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(1)纳米材料的扩散与相变行为; (2)金属材料的表面纳米化及复合表面纳米化。


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H.L. Wang, Z.B. Wang and K. LuEnhanced reactive diffusion of Zn in a nanostructured Fe produced by means of surface mechanical attrition treatmentActa Materialia, 2012, vol. 60, pp. 1762-1770. L.M. Wang, Z.B. Wang, S. Guo and K. LuAnnealing-induced grain refinement in a nanostructured ferritic steelJournal of Materials Science & Technology, 2012, vol. 28, pp. 41-45. J. Sun, W.P. Tong, H. Zhang, L. Zuo, Z.B. Wang Evaluation of surface-modified 20CrMo by plasma nitriding coupled with ion sputtering and SMATSurface & Coatings Technology, 2012, vol. 213, pp. 247-252. H.L. Wang, Z.B. Wang and K. LuDeconvolution of the “zero profile” from the diffusion profile measured by secondary ion mass spectroscopy (二次离子质谱仪测量扩散曲线时“零曲线”的分离,in Chinese)Acta Metall. Sinica(金属学报), 2012, vol. 48, pp. 245-249. Z.B. Wang, K. Lu, G. Wilde and S.V. Divinski Effects of grain growth on interface diffusion in nanostructured CuScripta Materialia, 2011, vol. 64, pp. 1055-1058. L.M. Wang, Z.B. Wang and K. LuGrain size effects on the austenitization process in a nanostructured ferritic steelActa Materialia, 2011, vol. 59, pp. 3710-3719. H.L. Wang, Z.B. Wang and K. LuInterfacial diffusion in a nanostructured Cu produced by means of dynamic plastic deformationActa Materialia, 2011, vol. 59, pp. 1818-1828. Z.B. Wang, K. Lu, G. Wilde and S.V. DivinskiInterfacial diffusion in Cu with a gradient nanostructured surface layerActa Materialia, 2010, vol. 58, pp. 2376–2386. S.D. Lu, Z.B. Wang and K. LuEnhanced chromizing kinetics of tool steel by means of surface mechanical attrition treatmentMaterials Science and Engineering A, 2010, vol. 527, pp.995-1002. S.D. Lu, Z.B. Wang and K. LuStrain-induced microstructure refinement in a tool steel subjected to surface mechanical attrition treatmentJournal of Materials Science & Technology, 2010, vol. 26, pp. 258-263. S.D. Lu, Z.B. Wang and K. LuChromizing treatment of a surface nanocrystallized AISI H13 steel and the improved wear resistanceBaosteel Technical Research, 2010, vol. 4, (no. 4), pp. 22-27. Z.B. Wang, K. Wang, K. Lu, G. Wilde and S. DivinskiInterface diffusion in Cu processed by means of surface mechanical attrition treatment Defect and Diffusion Forum, 2009, vols. 289-292, pp. 557-563. Z.B. Wang, K. Lu, G. Wilde, S. DivinskiToward the existence of ultrafast diffusion paths in Cu with a gradient microstructure: Room temperature diffusion of Ni Applied Physics Letters, 2008, vol. 93, pp. 131904-1-3.Also published on Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science, 2008, vol. 11. X. Si, B.N. Lu and Z.B. Wang Aluminizing low carbon steel at lower temperatures Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2009, vol. 25, pp.433-436. M. Wen, J.F. Gu, G. Liu, Z.B. Wang and J. LuSurface evolution of a gradient structured Ti in hydrogen peroxide solutionApplied Surface Science, 2008, vol. 254, pp. 2905-2910.
