2012/09-2013/12 , 加 拿 大 University of Guelph , Department of
Integrative Biology,联合培养博士。主要从事大西洋鲑分子标记辅助育种等工作,负责 SNP 基因芯片开发和数据分析及大西洋鲑遗传连锁图谱的绘制和生长相关 QTL 定位。
2007/09-2012/08,2014/01-2014/06, 中国海洋大学水产学院和黄海水产研究所农业部海洋渔业资源可持续利用重点开放实验室,硕士和博士研究生。
Liu Lei, Li Jian, Liu Ping, Zhao Fazhen, Gao Baoquan, Du Ying. (2012)A genetic linkage map of swimming crab (Portunus trituberculatus)based on SSR and AFLP markers. Aquaculture, 344-349, 66-81. (IF2015= 1.893)
Liu Lei, Li Jian, Liu Ping, Zhao Fazhen, Gao Baoquan, Du Ying. (2015)Identification of quantitative trait loci for growth-related traits in the swimming crab Portunus trituberculatus. Aquaculture Research,46(4):850-860. (IF2015 = 1.606)
Liu Lei, Ang Pee Keng, Elliot. J. A. K, Kent Peter Mathew, Lien Sigbjørn, MacDonald Danielle, Boulding Grace Elizabeth. (2016) A genome scan for selecton signatures comparing farmed Atlantc salmon with two wild populatons: Testng colocalizaton among outlier markers, candidate genes, and quanttatve trait loci for producton traits. Evolutionary Applications, 1–21. DOI: 10.1111/eva.12450.(IF2015 = 1.220)
Liu Lei, Cui Zhaoxia, Song Chengwen, Liu Yuan, Hui Min, Wang Chunlin. (2016) Flow cytometric analysis of DNA content for four commercially important crabs in China. Acta Oceanol. Sin., 35(6):7–11. (IF2015= 1.220)