袁红,博士,教授,女,国家“万人计划”科技领军人才,科技部中青年科技创新领军人才,国家民委中青年英才,宁夏自治区科技创新领军人才。 2010年毕业于西安交通大学,获工学博士学位。曾任北方民族大学化工学院专业实验室主任。主持在研国家自然科学基金项目1项,人才小高地项目1项,宁夏高等学校科学研究项目1项,宁夏研究生创新计划项目1项。主持完成国家自然科学基金项目1项,宁夏科技攻关项目1项,宁夏自然科学基金1项,民委教学研究项目1项。 主要研究方向为:生物柴油、生物航空煤油、富氢合成气及碳纳米管制备。目前以第一/通讯作者发表论文30余篇,其中SCI源刊18篇,EI及中文核心10余篇。申请发明专利10项,已授权6项,申请实用新型专利3项,已授权。主讲:反应工程、物理化学、分离工程、物理化学实验、化工专业实验等课程。
论 文:
1. Wei Liu, Hong Yuan* , Yihu Ke*. Preparation and characterization of ordered mesoporous carbon based on soybean oil. Journal of Materials Science. (2020) 55:6525-6536.
2.Lijuan Yang, SiyuWang, Hong Yuan*, Hai Liu*. Preparation of mesoporous double-layer carbon microsphere-based solid acid catalyst by hydrothermal method and its application in catalytic transesterification of waste frying oil. J Chem Technol Biotechnol (2019) 94: 3538–3547.
3.Meiqiu Hu, Hong Yuan*, Wei Liu. Decarboxylation of Oleic Acid over Ordered Mesoporous Pt/SAPO-11. Energy & Fuels. (2019) 33(10): 9956-9964
4.Xiuhua Ma, Hong Yuan*, Hong Zhang. Preparation, characterization and application of sulfonated mesoporous hollow carbon microspheres. J Porous Mater (2019) 26:1103-1110.
5.Yun Jie Wang, Hong Yuan*, Hong Zhang. Preparation, characterization and application of ordered mesoporous sulfated zirconia. Res Chem Intermed (2019) 45:1073-1086.
6. Hong Yuan*, Zhaoyang Dong, Jie He, Yunjie Wang, Hong Zhang. Surface characterization of sulfated zirconia and its catalytic activity for epoxidation reaction of castor oil. Chemical Engineering Communications (2019) 206(12): 1618–1627.
7. Lijuan Yang, Hong Yuan*, Siyu Wang. Preparation and application of ordered mesoporous carbon-based solid acid catalysts for transesterification and epoxidation. J Porous Mater (2019) 26:1435-1445.
8. Xiuhua Ma, Hong Yuan*, Meiqiu Hu. A simple method for synthesis of ordered mesoporous carbon. Diamond & Related Materials 98 (2019) 107480, DOI: 10.1016/j.diamond.2019.107480.
9. ZhiZhang, Hong Yuan*, YunjieWang, YihuKe*. Preparation and characterisation of ordered mesoporous SO42−/Al2O3 and its catalytic activity in the conversion of furfuryl alcohol to ethyl levulinate. Journal of Solid State Chemistry. (2019) 280: 120-129.
10.Yuan Hong, Yang Bolun, Zhu Gangli. Synthesis of Biodiesel Using Microwave Absorption Catalysts. Energy & Fuels, 2009, 23 (1): 548-552.
11.Yuan Hong, Yang Bolun, Zhang Hailiang, Zhou Xiaowei. Synthesis of Biodiesel Using Castor Oil under Microwave Radiation. International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering. International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, 2011, 9: A71.
12.Yuan Hong, Yang Bolun, Zhu Gangli. Biodiesel Production with Water-Tolerance and Microwave Absorbing Catalyst using Tung Oil. International Journal of Green Energy, 2013, 10(10): 999-1010.
13.Yuan Hong, Li Xingxing, Yang Bolun. Kinetics for the synthesis biodiesel based on the calculation of hot spot temperatures in catalyst. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2013, 52(44): 15549-15559.
14.Hong Yuan, Jie He, Ruilan Li, Xiaoqin Ma. Characterization of SO42- /TiO2 and its catalyticactivity in the epoxidation reaction[J]. Research on Chemical Intermediates, (2017) 43:4353–4368.
15. Hong Yuan, Xiaoqin Ma, Jie He, Zhaoyang Dong. Surface Characterization of Sulfated Iron Oxide and Its Synthesis of Biodiesel Under Microwave Radiation[J]. International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, (2018) 16(2).
15.Qing Shu, Hong Yuan, Bao Liu, Lihua Zhu, Caixia Zhang, Jinfu Wang. Synthesis of biodiesel from model acidic oil catalyzed by a novel solid acid catalyst SO4 2-/C/Ce4+[J]. Fuel, (2015) 143: 547–554.
17. Hong Yuan *, Shu Qing. Synthesis of biodiesel from castor oil catalyzed by cesium phosphotungstate with the assistance of microwave. Applied mechanics and Materials, 2013,291-294: 300-306.
18. 胡美秋,袁红*,张泓. 介孔SAPO-11 分子筛的制备及应用[J]. 应用化工,2019,48(11): 2682-2687.
19. 张志,袁红*,王云杰. 介孔SO2-4 /ZrO2的制备、表征及其催化煎炸废油合成生物柴油[J]. 中国油脂,2019,44(11): 47-51..
20. 马秀花,袁红*,王云杰,张泓. 有序介孔碳材料的制备及应用. 化工新型材料,2019,47(9): 19-23.
21. 张泓,袁红*,马秀花. 钛硅有序介孔分子筛合成及应用研究进展[J]. 应用化工,2018, 47(12): 2781-2785.
1. 袁红,杨丽娟.固体酸催化剂及其制备方法和利用其合成润滑油基础油的方法:中国,发明专利号:ZL2017108588956
3. 袁红,马小华. 一种多功能固体超强酸催化剂的制备方法及以餐饮废油为原料合成生物柴油的方法:中国,发明专利号:ZL201210198041.7
4. 袁红. 一种超疏水型活性炭的制备方法:中国,发明专利号: ZL201310223296.9
5. 杨伯伦,袁红. 吸微波型固体酸催化剂及其在制备生物柴油中的应用:中国,发明专利号:ZL200810150411.3
6. 袁红,刘海. 一种金杯式除尘脱硫器:中国,实用新型专利号:ZL201320029296.0
7. 郑成功,袁红. 家庭自主化肥皂及生物柴油合成装置:中国,实用新型专利号:ZL 201420865068.1