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闫小兵,男,汉,河南夏邑,博士,物理学院教授、光学工程专业博士生导师,入选国家重大人才工程青年学者。国际IEEE协会高级会员、中国电子学会高级会员,中青科协理事、保定团市委副书记(兼职)、河北省青联常委。2016年成为河北省三三三人才,2018年成为河北省杰青、河北省青年拔尖人才, 2019年荣获河北青年五四奖章, 2020年获得教育部霍英东青年教师奖,连续多年获得河北省优秀硕士论文指导老师。研究方向为类脑智能器件与芯片,常年欢迎青年教师,优秀青年博士,硕士加入团队,可邮件联系。 主要从事新型光电材料、器件与系统研究。目前主持的项目有:国家自然科学基金项目 3 项、河北省杰出青年基金 1 项、河北省青年拔尖人才以及其他省部级项目共 10 余项。曾参与了国家“863 计划”项目课题“固体电解质纳米相变存储器研制”(2006AA03Z303)和“高密度存储与磁电子材料关键技术”等项目。以第一作者国家发明专利申请/授权共计 35/15 项,申请美国专利 1 项,发表文章80余篇,包括权威期刊 Nature Nanotechnology、Advanced Materials、Nature Communications、Nano Letters、Advanced Functional Materials 等。被忆阻器领域的著名学者 R. Waser、 M. Aono、R. Stanley Williams、H.-S. P. Wong、J. J. Yang 等人写入多篇论文和综述中。




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Xiaobing Yan,* Jianhui Zhao, Sen Liu, Zhenyu Zhou, Qi Liu,* Jingsheng Chen, and Xiang Yang Liu* Memristor with Ag-Cluster-Doped TiO2 Films as Artificial Synapse for Neuroinspired Computing. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2017, 1705320.(JCR1区,影响因子12.124) Yao Xing, Chenyang Shi, Jianhui Zhao, Wu Qiu, Naibo Lin, Jingjuan Wang, Xiao Bing Yan,* Wei Dong Yu, and Xiang Yang Liu*, Mesoscopic-Functionalization of Silk Fibroin with Gold Nanoclusters Mediated by Keratin and Bioinspired Silk Synapse. Small 2017, 1702390.(JCR1区,影响因子8.643) Xiaobing Yan*, Zhenyu Zhou, Bangfu Ding, Jianhui Zhao and Yuanyuan Zhang. Superior resistive switching memory and biological synapse properties based on a simple TiN/SiO2/p-Si tunneling junction structure. J. Mater. Chem. C, 2017, 5, 2259.(JCR1区,影响因子5.256) Xiaobing Yan*, Zhenyu Zhou, Jianhui Zhao, Qi Liu*, Hong Wang, Guoliang Yuan, and Jingsheng Chen. Flexible memristors as electronic synapses for neuroinspired computation based on scotch tape-exfoliated mica substrates. Nano Research. 2018, 11(3): 1183–1192(JCR1区) Xiaobing Yan*, Lei Zhang, Yongqiang Yang, Zhenyu Zhou, Jianhui Zhao, Yuanyuan Zhang, Qi Liu and Jingsheng Chen. Highly improved performance in Zr0.5Hf0.5O2 films inserted with graphene oxide quantum dots layer for resistive switching non-volatile memory. J. Mater. Chem. C.2017, 5(42): 11046-11052.(JCR1区) Yuanyuan Zhang, Tao Yang, Xiaobing Yan*, Zichang Zhang, Gang bai, Chao Lu, Xinlei Jia, Bangfu Ding, Jianhui Zhao, and Zhenyu Zhou. A metal/Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3/SiO2/Si single film device for charge trapping memory towards a large memory window. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 2017, 110, 223501.(JCR2区) Xiaobing Yan*, Yucheng Li, Jianhui Zhao, and Zhenyu Zhou. Bistable Capacitance Performance-Induced Ambipolar Charge Injected Based on Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 by an Inlaid Zr–Hf–O Layer for Novel Nonvolatile Memory Application. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES, 2017, 64, 587. (JCR3区) Xiaobing Yan∗, Tao Yang, Xinlei Jia, Jianhui Zhao, Zhenyu Zhou. Impacts of thermal annealing temperature on memory properties of charge trapping memory with NiO nano-pillars. Physics Letters A 2017, 381, 913–916.(JCR3区) Xiaobing Yan, Yucheng Li, Jianhui Zhao, Yan Li, Gang Bai and Siqi Zhu Roles of grain boundary and oxygen vacancies in Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 films for resistive switching device application. Appl. Phys. Lett. 108, 033108 (2016); (JCR2区,影响因子3.8). (2 Zhen Fan, Jinyu Deng, Jingxian Wang, Ziyan Liu, Ping Yang, Juanxiu Xiao, Xiaobing Yan, Zhili Dong, John Wang and Jingsheng Chen,Ferroelectricity emerging in strained (111)-textured ZrO2 thin films. Appl. Phys. Lett. 108, 012906 016). (JCR2区,影响因子3.8) Xiaobing Yan, Erpeng Zhang, Hua Hao, Yingfang Chen,Gang Bai, Qi Liu, Jianzhou Lou, Baoting Liu, and Xiaoting Li Highly transparent bipolar resistive switching memory in Zr0.5Hf0.5O2 films with amorphous semiconducting In-Ga-Zn-O as electrode. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices,62(10),3244-3249(2015)(JCR2区,影响因子2.8) Xiaobing Yan, Yucheng Li, Jianhui Zhao, Yidong Xia, Minglong Zhang, Zhiguo Liu. Resistive switching model change induced by electroforming in α-Fe2O3 films. Physics Letters A,379(38), 2392–2395(2015). X. B. Yan*,Y. D. Xia, H. N. Xu X. Gao H. T. Li,R. Li, J. Yin, and Z. G. Liu*.Effects of the electroforming polarity on bipolar resistive switching characteristics of SrTiO3−δ films. Applied. Physics. Letters, 97 112101-3 (2010).(google学术引用57次,JCR2区,影响因子3.8) X. B. Yan*,Y. F. Chen,H. Hao,Q. Liu,E. P. Zhang,S. S. ShiandJ. Z. Lou.Tristateelectrochemical metallization memory based in the hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon films, Applied. Physics. Letters105, 072104 (2014). (JCR2区,影响因子3.8) X. B. Yan*,H. Hao,Y. F. Chen,Y. C. LiandW. Banerjee.Highly transparent bipolarresistiveswitchingmemory with In-Ga-Zn-O semiconducting electrode in In-Ga-Zn-O/Ga2O3/In-Ga-Zn-O structure. Applied. Physics. Letters 105, 093502(2014)(JCR2区,影响因子3.8) X. B. Yan*, K. Li, J. Yin, Y. D. Xia, H. X. Guo, L. Chen and Z. G. Liu*, The Resistive Switching Mechanism of Ag/SrTiO3/Pt Memory Cells,Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, 13, H87-H89 (2010). (JCR2区,影响因子2.5,引用20次) Xiaobing Yan, Hua Hao, Yingfang Chen, Shoushan Shi, Erpeng Zhang, Jianzhong Lou and Baoting Liu, Self-rectifying performance in the sandwichedstructure of Ag/In-Ga-Zn-O/Pt bipolar resistiveswitching memory,Nanoscale Research Letters 2014, 9:548. (JCR2区,影响因子2.8) X. B. Yan, J. Yin, H. X. Guo,Y. Su, B. Xu, H.T. Li, D. W. Yan, D. W. Yan, Z. G. Liu*. Bipolar resistive switching performance of the nonvolatile memory cells based on (AgI)0.2(Ag2MoO4 )0.8 solid electrolyte films, Journal of Applied Physics,106, 054501-5 (2009). Zhou, PL; Zheng, SK ; Tian, Y ; Zhang, SM; Shi, RQ; He, JF; Yan, XB, First principles calculation of dielectric properties of Al and N codoped3C-SiC. ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 63(5),053102,Mar2014. He, JF; Zheng, SK; Zhou, PL; Shi, RQ; Yan, XB. First-principles calculations on the electronic and optical properties of ZnO codoped with Cu-Co. ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 63(4),046301,Feb(2014).
