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主要从事材料高温高压水腐蚀损伤行为、机理与评价技术研究,包括360oC/20 MPa以下的轻水堆核电站服役水环境和374oC/22.1 MPa以上的超临水环境。主要以能源和环境安全为背景,研究现役二代压水堆和三代大型先进压水堆核电站及第四代超临界水冷堆关键设备材料的服役安全、国产化设计、运行水化学、在线监检测原理与方法及寿命评价技术;同时涉及超超临界火电机组关键材料的服役损伤评价、工业有机毒害废物超临界水氧化处理新技术的开发及关键设备的选材、超临界煤气化技术关键设备的选材、超临界水热合成原理与工艺研究,以及新型耐蚀材料研发及腐蚀性能评价等工作。  • 核电高温高压水和超临界水模拟设备与实验技术  • 高温高压水腐蚀电化学及在线监检测技术  • 核电运行水化学影响腐蚀损伤的机理与参数优化  • 核电材料高温高压水腐蚀疲劳及寿命设计模型  • 超临界水腐蚀损伤及水热合成  • 高温高压液相环境腐蚀失效分析与对策  • 新型耐蚀材料研发及腐蚀性能评价


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

吴欣强*,谭季波,徐松,韩恩厚,柯伟,核级低合金钢高温水腐蚀疲劳机制及环境疲劳设计模型,金属学报,51(3), 2015, 298-306. X. Y. Zhong, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, Effects of exposure temperature and time on corrosion behavior of a ferritic-martensitic steel P92 in aerated supercritical water, Corrosion Science, 90, 2015, 511-521. X. Q. Wu*, X. H. Liu, E. H. Han, W. Ke, Effects of zinc injection on electrochemical corrosion and cracking behaviors of stainless steels in borated and lithiated high temperature water, Proceedings of the International Conference on Water Chemistry of Nuclear Reactor Systems, NPC2014, October 26-31, 2014, Sapporo, Japan, Paper No.10021. J. B. Tan, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, We Ke, X. Q. Liu, F. J. Meng, X. L. Xu, Corrosion fatigue behavior of Alloy 690 steam generator tube in borated and lithiated high temperature water, Corrosion Science, 89, 2014, 203-213. J. B. Tan, X. Q. Wu*, E.-H. Han, We Ke, X. Q. Liu, F. J. Meng, X. L. Xu, Role of TiN inclusion on corrosion fatigue behavior of Alloy 690 steam generator tubes in borated and lithiated high temperature water, Corrosion Science, 88, 2014, 349-359. X. Liu, E. H. Han*, X. Q. Wu, Effects of pH value on characteristics of oxide films on 316L stainless steel in Zn-injected borated and lithiated high temperature water, Corrosion Science, 78, 2014, 200-207. X. Q. Wu*, J. Xu, W. Ke, S. Xu, B. Feng, B. T. Hu, Effects of pH value on corrosion behavior of thermal sprayed Al-Si coated Q235 steel in simulated soil solutions, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 23, 2014, 2265-2273. 刘侠和,吴欣强*,韩恩厚,温度对国产核级316L不锈钢在加Zn水中电化学腐蚀性能的影响,金属学报,50(1), 2014, 64-70. X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, Y. M. Xu, Nuclear power development and major research projects in China, Symposium on Water Chemistry and Corrosion in Nuclear Power Plants in Asia, 2013, October 14-17, 2013, Taichung, Taiwan. (Plenary Talk) X. Liu, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, Electrochemical and surface analytical investigation of the effects of Zn concentrations on characteristics of oxide films on 304 stainless steel in borated and lithiated high temperature water, Electrochimica Acta, 108, 2013, 554-565. J. Xu, X. Q. Wu*, E.-H. Han, Acoustic emission response of sensitized 304 stainless steel during intergranular corrosion and stress corrosion cracking, Corrosion Science, 73, 2013, 262-273. W. Kuang, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, Influence of dissolved oxygen concentration on the oxide film formed on Alloy 690 in high temperature water, Corrosion Science, 2013, 69, 2013, 197-204. X. Y. Zhong, E. H. Han*, X. Q. Wu*, Corrosion behavior of Alloy 690 in aerated supercritical water, Corrosion Science, 66(1), 2013, 369-379. X. Q. Wu*, X. Liu, E. H. Han, W. Ke, Influence of Zn injection on corrosion behavior and oxide film characteristics of 304 stainless steel in borated and lithiated high temperature water, Proceedings of the International Conference on Water Chemistry of Nuclear Reactor Systems, September 23-28, 2012, Paris, France, Paper No. 28-O27. J. Xu, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, The evolution of electrochemical behaviour and oxide film properties of 304 stainless steel in high temperature aqueous environment, Electrochimica Acta, 71(6), 2012, 219-226. X. Liu, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, Effect of Zn injection on established surface oxide films on 316L stainless steel in borated and lithiated high temperature water, Corrosion Science, 65(12), 2012, 136-144. W. Kuang, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, Influence of dissolved oxygen concentration on the oxide film formed on 304 stainless steel in high temperature water, Corrosion Science, 63(10), 2012, 259-266. J. Xu, E. H. Han*, X. Q. Wu*, Acoustic emission response of 304 stainless steel during constant load test in high temperature aqueous environment, Corrosion Science, 63(10), 2012, 91-99. H. Sun, X. Q. Wu*, E. H. Han, Y. Z. Wei, Effects of pH and dissolved oxygen on electrochemical behavior and oxide films of 304SS in borated and lithiated high temperature water, Corrosion Science, 59(6), 2012, 334-342. 吴欣强*,徐松,韩恩厚,柯伟,核级不锈钢高温水腐蚀疲劳机制及环境疲劳设计模型,金属学报,47(7), 2011, 790-796.
