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► 高温异质材料连接技术  围绕高温结构陶瓷、多孔陶瓷膜等材料的连接问题,开展封接玻璃材料的组成、制备工艺和理化性能研究;玻璃晶化过程和机理研究;微晶玻璃组成、结构与性能研究;实用微晶玻璃材料开发及制备工艺研究;高温结构陶瓷的金属/微晶玻璃表面烧结改性研究等工作。  ► 功能微晶玻璃材料  开展高储能密度的铁电微晶玻璃材料的基础性研究,这是当前储能电介质材料领域急需解决的国际前沿课题。研究工作主要包括高储能密度铁电微晶玻璃材料的关键制备技术及其析晶动力学特性和析晶机制;铁电微晶玻璃材料结构精细化调控理论及与介电性能优化机理;微纳结构与铁电微晶玻璃电介质中载流体相互作用机制。另外,也围绕大容量、高耐压铁电微晶玻璃储能电容器件研制进行理论设计和关键技术研发。


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Weiwei Zhu, Jichun Chen, Chunhai Jiang, Chuanyong Hao, Jinsong Zhang*. Joining of Porous Alumina with a CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 Glass-Ceramic. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 96(6),pp1738,2013. Jichun Chen, Yong Zhang. La doping effect on the dielectric property of barium strontium titanate glass-ceramics. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 30(3), pp 295, 2014. Chen, J. C., Zhang, Y. Enhancement of Sinter Densification of SrO-BaO-Nb2O5-SiO2 Tungsten-Bronze Glass-Ceramics by Doping with P2O5. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 29(8), pp 731, 2013. Jichun Chen, Yong Zhang, Changsheng Deng, Xiaming Dai. Crystallization kinetics and dielectric properties of barium strontium titanate based glass-ceramics. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 121(1-2), pp109, 2010. Jichun Chen, Yong Zhang, Changsheng Deng, and Xiaming Dai. Effect of Ba/Ti ratio on microstructures and dielectric properties of barium titanate based glass-ceramics. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 92(6), pp1350, 2009. Jichun Chen, Yong Zhang, Changsheng Deng, and Xiaming Dai. Improvement in the microstructures and dielectric properties of barium strontium titanate glass-ceramics by AlF3/MnO2 addition. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 92(8), pp1863, 2009. Jichun Chen, Chuanyong Hao, and Jinsong Zhang. Interfacial microstructure and mechanical strength of ferritic stainless steel and silicated graphite joints bonded with Cu/Ni composite interlayers. Scripta Materialia. 54(4), pp553, 2006. Jichun Chen, Chuanyong Hao, and Jinsong Zhang. Fabrication of 3D-SiC network reinforced Aluminum-matrix composites by pressureless infiltration. Materials letters. 60(4), pp2489, 2006. Jichun Chen, Chuanyong Hao, and Jinsong Zhang. Interface structure and formation mechanism of direct-bonded joints of silicated graphite to Fe-based alloys. Journal of Materials Science & Technology. 23(1), pp92, 2007. Jichun Chen, Chuanyong Hao, and Jinsong Zhang. Wetting behavior of Cu-based active brazing alloys on silicated graphite. Science and Technology of Welding and Joining. 11(5), pp 600, 2006. Shitong Wei, Chuanyong Hao and Jichun Chen. Study of friction stir welding of 01420 aluminum–lithium alloy. Materials Science and Engineering: A. pp452, pp170, 2007.
