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教育背景: 2002.9-2006.7北京林业大学资源与环境学院攻读林学专业学士学位 2007.9-2009.7首都师范大学生命科学学院攻读遗传学专业硕士学位 2009.9-2012.7首都师范大学生命科学学院攻读遗传学专业博士学位 主讲课程:本科生动物学,普通生物学 承担科研情况: (1)2014-2017年,主持国家自然科学基金项目:“中国石炭纪古直翅总目昆虫系统分类与演化”; (2)2014-2016年,参与国家自然科学基金项目:“中国中生代隐翅虫科化石的分类学研究”; (3)2014-2015年.主持宁夏自然科学基金项目:“中国石炭纪古直翅总目昆虫系统分类与演化”; (4)2012-2014年,主持国家民委生态系统模型与应用重点实验室项目:“宁夏中卫下河沿晚石炭世生物群研究”; (5)2012-2013年,主持OrthopteraSpeciesFileGrantsProgram.:“ImagingandDigitizationofFossilOrthopterafromtheMesozoicofChina”; (6)2009-2011年,主持国际直翅目学会项目:“RevisionandPhylogeneticaffinitiesofProphalangopsidae”; (7)2009-2011年,主持中国科学院动物研究所实验室开放基金:“中生代直翅目鸣螽科昆虫分类与系统发育研究”。




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Gu Jun-Jie, Fernando Montealegre-Z, Daniel Robert, Michael S. Engela, Qiao Ge-Xia, and Ren Dong. Wing stridulation in a Jurassic katydid (Insecta, Orthoptera) produced low-pitched musical calls to attract females. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United Stat es, 2012, 109(10), 3868–3873. SCI, 5-Year IF: 10.727 2. Gu Jun-Jie, Olivier Béthoux, Ren Dong. Xixia huban gen. et sp. nov., a new Cnemidolestodea (Insecta, Archaeorthoptera) from the Late Carboniferous of China. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 2014, 59(3). SCI, 5-Year IF:1.767 3. 顾俊杰,岳艳丽,温万成,宗立一,任东. 中国古生代化石昆虫研究回顾. 昆虫学报,2014 , 57 (1 ) : 123 – 132. 4. Gu Jun-Jie, Olivier Béthoux, Ren Dong. Longzhua loculata gen. et sp. nov., one of the best known Pennsylvanian Archaeorthoptera (Insecta: Neoptera; Ningxia, China). Journal of Palaeotonlogy. 2011, 85(2): 303-314. SCI, 5-Year IF: 1.27 5. Gu Jun-Jie, Qiao Ge-Xia, Ren Dong. An exceptionally-preserved new species of Bacharaboilus (Orthoptera: Prophalangopsidae) from the Middle Jurassic of Daohugou, China. Zootaxa, 2011, 2909:64-78. SCI, 5-Year IF: 1.041 6. Gu Jun-Jie, Qiao Ge-Xia, Ren Dong. The first discovery of Cyrtophyllitinae (Orthoptera, Haglidae) from the Middle Jurassic and its morphological implications. Alcheringa. 2011, 36(1): 27–34. SCI, 5-Year IF: 0.956 7. Gu Jun-Jie, Qiao Ge-Xia, Ren Dong. New taxa and revision of Prophalangopsidae. Journal of Orthoptera Research. 2010, 19(1): 41-56 8. Gu Jun-Jie, Zhao Yun-Yun, Ren Dong. New fossil Prophalangopsidae (Orthoptera, Hagloidea) from the Middle Jurassic of Inner Mongolia, China. Zootaxa. 2009, 2004: 16-24. SCI, 5-Year IF: 1.041 9. Guo Yinxia, Béthoux Olivier, Gu Jun-Jie and Ren Dong. Wing venation homologies in Pennsylvanian ‘cockroachoids’ (Insecta) clarified thanks to a remarkable specimen from the Pennsylvanian of Ningxia (China). Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. 2013, 11(1-2): 41-46. SCI, 5-Year IF: 3.268 10. Béthoux Olivier, Gu Jun-Jie, Dong Ren. A new Upper Carboniferous stem-orthopteran (Insecta) from Ningxia (China). Insect Science, 2012, 19: 153–158. SCI, 5-Year IF: 1.59 11. Béthoux Olivier, Gu Jun-Jie, Yue Yanli and Ren Dong. Miamia maimai sp. nov., a new Pennsylvanian stem-orthopteran insect, and a case study on the application of cladotypic nomenclature. Fossil Record. 2012, 15 (2): 103–113. SCI, 5-Year IF:1.155 专著: 1. Gu, J.J., D. Ren & C. Shih. 2010. Chapter 11: Orthoptera -The Sound of Chirping. In Ren, D.; C. Shih; T. Gao; Yunzhi Yao & Yunyun Zhao eds. Silent Stories: Insect Fossil Treasures from Dinosaur Era of the Northeastern China. 93-105 2. 顾俊杰,任东,史宗冈. 2012. 直翅目—悦耳鸣声. 见:任东,史宗冈,高太平,姚云志,赵云云等著. 中国东北中生代昆虫化石珍品. 北京:科学出版时. 125~138. 3. 顾俊杰,史宗冈,任东,张馨文. 2012. 黾虫脩科—水上精灵. 见:任东,史宗冈,高太平,姚云志,赵云云等著. 中国东北中生代昆虫化石珍品. 北京:科学出版时. 139~146.
