deviating argument, HOUSTON JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS32( 4)1227-1239, 2006 11: Ma dexiang, Ge weigao, Gui zhanji, Existence and iteration of positive solutions for a singular two-point boundary value problem with a p-Laplacian operator, CZECHOSLOVAK MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL 57( 1)135-152, 2007 12: Ma dexiang, Tian yu,Ge weigao, Existence theorems of positive solutions for a fourth-order three-point boundary value problem, TAIWANESE JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS10(6)1557-1573, DEC 2006 13: Ma dexiang, Han jianxin, Chen xuegang Positive solution of three-point boundary value problem for the one-dimensional p-Laplacian with singularities, JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS 24(1)118-133,DEC 1 2006 14:Ma dexiang Du zengji, Ge weigao, Existence and iteration of monotone positive solutions for multipoint boundary value problem with p-Laplacian operator, COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS( 5-6)50: 729-739,SEP 2005 15: Ma dexiang, Chen xuegang, Sun liang , On total restrained domination in graphs, CZECHOSLOVAK MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL55(1)165-173, 2005 16: Du, zengji, Ma dexiang,Lin, xiaojie, A higher-order multi-point boundary value problem in the resonance case, DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS43( 4)445-453, APR 2007 17: Chen xuegang, Ma dexiang, Sun liang, A note on graphs with largest total k-domination number, ARS COMBINATORIA 77, 9-16,OCT 2005 18: Chen xuegang, Ma dexiang, Xing huaming,Sun liang,, A note on the independent domination number of subset graph, CZECHOSLOVAK MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL 55(2)511-517,2005 19:Chen xuegang,Madexiang, Strong equality of domination parameters in graphs, UTILITAS MATHEMATICA ,2012(88)367-380
