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齐永安,男,汉族,1963年7月生,博士、教授, 资源环境学院博士生、硕士生导师。    科研情况:         2009年7月-2009年12月,第十届国际遗迹组构研讨会,国家自然科学基金国际合作与交流项目(40910304031),经费8万元,主持。 2011年1月-2013年12月,豫西寒武纪沉积底质变革与造迹方式响应,国家自然科学基金(41072003),经费49万元,主持。 2011年1月-2013年12月,豫西寒武纪微生物成因沉积构造与遗迹化石研究(112300413213),河南省基础与前沿研究,经费35万元,主持。 2012年1月-2014年12月,豫西寒武纪遗迹组构演化与环境制约,教育部高校博士点基金博导类联合课题(20114116110001),经费12万元,主持。 2012年1月-2013年12月,承压矿井水文地质研究,山西晋煤集团攻关项目(JMYJJS-2012002),经费198万元,主持。 2013年5月-2014年12月, 2011Z-CC-01井井喷研究—水文地质条件探查与总体研究,山西晋煤集团重大专项(JSYJ-JSKF-2013-005),经费487万元,主持。




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齐永安、张洲、周敏、郑伟. 豫西济源中三叠世油房庄组曲流河岩相类型及沉积相分析. 沉积学报, 2009, 27 (2):254-264 Yong-An QI,Yu-Yang YUAN, Zhi-Feng XING, Wei ZHENG. Outline of the Yuntaishan World Geopark, Jiaozuo city, Henan. In Gong Yiming et al., Progress in Ichnofabric and Ichnocoenosis.煤炭工业出版社,2010.6., 4-10, ISBN 978-7-5020-3677-5 Zhi-Feng XING, Yong-An QI,Wei ZHENG, Yu-Yang YUAN. Red Stone Gorge: Microbially induced sedimentary structures (MISS) in sandstones from the Neoproterozoic Yunmengshan Formation, Red Stone Gorge, Jiaozuo city, Henan. In Gong Yiming et al., Progress in Ichnofabric and Ichnocoenosis.煤炭工业出版社,2010.6., 11-20, ISBN 978-7-5020-3677-5 Min WANG,Yong-An QI, Wen-Tao YANG, Fang ZHOU. Nanshan Forest Park: Skolithos and Beaconites ichnofabrics in fluvial deposits from the Middle Triassic Youfangzhuang Formation, Nanshan Forest Park, Jiyuan city, Henan. In Gong Yiming et al., Progress in Ichnofabric and Ichnocoenosis.煤炭工业出版社,2010.6., 45-56, ISBN 978-7-5020-3677-5 Yong-An QI, Da LI, Min WANG, Yu-Yang YUAN. Longmen Grottoes: Palaeophycus and Thalassinoides ichnofabrics in marine carbonates from the Middle and Upper Cambrian Zhangxia and Gushan Formations, Longmen Grottoes, Luoyang city, Henan. In Gong Yiming et al., Progress in Ichnofabric and Ichnocoenosis. 煤炭工业出版社,2010.6., 57-66,ISBN 978-7-5020-3677-5 Guo-Cheng ZHANG, Kun WANG, Yong-An QI, Yi-Ming GONG. Lizhuang village: Psilonichnus, Rhizocorallium and other ichnofabrics in terrigenous clastic rocks and carbonates from the Lower Triassic Jialingjiang Formation, Lizhuang village (the Longmendong section), Mount Emeishan, Sichuan. In Gong Yiming et al., Progress in Ichnofabric and Ichnocoenosis.煤炭工业出版社,2010.6., 89-112, ISBN 978-7-5020-3677-5 Yongan QI, Min WANG, Wentao YANG, Fang ZHOU. Ichnofabris in the Fluvial Deposits of the Middle Trissic Youfangzhuang Formation, Western Henan Province, China. In Gong Yiming et al., Progress in Ichnofabric and Ichnocoenosis.煤炭工业出版社,2010.6., 137-138, ISBN 978-7-5020-3677-5 Yongan QI, Min WANG, Yuyang YUAN, Da LI. Sedimentology and Ichnology of Middle and Upper Cambrian Carbonate Sequence, Longmen Grotto Area, Western Henan, China. In Gong Yiming et al., Progress in Ichnofabric and Ichnocoenosis.煤炭工业出版社,2010.6., 138-140, ISBN 978-7-5020-3677-5 Zhifeng XING, Yongan QI, Wei ZHENG, Yuyang YUAN. MISS on the Neoproterozoic Siliciclastic Substrates: an Example from Yunmengshan Formation in Yuntaishan Geopark near Jiaozuo City, Central China. In Gong Yiming et al., Progress in Ichnofabric and Ichnocoenosis. 煤炭工业出版社,2010.6., 161-162,ISBN 978-7-5020-3677-5 Qi Yongan, Wang Min, Li Da, Yuan Yuyang. Periodic Ichnofabric Couplets Indicative of Palaepclimate Variations in the Upper Cambrian Gushan Formation, North China. Journal of Earth Science, 2010.6, v.21, Special Issue, 49-51(SCI-E检索,ISI:000278830800017) XING Zhifeng, QI Yongan, YUAN Yuyang, ZHENG Wei. Microscopic Characteristics of Microbially Induced Sedimentary Structures from Yunmengshan Formation in Jiaozuo, North China. Journal of Earth Science, 2010.6, v.21, Special Issue, 14-17(SCI-E检索,ISI:000278830800008) Wang Min, Qi Yongan and Yang Weitao. Ichnology and Sedimentology of Fluvial Deposits in the Middle Triassic Youfangzhuang Formation, Henan Province, North China. Journal of Earth Science, 2010.6, v.21, Special Issue, 213-215(SCI-E检索,ISI:000278830800063) Qi Yongan, Xing Zhifeng, Zheng Wei and Yuan Yuyang. Study on microbially induced sediemntary structurers(MISS) from the Mesoproterozoic Yunmengshan Formation in western Henan Province.Abstract Book of the XI international Ichnofabric Workshop, Colunga,Spain, 2011.July 1-5, 78-79,ISBN:978-84-694-4066-7. 邢智峰,齐永安,郑伟袁,余洋. 从微观角度认识微生物席在中元古代的繁盛. 沉积学报,2011,29(5):857-865. Yongan Qi, Min Wang, Wei Zheng, Da Li. Calcite Cements in Burrows and Their Influence on Reservoir Property of the Donghe Sandstone, Tarim Basin, China. Journal of Earth Science, 2012,23( 2): 129–141. (SCI-E检索,WOS000302526200001) 齐永安、王敏、李妲、孙长彦、代明月. 洛阳龙门地区中寒武统张夏组下部遗迹组构及其沉积环境. 地球科学(中国地质大学学报), 2012, 37(4), pp 693-706, (EI检索,20123515382153) 齐永安,王敏,李妲,代明月. 寒武纪底质革命: 从微生物席底到生物扰动混合底. 河南理工大学学报( 自然科学版),2012,31(2):159-164. 郑伟,齐永安,邢智峰,袁余洋.豫西鲁山汝阳群微生物成因构造宏观特征分析及其沉积环境演化. 沉积与特提斯地质,2012,31(1):24-31. 常玉光,齐永安,郑伟,孙凤余. 河南登封寒武系叠层石组合类型及其控制因素. 微体古生物学报,2012,29(4):341-351. 常玉光,齐永安,郑伟,王敏,代明月. 叠层石微生物席生态系研究进展. 河南理工大学学报( 自然科学版),2013,32(3):356-364. 齐永安,孙长彦,王敏,李妲,代明月. 河南登封地区寒武系第三统张夏组米级旋回及其演化. 地层学杂志,2013,37(1):101-111. 齐永安,李妲,代明月,王敏. 豫西寒武系第三统张夏组鲕粒灰岩中机会生物留下的遗迹化石. 古生物学报,2013,2(1):80-85. 齐永安,代明月,常玉光,王 敏,李 妲. 豫西渑池地区寒武系第三统馒头组二段的核形石. 高校地质学报,2013,19(4):603-610. 齐永安,代明月,常玉光,王 敏,李 妲. 豫西登封寒武系第三统馒头组二段的核形石及其意义. 沉积学报,2013,31(5):73-81. 常玉光,齐永安(通讯作者),郑伟,王敏,代明月. 中国豫西寒武系馒头组叠层石的沉积特征及其古环境意义. 沉积学报,31(1):10-19. 常玉光,齐永安,郑伟,王敏,代明月. 叠层石微生物席生态系研究进展. 河南理工大学学报( 自然科学版),2013,32(3):356-364.
