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姜根山,男,1963年5月生。1983年7月在华北电力学院应用物理专业获得理学学士学位,1989年3月在哈尔滨工业大学光学专业获得理学硕士学位,2006年6月在华北电力大学热能工程专业获得工学博士学位。1993年破格晋升为副教授,1999年晋升为教授,2012年被聘为博士生导师。1998年中国科学院声学研究所访问学者、2001年香港理工大学访问学者、2008年西澳大利亚大学访问学者、2013年英国谢菲尔德大学访问学者。现为中国声学学会理事,华北电力大学学术委员会委员,北京市劳动保护科学研究所“环境噪声与振动北京市重点实验室”学术委员会委员。《Sound and Vibration》期刊编委。国家自然科学基金重点和面上项目会议及网评专家,国家自然科学基金重大科研仪器研制项目会议及网评审专家,教育部学位与研究生教育评审专家等。 承担国家级和省部级科研项目20余项,其中:主持国家自然基金项目6项、省部级科研项目10项,主研国际合作项目2项等。发表学术论文百余篇,其中被SCI、EI收录50余篇。获得中国人民解放军科技进步二等奖1项、教育部科技进步二等奖1项,获得国家专利19项(其中发明专利8项),软件著作权1项。主要获奖 [1]2016年2月,获国家教育部科技进步二等奖,题目:大型电站锅炉燃烧温度场声学测量方法及应用研究,排名4/15。 [2]2001年11月,获中国人民解放军科技进步二等奖,题目:光电敌我识别技术研究, 排名8/8。 [3]2012年8月,获全国大学生节能减排科技大赛二等奖,题目:基于火电厂钢球磨煤机的噪声治理及利用,(指导教师)。 [4]2008年9月,获华北电力大学教学优秀“特等奖”。 [5]1994年9月,获华北电力大学教学优秀一等奖、国家电力工业部“优秀教师”荣誉。


物理声学(PhysicalAcoustics) 炉内声学在线检测(Acoustic on-line inspection in boilers) 炉内声学效应


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[1]Qian Kong, Genshan Jiang*, Yuechao Liu, Miao Yu. Numerical and Experimental Study on Temperature Field Reconstruction Based on Acoustic Tomography, Applied Thermal Engineering, Available online 26 November 2019, 114720. [2]Qian Kong, Genshan Jiang*, Yuechao Liu, Jianhao Sun. 3D Temperature Distribution Reconstruction in Furnace Based on Acoustic Tomography, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2019, 1-15 [3]Weilong Xu, Genshan Jiang*, Liansuo An, Yuechao Liu. Numerical and Experimental Study of Acoustically Enhanced Heat-Transfer from a Single Particle in Flue Gas, Combustion Science and Technology, 2018,190(7): 1158-1177. [4]Qian Kong, Genshan Jiang*, Yuechao Liu. Research on Temperature Field Reconstruction Based on RBF Approximation with Polynomial Reproduction Considering the Refraction Effect of Sound Wave Paths, Sound and Vibration, 2018, 52(4): 9-20. [5]G. Jiang, Y. Liu, W. Xu, Q. Kong. Acoustic Radiation and Cold Point Defect in Boiler Tube Arrays Based on Phononic Crystals Theory, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 123, 746-752. [6]G. Jiang, Y. Liu, Y. Wu, W. Xu, etal. Transmission and Radiation of Acoustic Oblique Incident Through Tube Arrays Based on Phononic Crystals Theory. Applied Acoustics, 2017, 116, 117-126. [7]G. Jiang, Y. Liu, Q. Kong, W. Xu, L. An. The sound transmission through tube arrays in power boilers based on phononic crystals theory, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016, 99, 1133-1140. [8]S. Zhang, G. Shen, L. An, Y. Niu, G. Jiang. Monitoring ash fouling in power station boiler furnaces using acoustic pyrometry, Chemical Engineering Science, 2015, 126, 216-223. [9]Yinghui Han, Xiaolei Li, Maohong Fan, Russell, Armistead G, Yi Zhao, Chunmei Cao, Ning Zhang, Genshan Jiang. Abatement of SO2-NOx binary gas mixtures using a ferruginous active absorbent: Part I. Synergistic effects and mechanism. Journal of Environment Sciences, 2015, 30, 55-64. [10]R. Lu, G. Jiang, B. Li, Q. Zhao,etal. Electrical Properties of Lead ZirconateTitanate Thick Film Containing Micro- and Nano-Crystalline Particles, Chinese Physics Letters, 2012, 29(5): 058101. [11]C. Mak, W. Leung, G. Jiang. Measurement and prediction of road traffic noise at different building floor levels in Hong Kong, Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, 2010; 31(2): 131-139. [12]G. Jiang, W. Xu, Y. Liu, Y. Wu, Q. Kong. A Numerical Study on the Oscillating Flow Induced by an Acoustic Field around Coal Particles. Journal of Combustion, 2016, 1-13. [13]G. Jiang, Y. Zheng, J. Pan, J. Tian. The enhancement of pulverized-coal combustion by using sound waves, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2012, Pt2, 131(4): 3468. [14]G.S. Jiang, C.M. Mak. Application of computer modeling technique to the study of the effect of vibratory rooftop equipment on indoor acoustical environment, Architectural Science Review, 2003, 46(2): 187 -191. [15]G. Jiang, J. Tian, X. Li, Theoretical analysis for sound wave scattering caused by parallel cylindrical tubes in boilers, Chinese Journal of Acoustics, 2000, 19(2): 105-113. [16]Genshan Jiang, Weilong Xu. Attenuation characteristics of Acoustic waves in Boiler Flue gas Containing Solid Particles,Proceedings ofSixth International Congress on Ultrasonics,Hawaii, USA,18-20 December 2017. [17]Yuechao Liu, Genshan Jiang, Weilong Xu, Qian Kong. Cold Point Defect Influence on Sound Transmission in Boiler Tube Arrays, PHONONICS 2017:4th International Conference on Phononic Crystals/Metamaterials, Phonon Transport/Coupling and Topological Phononics. Changsha, China, June 4-9, 2017. [18]Genshan Jiang,Duoduo Chen,Weilong Xu,Yuechao Liu,Yapan Wu,Aeolian tones radiated from leakage jet flow past heat exchanger tubes,21st International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2014,ICSV 2014.13-17 July,2014,Beijing,China. [19]Genshan Jiang,Yuechao Liu,Yapan Wu,Duoduo Chen,Weilong Xu,The investigation of sound attenuation by tubular heat exchanger arrays and the corresponding sound-reducing spectrum, 21st International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2014,ICSV 2014. 13-17 July,2014,Beijing,China. [20]Chao Wang,Genshan Jiang,Yongbo Zhu,The experimental investigation and data analysis on vibration of shaft system,21st International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2014, ICSV 2014. 13-17 July,2014,Beijing,China. [21]Genshan Jiang,Yingchao Zheng,YadongLv,Sound radiation and propagation of leakage jet through a tube array in power boilers,Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, APPEEC 2012. [22]Genshan Jiang,Lin Wang,Research on the detection and location of sound emission caused by tube leakage in boilers, Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, APPEEC, 2012. [23]Genshan Jiang, Li Zhen, Liansuo An, Study on the sound field characters in boilers of power-Plants, Internoise 2012, New York City, USA, 19-22 August 2012. [24]Genshan Jiang,Lin Wang,Jing Tian,Jie Pan,Research on acoustic source positioning method for boilers tube leakage, 20th International Congress on Acoustics 2010, ICA 2010.23-27 August 2010, Sydney, Australia. [25]Genshan Jiang,Lin Wang,Liansuo An,Jing Tian. Research on sound wave propagation through a combustion temperature-field in a power boiler,15th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2008, ICSV 2008. [26]Yinghui Han, Genshan Jiang. Feasibility analysis of simultaneous DeSO2/DeNOx using plasma and combined photocatalysis, 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, iCBBE 2008. [27]G.S. Jiang, L.S. An, J. Tian, G.Q. Shen, etal., Sound propagation through a heat-exchanger tubes array in power boilers, 14th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2007, ICSV 2007. [28]L.S. An, C.M. Mak, G.S. Jiang, Y.G. Lv. Study of Interior Sound Fields due to a Simple Vibrating Source, Proceedings of 9th ICSV, Frorida, USA. 7-12 July, 2002. [29]G.S.Jiang, Y.B. Zhu, L.S.An, K. Yang. Theoretical Analysis on Noise Induced by Flame Parcel , InterNoise2002, Dearborn MI, 540-543(4). [30]Genshan Jiang, Liansuo An, Jing Tian and Kun Yang. Interaction Effects between sound and Arrays of Cylindrical Tubes in Boilers, Proceedings of 17th ICA, Roma, Italy. 2-7 September 2001. [31]Genshan.Jiang, Liansuo An, Jing Tian, Kun Yang. Modal Analysis of Sound Resonance for the Parallel Cylindrical Shells in Boilers,Proceedings of 8th ICSV, Hong Kong, China. 2-6 July, 2001. [32]Genshan Jiang, Jing Tian, and Liansuo An, etal. Directionality Features for Acoustic Radiation from a nonseparable Source on a Rigid Cylinder. Theoretical and Computational Acoustics, 2001. [33]Yongbo Zhu, Jing Tian, Genshan Jiang. Investigation on Unsteady Flow in Cascades by Computational Aero-acoustics, Theoretical and Computational Acoustics,2001. [34]G.S.Jiang, An Liansuo, Tian Jing and Yang Kun. Numerical Results of Multiple Sound Scattering on The Tube Row and The Mode Analysis for The Interference Patterns,Proceedings of the Seventh Western Pacific Regional Acoustics Conference(WESPAC),3-5 Oct., 2000,Japan. [35]刘月超, 姜根山*, 许伟龙, 孔倩.锅炉管阵列中的声二极管效应与冷态缺陷数值研究. 动力工程学报, 2018, 38(1): 1-7, 12. [36]姜根山,许伟龙,安连锁,声波在电站锅炉含颗粒介质气体中的衰减特性数值研究,动力工程学报, 2017, 37(2): 126-133. [37]许伟龙, 姜根山*, 安连锁, 刘月超. 强声波作用下烟气夹带单颗粒煤粉传热特性的数值研究. 动力工程学报, 2017, 37(10):788-795. [38]安连锁,冯强,沈国清,姜根山等,电站锅炉管阵列声传播特性及时延值测量研究,动力工程学报, 2017,37(1):13 -20. [39]姜根山,许伟龙,孔倩,安连锁,强声波在电站锅炉中传播特性的研究,动力工程学报, 2016, 36(9): 683-689. [40]姜根山, 刘月超, 陈朵朵, 吴亚攀等. 基于声子晶体理论的管阵列声透射特性实验研究, 动力工程学报, 2015, 35(3): 197-204. [41]安连锁,冯强,沈国清,姜根山等,基于多时延识别的电站锅炉多源泄漏被动定位方法,动力工程学报,2015,35(10):798-804. [42]安连锁,冯强,沈国清,姜根山,炉膛压力管道微弱泄漏信号检测方法研究,动力工程学报,2015,35(5): 354-360. [43]姜根山, 刘月超, 安连锁. 基于声子晶体理论的炉内管阵列声透射特性数值研究, 动力工程学报,2014, 34(11):850-855. [44]安连锁,宋志强,姜根山,沈国清,考虑声波折射的声学锅炉温度场测量技术的研究,动力工程学报,2005, 25(3):378-381. [45]姜根山, 张荣英,安连锁, 田静. 周期性管阵列的声传播特性实验研究. 中国电机工程学报,2011, 31(29):9-14. [46]姜根山, 安连锁, 田静, 吕亚东. 炉管泄漏口喷流噪声的辐射特性研究. 中国电机工程学报,2010, 30(29),24-29. [47]姜根山,安连锁,沈国清, 刘克. 炉内多排换热器管阵列声传播特性数值研究. 中国电机工程学报,2007, 27(20):81-85. [48]姜根山,安连锁,田静. 炉内双排换热器管阵列声传播特性数值研究. 中国电机工程学报,2006, 26(17):106-111. [49]姜根山,安连锁,吕亚东, 沈国清. 炉内单排换热器管阵列声传播特性数值研究. 中国电机工程学报,2006, 26(12):156-160. [50]姜根山,安连锁,田静,沈国清. 换热器管排表面多极子声散射场模态研究,中国电机工程学报,2006, 26(9): 31-35. [51]姜根山,安连锁,杨昆. 温度梯度场中的声线传播路径数值研究,中国电机工程学报,2004, 24(10): 210-214. [52]安连锁,姜根山*. 水冷壁管道泄漏声场分布特征数值研究. 中国电机工程学报,2004, 24(12): 268-272. [53]姜根山,安连锁,杨昆,王松岭. 锅炉换热器管壁声共振的模态分析.中国电机工程学报,2003, 23(8): 196-200. [54]安连锁,姜根山*,王松岭,杨昆. 换热器壁面圆形泄漏口空间辐射声场分布特征数值研究. 中国电机工程学报,2003, 23(5):144-148. [55]姜根山,安连锁,杨昆. 锅炉换热器管道泄漏口声辐射指向性特征数值研究.中国电机工程学报,2002, 22(6): 126-131. [56]安连锁,王鹏,姜根山,李庚生,锅炉承压管泄漏声传播时间延迟估计,中国电机工程学报,2012, 32(2):16-23. [57]安连锁,王鹏,姜根山,李庚生,锅炉承压管泄漏双曲面定位的遗传算法优化,中国电机工程学报,2010, 30(26):17-22. [58]沈国清,安连锁,姜根山,张波,基于声学CT重建炉膛二维温度场的仿真研究,中国电机工程学报,2007, 27(2):11-14. [59]沈国清,安连锁,姜根山,梁亚园,电站锅炉声学测温中时间延迟估计的仿真研究,中国电机工程学报,2007, 27(11):57-61. [60]姜根山,朱永波,田静,安连锁. 锅炉声波除灰的声学分析. 工程热物理学报,2001, 22(6):687-690.EI 收录 [61]姜根山,田静,李晓东,锅炉管束声散射的理论分析,声学学报,2000,25(2): 155-160. [62]姜根山,吕跃广,黄明强. 稀释显影银盐干板折射率调制特性实验研究,中国激光,2004, 31(2): 190-194. [63]沈国清,安连锁,姜根山. 炉膛烟气温度声学测量方法的研究与进展, 仪器仪表学报,2003, 23(4). [64]姜根山,安连锁,C.M. Mak, 屋顶振源室内低频耦合响应场有限元研究,哈尔滨工业大学学报,2004, 36(3). [65]刘月超, 姜根山*, 许伟龙, 孔倩. 炉内管阵列中声源辐射特性数值研究, 计算物理,2018,35(6):33-41. [66]许伟龙, 姜根山*, 安连锁, 刘月超等,强声波作用下煤颗粒周围气体的振荡流动特性,计算物理,2017,34(4):425-436. [67]许伟龙, 姜根山*, 安连锁, 刘月超. 强声波作用下烟气中滑移单颗粒煤粉传热传质特性, 计算物理,2018,35(3):303-312. [68]许伟龙,姜根山*,魏朱萍,郝文卓. 声波作用下铜球传热特性实验,应用声学,2018,37(1): 129-135. [69]付豪,姜根山*. 基于FW-H方程的Hartmann哨辐射声场数值研究,应用声学,2018,37(1): 180-186. [70]王琳,姜根山*,炉内管道泄漏声检测与定位系统的研究现状,应用声学,2010,29(1): 1-10. [71]张荣英,姜根山*,屈国强等. 空气中钢管阵列声波禁带的实验研究. 声学技术,2007,26 (2). [72]张荣英,姜根山*,王璋奇,吕亚东. 声子晶体的研究进展及应用前景. 声学技术,2006,25(1).
