蓝藻光状态转换机制:光系统II(PSII)和光系统I(PSI)平衡激发是“放氧”和“固碳”基本光合反应运行的前提,“光状态转换”是两个光系统激发能平衡分配的调控机制。近年研究澄清了蓝藻光状态转换机制长期争论的基本问题:橙光诱导状态转换涉及“藻胆体流动”单一机制;暗适应诱导状态转换涉及“藻胆体流动”和“能量溢出”(PSII向PSI能量溢出)双重机制;蓝光诱导状态转换涉及“藻胆体流动”和“反向能量溢出”(PSI向PSII能量溢出)双重机制,证明多重机制相互协同而不是排斥;发现“能量溢出”和“反向能量溢出”引发机制都是PSI单体化,但单体化驱动机制不同——前者由类囊体膜基质侧浓度升高的氢离子驱动,后者归因于类胡萝卜素自由基阳离子静电力驱动;利用激光共聚焦荧光显微技术同时探测漂白区荧光恢复(FRAP)和非漂白区荧光损失(FLIP),清楚展示蓝藻单细胞内藻胆体全细胞域的流动性,并发现强激光诱发的两个光化学过程,证明前人报道藻胆体扩散系数夸大了一个数量级;选择照射藻胆体产生的阻尼振荡式荧光涨落清楚展示藻胆体“寻找”能量分配平衡位点的动态行为;发现在正常光合作用光强范围内,光状态转换功能守恒而速率与光强成正比,否定了蓝藻光状态转换的生理意义仅限于极低光强(≤2 μE m-2 s-1)的观点;发现状态转换是光照射剂量和频率的连续函数,提出光状态转换是太阳光环境下的自然行为,不是人工驯化的结果;利用选择标记光系统II上的黄荧光蛋白(YFP)为固定参照标,测算了状态转换中藻胆体迁移距离。
Hong Deng, Xin Liu, Jie Xie,*, Rong Yin, Naiyan Huang, Ying Gu,*, and Jingquan Zhao*, Quantitative and Site-Directed Chemical Modification of Hypocrellins toward Direct Drug Delivery and Effective Photodynamic Activity. J. Med. Chem., 55 (2012),1910−1919.
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Yang Zhang1, Liming Song1, Jie Xie1, Luyong Zhang2, Hongxia Chen2, Ying Gu2, Jingquan Zhao1*, Novel surfactant-like hypocrellin derivatives to achieve simultaneous drug delivery in blood plasma and cell uptake. Photochem Photobiol., 86 (2010), 667-672.
Han Bao, Chunxi Zhang, Yanan Ren, Jingquan Zhao, Low-temperature electron transfer suggests two types of QA in intact photosystem II, Biochim. Biophys. Acta – bioenergetics, 1797 (2010) 339-346.
Shuzhen Yang, Rui Zhang, Changchao Hu, Jie Xie, Zhao Jingquan*, The dynamic behavior of phycobilisome movement during light state transition in cyanobacterium synechocystis PCC6803. Photosyn. Res., 99(2009)99-106.
Rui Zhang, Jie Xie, Jingquan Zhao*, The mobility of PSI and PQ molecules in Spirulina platensis cells during state transition. Photosyn. Res., 99 (2009) 107-113.
Xin Liu, Jie Xie, Luyong Zhang, Hongxia Chen, Ying Gu, Jingquan Zhao*, A novel hypocrellin B derivative designed and synthesized basing on consideration to both drug delivery and biological PDT activity. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B. 94(2009)171 - 178.
Yang Zhanga, Jie Xiea, Luyong Zhangb, Cong Lic, Hongxia Chenb, Ying Gu*b and Jingquan Zhao*a,A novel elsinochrome A derivative: a study of drug delivery and photodynamic activity. Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 8 (2009), 1676 – 1682.
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Liming Song, Jie Xie, Chunxi Zhang, Cong Li, Jingquan Zhao, Recognition of various biomolecules by the environment-sensitive spectral responses of hypocrellin B. Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2007, 6, 683-688.
Heng Li1, Shuzhen Yang1, Jie Xie1, Juanjuan Feng2, Yandao Gong2 & Jingquan Zhao1, *, The origin of the temperature-induced fluorescence fluctuation in Spirulina platensis – temperature-sensitive mobility of PQ molecules. Photosynthetic Res. 94 ( 2007), 59-65.
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