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教育经历 1997/09 – 2001/07 黑龙江大学,应用化学专业,理学学士 2001/09 – 2004/07 吉林大学,物理化学专业,理学硕士 2005/01 – 2008/12 德国马普协会弗里茨哈伯研究所(Fritz Haber Institut)理学博士 工作经历 2009/01 – 2009/07 德国马普协会弗里茨哈伯研究所,理论系,博士后 2009/08 – 2011/09 美国加州大学圣巴巴拉分校,化学系,博士后 2011/10 – 2013/09 中国科学院金属研究所,催化材料研究部,“葛庭燧奖研金”学者 2013/11 – 至今 中国科学院金属研究所,催化材料研究部,副研究员


第一性原理计算模拟多相催化反应过程 低链烷烃分子高效催化转化 纳米碳材料催化剂在多相催化中的机理研究 CO2电化学还原


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Hou, T. Z.; Chen, X.; Peng, H. J.; Huang, J. Q.; Li, B. Q.; Zhang, Q.*; Li, Bo*, Design Principles for Heteroatom-Doped Nanocarbon to Achieve Strong Anchoring of Polysulfides for Lithium-Sulfur Batteries. Small 2016, 12, 3283-3291. Sun, X. Y.; Li, Bo*; Su, D. S.*, The Unexpected Reactivity of the Carbon Sites on the Nanostructured Carbon Catalysts towards the C-H Bond Activation from the Analysis of the Aromaticity. Chem-Asian J 2016, 11, 1668-1671. Sun X. Y., Li Bo*, Liu T. F., Song J. and Su D. S.*, Designing graphene as a new frustrated Lewis pair catalyst for hydrogen activation by co-doping. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2016, 18, 11120-11124. Wen, G.; Wu, S.; Li, Bo; Dai, C. and Su, D. S., Active Sites and Mechanisms for Direct Oxidation of Benzene to Phenol over Carbon Catalysts, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2015, 54, 4105-4109. Shu, C. Z.; Li, Bo; Zhang, B. S.; Su, D. S., Hierarchical Nitrogen-Doped Graphene/Carbon Nanotube Composite Cathode for Lithium-Oxygen Batteries. ChemSusChem 2015, 8, 3973-3976. Mao, S. J.; Sun, X. Y.; Li, Bo* and Su, D. S.*, Rationale of the effects from dopants on the C-H bond activation for the sp2 hybridized nanostructured carbon catalysts, Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 16579-16600. Li, Bo; Sun, X. and Su, D. S.*, Calibration of the basic strength of the nitrogen groups on the nanostructured carbon materials, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2015, 17, 6691-6694. Hou, T.-Z.; Peng, H.-J.; Huang, J.-Q.; Zhang, Q.* and Li, Bo*, The formation of strong-couple interactions between nitrogen-doped graphene and sulfur/lithium (poly)sulfides in lithium-sulfur batteries, 2D Materials, 2015, 2, 014011. Ji, X.; Niu, X.; Li, Bo*; Han, Q.; Yuan, F.; Zaera, F.*; Zhu, Y.* and Fu, H., Selective Hydrogenation of Cinnamaldehyde to Cinnamal Alcohol over Platinum/Graphene Catalysts, ChemCatChem, 2014, 6, 3246-3253 Zhou, K.; Li, Bo; Zhang, Q.; Huang, J.-Q.; Tian, G.-L.; Jia, J.-C.; Zhao, M.-Q.; Luo, G.-H.; Su, D. S.* and Wei, F.*, The Catalytic Pathways of Hydrohalogenation over Metal-Free Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Nanotubes, ChemSusChem, 2014, 7, 723-728. Zhong, B.; Zhang, J.*; Li, Bo; Zhang, B.; Dai, C.; Sun, X.; Wang, R. and Su, D. S.*, Insight into the mechanism of nanodiamond catalysed decomposition of methane molecules, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2014, 16, 4488-4491. Sun, X. Y.; Li, Bo and Su, D. S.*, Revealing the nature of the active site on the carbon catalyst for C-H bond activation, Chemical Communication, 2014, 50, 11016-11019. Mao, S. J.; Li, Bo and Su, D. S.*, The first principles studies on the reaction pathway of the oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane on the undoped and doped carbon catalyst. Journal of Material Chemistry A, 2014, 2, 5287-5294. Li, Bo and Su, D. S.*, The Nucleophilicity of the Oxygen Functional Groups on Carbon Materials: A DFT Analysis, Chemistry - An European Journal, 2014, 20, 7890-7894. Li, Bo and Su, D. S.*, Computational exploration on effects of heteroatom doping for nanostructured carbon catalysts, CIESC Journal, 2014, 65, 2657-2667. Sun, X.; Li, Bo and Metiu, H.*, Ethane Activation by Nb-Doped NiO, J. Phys. Chem C 2013, 117, 23597-23608. Li, Bo and Su, D. S.*, Theoretical Studies on Ethylene Selectivity in the Oxidative Dehydrogenation Reaction on Undoped and Doped Nanostructured Carbon Catalysts, Chem. Asian J. 2013, 8, 2605-2608. Li, Bo and Su, D. S.*, First-Principles Studies of the Activation of Oxygen Molecule and Its Role in Partial Oxidation of Methane on Boron-Doped Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes, J. Phys. Chem. C 2013, 117, 17485-17492. Sun, X. Y.; Li, Bo and Metiu, H.*, Methane Dissociation on Li-, Na-, K-, and Cu-Doped Flat and Stepped CaO(001), J. Phys. Chem. C 2013, 117, 7114-7122. Derk, A.; Li, Bo; Sharma, S.; Moore, G.; McFarland, E. and Metiu, H.*, Methane Oxidation by Lanthanum Oxide Doped with Cu, Zn, Mg, Fe, Nb, Ti, Zr, or Ta: The Connection Between the Activation Energy and the Energy of Oxygen-Vacancy Formation, Catal. Lett. 2013, 143, 406-410.
