1990.07—1993.09 南京大学配位化学研究所配位化学国家实验室 助教/讲师;
1998.12—2007.06 香港大学化学系副教授;
2007.07—至今 香港大学化学系教授;
2014.03—至今 中山大学化学与化学工程学院教授。
现主要从事化学与生物、医学的交叉前沿研究,擅长生物无机化学(Bioinorganic chemistry)、金属组学/金属蛋白质组学(Metallomics/metalloproteomics)及金属蛋白质的结构生物学(Structural biology of metalloproteins) 。
Cun SJ, Sun H* :F A zinc binding site by negative selection induces metallodrug susceptibility of an essential chaperonin, PNAS.2010.107, 4943
Xia W, Li HY, Sze KH, Sun H*; Structure of a nickel chaperone, HypA from H. pylori reveals two distinct metal binding sites, 131, 10031.J. Am. Chem. Soc.2009
Cun SJ, Li HY, Ge RG, Lin MCM, Sun H*:A histidine- and cysteine-rich metal binding domain at the C-terminus of heat-shock protein A from Helicobacter pylori: implication for nickel homeostasis and bismuth susceptibility, J Biol Chem.2008. 283, 15142
Zeng YB, Zhang DM, Li, HY, Sun H*: Binding of Ni2+ to a histidine- and glutamine-rich protein, Hpn-like, J Biol Inorg Chem.2008.13, 1121
Yang N, Tanner JA, Huang JD, Sun H* et al:Bismuth complexes inhibit the SARS coronavirus, Angew Chem Int Ed.2007.46, 6464
Yang N, Tanner JA, Sun H*, Huang JD* et al:Inhibition of SARS coronavirus helicase by bismuth complexes, Chem Commun.2007.4413
Ge R, Sun H*: Bioinorganic chemistry of bismuth and antimony: target sites for metallodrugs,Acc Chem Res.2007. 40, 267
Ge RG, Huang JD, He Q, Sun H* et al :A proteomic approach for the identification of bismuth-binding proteins in H. pylori, J Biol Inorg Chem.2007.12, 831
Ge RG,Huang JD, Sun H* et al :Thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of metal binding to the histidine-rich protein, J Am Chem Soc.2006.128, 11330
Ge RG, Watt RM, Huang JD, Sun H* et al :Expression and Characterization of a Histidine-rich Protein: Potential for Ni2+ Storage in Helicobacter pylori, Biochem J.2006.393, 285
Chen R, Deng F, Che CM, Sun H* et al: Fabrication of bismuth subcarbonate nanotube arrays from bismuth citrate, Chem Commun.2006.2265