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教育经历 1995年9月至1999年7月 南京大学物理学系 物理学学士学位 1999年9月至2002年6月 南京大学物理学系 物理学硕士学位 2004年8月至2009年5月 美国密歇根州立大学天文物理系 物理学博士学位 工作经历 2009年8月至2012年8月 中科院金属研究所,沈阳材料科学国家(联合)实验室 副研究员 2011年5月至7月 美国密歇根州立大学天文物理系 访问学者 2010年6月至7月 意大利ICTP萨拉姆理论物理国际中心 访问学者 2012年9月至今 中科院金属研究所,沈阳材料科学国家(联合)实验室 副研究员




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Peng Tao, Huaihong Guo, Teng Yang*, Zhidong Zhang, “Strain-induced magnetism in MoS2 monolayer with defects”, J. Appl. Phys., 115, 054305 (2014). Huaihong Guo, Teng Yang*, Peng Tao, Zhidong Zhang, “Theoretical study of thermoelectric properties of MoS2”, Chin. Phys. B, 23, 017201 (2014). Yanna Chen, Zhanjie Wang, Teng Yang, Zhidong Zhang, “Crystallization kinetics of amorphous lead zirconate titanate thin films in a microwave magnetic field”, Acta Materialia, 71, 1 (2014) Huaihong Guo, Teng Yang*, Peng Tao, Yong Wang, Zhidong Zhang, “High pressure effect on structure, electronic structure, and thermoelectric properties of MoS2”, J. Appl. Phys., 113, 013709 (2013). Yingying Dai, Han Wang, Peng Tao, Teng Yang, Weijun Ren, Zhidong Zhang, “Skyrmion ground state and gyration of skyrmions in magnetic nanodisks without the Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction”, Phys. Rev. B 88, 054403 (2013). Han Wang, Huaihong Guo, Yingying Dai, Dianyu Geng, Zheng Han, Da Li, Teng Yang*, Song Ma, Wei Liu, and Zhidong Zhang, “Optimal electromagnetic-wave absorption by enhanced dipole polarization in Ni/C nanocapsules”. Appl. Phys. Lett., 101, 083116 (2012). Jingjing Jiang, Han Wang, Huaihong Guo, Teng Yang, W. S. Tang, D. Li, S. Ma, D. Y. Geng, W. Liu, Z. D. Zhang, “Microwave absorption properties of Ni/(C, silicides) nanocapsules”, Nanoscale Res Lett., 7, 238 (2012). Guodong Tang, Huaihong Guo, Teng Yang*, Dewei Zhang, X.N. Xu, L. Y. Wang, Z. H. Wang, H. H. Wen, Z. D. Zhang, and Y. W. Du,“Anisotropic thermopower and magnetothermopower in a misfit-layered calcium cobaltite”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 98, 202109 (2011). Yuqin Zhang, Hui Meng, Xianwei Wang, X. Wang, H.H.Guo, Yinlian Zhu, Teng Yang, Zhidong Zhang, “Angular dependent magnetoresistance with twofold and fourfold symmetries in A-type antiferromagnetic Nd0.45Sr0.55MnO3 thin film”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 97, 172502 (2010). Hui Wang, Yanning Zhang, Teng Yang, ZD Zhang, LZ Sun, RQ Wu, “Ab initio studies of the effect of nanoclusters on magnetostriction of Fe1-xGax alloys”, Applied Physics Letters, 97, 262505 (2010). Guodong Tang, Teng Yang, X Xu, C Tang, L Qiu, Z Zhang, L Lv, Z Wang, Y Du, “Enhancement of the spin entropy in NaxCo2O4 by Ni doping”, Applied physics letters, 97, 032108 (2010). B Diaconescu, Teng Yang, S Berber, M Jazdzyk, GP Miller, D Tománek, Karsten Pohl, “Molecular self-assembly of functionalized fullerenes on a metal surface”, Physical Review Letters, 102, 056102 (2009). Teng Yang, S Berber, D Tománek, “Compositional ordering and quantum transport in Mo6S9-xIx nanowires: Ab initio calculations”, Physical Review B, 77, 165426 (2008). RK Raman, Y Murooka, CY Ruan, Teng Yang, S Berber, D Tománek, “Direct observation of optically induced transient structures in graphite using ultrafast electron crystallography”, Physical Review Letters, 101, 077401 (2008). Teng Yang, S Berber, JF Liu, GP Miller, D Tománek, “Self-assembly of long chain alkanes and their derivatives on graphite”, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 128, 124709 (2008). Igor Popov, Teng Yang, Savas Berber, Gotthard Seifert, David Tománek, “Unique structural and transport properties of molybdenum chalcohalide nanowires”, Physical Review Letters, 99, 085503 (2007). Teng Yang, Shinya Okano, Savas Berber, David Tománek, “Interplay between Structure and Magnetism in Mo12S9I9 Nanowires”, Physical Review Letters, 96, 125502 (2006).
