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镁合金的微观腐蚀机制  镁合金的表面防护技术  金属表面处理(化学镀,电镀,氧化等)  材料的耐蚀性评价  医用生物可降解涂层


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Yingwei Song*, Dayong Shan, En-Hou Han, A novel biodegradable nicotinic acid/calcium phosphate composite coating on Mg-3Zn alloy, Materials Science & Engineering C 33 (2013) 78-84. Yingwei Song, En-Hou Han*, Dayong Shan, Chang Dong Yim, Bong Sun You, Microstructure and protection characteristics of the naturally formed oxide films on Mg–xZn alloys, Corrosion Science 72 (2013) 133-143. Jun Chen, Yingwei Song*, Dayong Shan, En-Hou Han, Modifications of the hydrotalcite film on AZ31 Mg alloy by phytic acid: The effects on morphology, composition and corrosion resistance, Corrosion Science 74 (2013) 130-138. Yingwei Song, En-Hou Han*, Dayong Shan, Chang Dong Yim, Bong Sun You, The role of second phases in the corrosion behavior of Mg–5Zn alloy, Corrosion Science 60 (2012) 238-245. Yingwei Song, En-Hou Han*, Dayong Shan, Chang Dong Yim, Bong Sun You, The effect of Zn concentration on the corrosion behavior of Mg-xZn alloys, Corrosion Science 65 (2012) 322-330. Jun Chen, Yingwei Song*, Dayong Shan, En-Hou Han, Study of the in situ growth mechanism of Mg–Al hydrotalcite conversion film on AZ31 magnesium alloy, Corrosion Science 63 (2012) 148-158. Jun Chen, Yingwei Song*, Dayong Shan, En-Hou Han, Study of the corrosion mechanism of the in situ grown Mg–Al–CO32– hydrotalcite film on AZ31 alloy, Corrosion Science 65 (2012) 268–277. Jun Chen, Yingwei Song*, Dayong Shan, En-Hou Han, In situ growth of Mg-Al hydrotalcite conversion film on AZ31 magnesium alloy, Corrosion Science 53 (2011) 3281-3288. Yingwei Song*, Dayong Shan, Rongshi Chen, En-Hou Han, Effect of second phases on the corrosion behaviour of wrought Mg-Zn-Y-Zr alloy, Corrosion Science 52 (2010) 1830-1837. Yingwei Song*, Dayong Shan, Rongshi Chen, En-Hou Han, An environmentally friendly molybdate/phosphate black film on Mg-Zn-Y-Zr alloy, Surface & Coatings Technology 204 (2010) 3182-3187. Yingwei Song*, Dayong Shan, Rongshi Chen, En-Hou Han, Formation Mechanism of Phosphate Conversion Film on Mg-8.8Li Alloy, Corrosion Sciences 2009 (51) 62-69. Yingwei Song*, Dayong Shan, Rongshi Chen, En-Hou Han, Corrosion Characterization of Mg-8Li Alloy in NaCl Solution, Corrosion Sciences 51 (2009) 1087-1094. Yingwei Song*, Dayong Shan, Rongshi Chen, Fan Zhang, En-Hou Han, A novel phosphate conversion film on Mg-8.8Li alloy, Surface & Coatings Technology 203 (2009) 1107-1113. Yingwei Song*, Dayong Shan, Rongshi Chen, Fan Zhang, En-Hou Han, Biodegradable behaviors of AZ31 magnesium alloy in simulated body fluid, Materials Science and Engineering C 29 (2009) 1039-1045. Yingwei Song*, Dayong Shan, Rongshi Chen, En-Hou Han, Investigation of surface oxide film on magnesium lithium alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 29 (2009) 1039-1045. Y.W. Song, D.Y. Shan, E.H. Han*. High corrosion resistance of electroless composite plating coatings on AZ91D magnesium alloys. Electrochimic Acta 53 (2008) 2135-2143 Y.W. Song*, D.Y. Shan, E.H. Han, Electrodeposition of hydroxyapatite coating on AZ91D magnesium alloy for biomaterial application, Materials Letters 62 (2008) 3276-3279 Y.W. Song, D.Y. Shan, E.H. Han*, Corrosion behaviors of electroless plating Ni–P coatings deposited on magnesium alloys in artificial sweat solution. Electrochimic Acta 53 (2007) 2009-2015.
