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马守臣,男,汉族,河南省辉县市人,1972年4月生,博士,副教授,河南理工大学测绘与国土信息工程学院,硕士生导师。2004年7月年毕业于河南师范大学,获植物学硕士学位; 2007年6月毕业于中科院水土保持与生态环境研究中心,获生态学博士学位。现在河南理工大学测绘学院工作,副教授。2010年3月进入中国农业科学院博士后流动站从事农业水资源利用方向的学习和研究工作。2014年受聘河南理工大学“太行学者”。 科研情况: 1) 国家重点研发计划,小麦-玉米周年丰产高效群体结构调控与水肥高效利用研究(2017YFD0301106-1),116万元,2017/07-2020/12。主持 2)国家自然科学基金面上项目,滴灌施氮对冬小麦根活性格局、根源信号和产量形成的调控(31871553),60万元,2019/01-2022/12。主持 3)中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目, 水分调亏和氮肥运筹对冬小麦根系效率和根源信号的调控(201104178),10万。2011/1-2013/12,主持 4)中原经济区农业循环技术集成与示范(2012BAD14B08),任务1,“十二五”国家科技支撑计划重大项目,120万。2012/1月-2016/12,第二主持 5)氮肥运筹对旱地冬小麦根源信号和水分调亏效应的影响,《黄土高原土壤侵蚀与旱地农业国家重点实验室基金》,10万。2012/1-2013/12月,主持 6)国土资源部项目,“中原经济区典型区域土地生态状况信息提取与精细评估”, 31万。2014/1-2014/12,主持 7)国土资源部项目,“中原经济区土地生态状况调查与评估数据整合项目”, 38万。2015/1-2015/12, 主持 著作 1)矿区生态系统康复与生态文明建设,科学出版社,2017 2)煤炭开采对环境的影响及其生态治理,科学出版社,2018 3)黄土旱塬区作物抗旱节水生理生态效应研究,西安地图出版社,2011 获奖: 1) 河南省科学技术进步奖,三等,煤粮复合区受损耕地时空演变信息化管理及土壤修复技术, 2014年,第一 2) 中国煤炭工业协会科学技术奖,二等,矿粮复合区耕地损毁信息获取、评价及土壤修复技术与应用,2014年,第二 3) 采煤影响区耕地数量-质量-生态管控与地力提升技术及其应用,获煤炭工业协会科学技术二等奖,2015年,第三




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1) Shou-Chen Ma, Tong-Chao Wang, Xiao-Kang Guan, Xia Zhang.Effect of sowing timeand seeding rate on yield components and water use efficiency of winter wheatby regulating the growth redundancy and physiological traits of root and shoot. Field Crops Research, 2018,221: 166-174 (Sci 1区) 2)Shou-Chen Ma, Bing-Cheng Xu,Feng-Min Li Wen-Zhao Liu, Zhan-Bin Huang. Effects of root pruning on competitive ability and water use efficiency inwinter wheat.FieldCrops Research, 2008,105(1): 56-63 (Sci1区) 3)Shou-Chen Ma, Feng-Min Li, Bing-Cheng Xu,Zhan-Bin Huang. Effect of lowering the root/shoot ratio by pruningroots on water use efficiency and grain yield of winter wheat. Field Crops Research, 2010,115(1): 158-164 (Sci 1区) 4)Shou-Chen Ma, Ai-Wang Duan, Rui Wang, Zhong-Mei Guan, Shen-Jiao Yang, Shou-Tian Ma, YunShao. Root-sourced signal and photosynthetic traits, dry matteraccumulation andremobilization, and yield stability in winter wheat as affected by regulateddeficit irrigation. Agricultural Water Management 2015, 148:1 23–129 (SCI 2区) 5)Shou-Chen Ma, Feng-Min Li, Bing-ChengXu, Zhan-Bin Huang.Effects of root pruning on the growthand Water Use Efficiency of Winter Wheat. Plant Growth Regul 2009, 57(3):233-241 (SCI 3区) 6)MA Shou-chen, LI Feng-min, YANG Shen-jiao, et al. Effects of root pruning onnon-hydraulic root-sourced signal, drought tolerance and water use efficiencyof winter wheat. Journal of Integrative Agriculture,2013,12(6)989-998 (SCI4区) 7)Shou-Chen Ma, Feng-Min Li, Shen-Jiao Yang, Chun-Xi Li et al. Characteristics of flagleaf photosynthesis and root respiration of four historical winter wheatvarieties released over recent decades in semi-arid Northwest China. AustraliaJournal of Crop Science. 2013, 7(8): 1100-1105 (SCI收录) 8)Shou-Chen MA, He-Bing Zhang, Shou-Tian Ma, Chun-Xi Li, Yun Shao. Effects of minewastewater irrigation on activities of soil enzymes, physiological propertiesand grain yield of winter wheat and potential risks caused by heavy metalscontamination. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2015,113 :483–490 (SCI 3区) 9)Shou-Chen MA, Ai-Wang Duan, Shou-Tian Ma. Effect of early-stageregulated deficit irrigation on stem lodging resistance, leaf photosynthesis,root respiration and yield stability of winter wheat under post-anthesis waterstress conditions. Irrig. and Drain. 2016. (SCI 4区) 10) Xia Zhang, Shouchen Ma(通信作者), XiaohangFeng and Yun Shao. Regulated deficitirrigation effect of winter wheat as affected by different fertilizerapplication treatments. Int. J. Agric. Biol. 2018. 20: 189‒196 (SCI 4区) 11) ZHANG H.-B, MA S.-C(通信作者),, DING C, WANG R, et al. Effect of the surface cracks caused by coal mining on soilcharacteristics and wheat growth in Huang-Huai-Hai Plain, China.Applied Ecology and Environmentalresearch. 2017, 15(4): 1777-1790. (SCI 4区) 12) LI Chun-xi, MA Shou-chen(通信作者), SHAO Yun, et al. Effects of long-term organic fertilization on soilmicrobiologic characteristics, yield and sustainable production of winter wheat.Journal of IntegrativeAgriculture 2018, 17(1): 210–219 (SCI 3区) 13) 马守臣,张绪成,段爱旺,杨慎骄,孙景生,施肥对冬小麦的调亏灌溉效应的影响,农业工程学报,2012,28(6): 139 (EI收录) 14) 马守臣,吕鹏, 邵云,刘昌华,李春喜,杨金芳. 粉煤灰和菌渣配施对矿井水污染土壤微生物学特性和小麦生长的影响。煤炭学报,2012,37(S1): 207-211(EI收录) 15) 马守臣,煤矸石填埋场土壤微生物学特性时空变异. 煤炭学报, 2015,40(7), EI收录
