博士,博士后,副主任医师,硕士生导师。先后毕业于南方医科大学、暨南大学。从事口腔修复学的临床工作10年,年累计治疗患者1000 人次。作为第一完成人开发的氧化锆全瓷材料获批2项国家发明专利
Toxicity induced by zirconia oxide nanoparticles on various organs after intravenous administration in rats. J Biomed Nanotechn. 2019, 15: 1-14. (SCI, IF=5.068)
Graded nano glass-zirconia material for dental applications-part II biocompatibility evaluation. J Biomed Nanotechn, 2017, 13(12): 1682-1693. (SCI, IF=5.068)
The Biocompatibility of dental nano graded glass-zirconia material after aging. Nanoscale Res Lett, 2018, 13(1): 61. (SCI, IF=3.125)
Load-bearing capacity and the recommended thickness of dental monolithic zirconia single crowns. J Mech Behav Biomed, 2014, 35: 93-101. (SCI, IF=3.417)
The effect of graded glass-zirconia Structure on the bond between core and veneer in layered zirconia restorations. J Mech Behav Biomed, 2015, 46: 197-204. (SCI, IF=3.417)