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1. 先进钢铁材料微观组织与转变机理研究  2. 介观尺度材料计算


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C.W. Zheng, D. Raabe. Interaction between recrystallization and phase transformation during intercritical annealing in a cold-rolled dual-phase steel: a cellular automaton model. Acta Materialia. Vol. 61, pp.5504-5517 (2013). C.W. Zheng, D. Raabe, D.Z. Li. Prediction of post-dynamic austenite-to-ferrite transformation and reverse transformation in a low carbon steel by cellular automaton modeling. Acta Materialia. Vol. 60, pp.4768-4779 (2012). C.W. Zheng, N.M. Xiao, L.H. Hao, D.Z. Li, Y.Y. Li. Numerical simulation of dynamic strain-induced austenite-ferrite transformation in a low carbon steel. Acta Materialia. Vol. 57, pp.2956-2968 (2009). C.W. Zheng, D.Z. Li, S.P. Lu, Y.Y. Li. On the ferrite refinement during the dynamic strain-induced transformation: a cellular automaton modeling. Scripta Materialia. Vol. 58,pp.838-841 (2008). C.W. Zheng, N.M. Xiao, D.Z. Li, Y.Y. Li. A mesoscopic modeling of the austenite static recrystallization in a low carbon steel using a coupled simulation method. Computational Materials Science. Vol. 45, pp.568-575 (2009). C.W. Zheng, N.M. Xiao, D.Z. Li, Y.Y. Li. Microstructure prediction of the austenite recrystallization during multi-pass steel strip hot rolling: a cellular automation modeling. Computational Materials Science. Vol. 44, pp.507-514 (2008). 郑成武, 兰勇军, 肖纳敏, 李殿中, 李依依. 热变形低碳钢中奥氏体静态再结晶介观尺度模拟. 金属学报. Vol. 42, pp. 474-480 (2006). N.M. Xiao, C.W. Zheng, D.Z. Li, Y.Y. Li. A simulation of dynamic recrystallization by coupling a cellular automaton method with a topology deformation technique. Computational Materials Science. Vol. 41, pp.366-374 (2008). D.Z. Li, N.M. Xiao, Y.J. Lan, C.W. Zheng, Y.Y. Li. Growth modes of individual ferrite grains in the austenite to ferrite transformation of low carbon steels. Acta Materialia. Vol. 55, pp.6234-6249 (2007).
