1. Dongmei Huang, Yiwei Hu, Yinfei Yu , Qi Yuan, Shuwen Wang, Liming Shen, Long Shi . Influences of surface material on the fire behaviors of two-layer combustibles under autoignition conditions[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2019, 369: 539-549.
2. Dongmei Huang, Yiming Shen,Qi Yuan, Chaoyi Wang, Long Shi. Preparation and characterization of silica aerogel/polytetrafluoroethylene composites. Materials Research Express, 2019, 6(11): 115021.
3. Dongmei Huang , Mingzhen Zhang, Long Shi, Peng Lin, Qi Yuan, Shuwen Wang . Fire behaviors of single and laminated natural latex foam. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2019, 136: 278-286.
4. Shuwen Wang , Dongmei Huang*, Chenning Guo , Qi Yuan, Yongliang Chen. Bottom fire behaviour of thermally thick natural rubber latex foam. e-Polymers, 2019: 9.
5. Qi Yuan, Dongmei Huang*, Yiwei Hu, Liming Shen, Long Shi, Mingzhen Zhang. Comparison of Fire Behaviors of Thermally Thin and Thick Rubber Latex Foam under Bottom Ventilation. Polymers, 2019, 11(1): 88.
6. 胡毅伟 马杰, 黄冬梅*. 织物-乳胶可燃结构燃烧特性及火灾危险性. 消防科学与技术, 2019.
7. 张明振,原琪,黄冬梅*,胡毅伟,王姝雯,沈利铭. 典型纺织品热稳定性及热解动力学研究. 中国科技论文, 2019, 13(18): 2117-2123.
8. 原琪, 黄冬梅*, 胡毅伟, 郭晨宁,沈一鸣,王超逸. 停留时间对烟颗粒形貌特征和尺度分布的影响. 消防科学与技术, 2019, 38(03): 331-334.
9. 原琪, 黄冬梅*, 胡毅伟, 郭晨宁,沈一鸣,王超逸. 底部通风对乳胶海绵火蔓延行为影响. 消防科学与技术, 2019, 38(09): 1218-1221.
10. 张明振 黄冬梅*, 胡毅伟, 原琪, 席合一, 沈利铭, 段鹏征. 点火位置对乳胶泡沫水平火蔓延规律的影响. 化工学报, 2019, 70(7): 2802-2810.
11. Dongmei Huang, Mingzhen Zhang , Chenning Guo, Long Shi , Peng Lin. Experimental investigations on the effects of bottom ventilation on the fire behavior of natural rubber latex foam. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 133: 201-210.
12. Dongmei Huang , Mingzhen Zhang, Long Shi, Qi Yuan, Shuwen Wang. Effects of particle size of silica aerogel on its nano-porous structure and thermal behaviors under both ambient and high temperatures. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2018, 20(11): 308.
13. 张明振,黄冬梅*,原 琪,王姝雯. 不同点火位置时乳胶泡沫火蔓延特性. 过程工程学报, 2018, 18(5): 1029-1036.
14. 张明振,黄冬梅*. 公交车乘客舱内部火灾火灾调查与统计分析研究. 科技通报, 2018, 34(10): 249-263.
15. Chenning Guo, Dongmei Huang*, Peng Lin. Aggregate structural changes in silica aerogels with temperature. Emerging Materials Research, 2017, 6(1): 1-8.
16. Dongmei Huang, Chenning Guo , Long Shi . Experimental investigation on the morphology of soot aggregates from the burning of typical solid and liquid fuels. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2017, 19(3).
17. Dongmei Huang , Chenning Guo , Minzhen Zhang, Long Shi. Characteristics of nanoporous silica aerogel under high temperature from 950 °C to 1200 °C. Materials & Design, 2017, 129: 82-90.
18. Dongmei Huang , Song He . Influence of Initial Moisture Content on Heat and Moisture Transfer in Firefighters’ Protective Clothing. The Scientific World Journal, 2017, 2017: 1-3.
19. Dongmei Huang. Thermal Protective Performance of Silica Aerogel Felt Bedded Firefighters’ Protective Clothing under Fire Conditions. Material Science, 2017, 23(4): 335-341.
20. 郭晨宁, 黄冬梅*, 张明振. 不同高度处烟颗粒形貌特征和尺度分布. 工程热物理学报, 2017(11): 2472-2478.
21. 郭晨宁, 黄冬梅*, 张明振,赵玉法. 乳胶泡沫引火位置对火焰蔓延特性影响. 化工学报, 2017, 9(69): 1-9.
22. Hongwei Fan , Yongliang Chen, Dongmei Huang, Guoqin wang. Kinetic Analysis of the Thermal Decomposition of Latex Foam according to Thermogravimetric Analysis. International Journal of Polymer Science, 2016, 2016: 1-7.
23. Dongmei Huang, Xinqun Wang, Chenning Guo C: Effect of Obstacles and Horizontal Wind on the Fire Behavior inside Engine Compartment of Motorcoach, Jawaid M, Azad A K, Yousefi M, editor, Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Advanced Materials Science and Environmental Engineering, 2016: 144-148.
24. 郭晨宁, 黄冬梅*, 朱荣杰,. 高层建筑火灾污染物下风向扩散规律研究. 中国计量学院学报, 2016, 27(2): 183-189.
25. Song He, Dongmei Huang, Haijiang Bi, Zhi Li, Hui Yang, Xudong Cheng. Synthesis and characterization of silica aerogels dried under ambient pressure bed on water glass[J]. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2015, 410: 58-64.
26. Dongmei Huang, Xinqun Wang, Jian Yang. Influence of Particle Size and Heating Rate on Decomposition of BC Dry Chemical Fire Extinguishing Powders. Particulate Science and Technology, 2015, 33(5): 488-493.
27. 黄冬梅, 何松. 空气层位置对消防战斗服隔热性能的影响. 纺织学报, 2015, 36(10): 113-0.
28. 毕海江, 黄冬梅, 何松, 李治,杨晖,程旭东. 改性剂对二氧化硅气凝胶性能的影响. 材料科学与工程学报, 2014, 32(2): 178G182.
29. 黄冬梅, 王信群, 严小敏. 新风口面积对受限空间内回燃影响的研究. 中国计量学院学报, 2014(2014 年 03): 308-313.
30. 黄冬梅, 王信群, 杨剑. 球磨时间对 BC 干粉灭火剂形态特征的影响. 中国粉体技术, 2014(1): 1-6.
31. Zhi Li, Xudong Cheng, Song He, Dongmei Huang, Haijiang Bi, Hui Yang. Preparation of ambient , pressure dried MTMS/TEOS co-precursor silica aerogel by adjusting NH4OH concentration. Materials Letters, 2014, 129: 12-15.
1. 黄冬梅,王信群,发明专利:一种固态气溶胶实验供粉装置及供粉方法,专利号:ZL201410436297.6。
2. 黄冬梅,王信群,发明专利:一种模拟大型载客汽车发动机舱火灾防控机理的实验装置,专利号:ZL201310210366.7。
3. 黄冬梅,王信群,发明专利:一种热塑性材料火蔓延行为实验测试装置,专利号:ZL201310166620.8。
4. 黄冬梅,张和平,赵庆等,发明专利:一种模拟多层防护服内部热传递机理的实验测试装置,专利号:ZL 3022 2 00 24101.9。
1. 实用新型专利:一种热辐射反馈作用下热固行材料表面火蔓延实验测试装置,专利号:ZL 2013 2 0244793.2。作者:黄冬梅,王信群
2. 实用新型专利:一种模拟大型载客汽车发动机舱火灾防控机理的实验装置,专利号:ZL2013203072286。作者:黄冬梅,王信群
3. 实用新型专利:一种粉尘-空气混合物层流火焰传播速率的测试装置,专利号:ZL 201320403685。作者:杨剑,王信群,黄冬梅
4. 实用新型专利:具有隔热吸汗透气防水功能的衣料,专利号:ZL。作者:张和平,黄冬梅,杨晖,漆正昆,胡银,何松
5. 实用新型专利:一种多层织物隔热性能实验测试装置,专利号:ZL 2011 2 0565831.5。作者:张和平,黄冬梅,杨晖,漆正昆,胡银,何松
1. 软件著作权:有限扩散集团凝聚模型(DLCA)模拟计算程序DLCA V1.0,登记号:2013SR065394。中国计量大学。作者:黄冬梅
2. 软件著作权:火灾条件下下风向烟气污染物扩散模拟软件FSS V1.0,登记号:2013SR065394。中国计量学院。作者:黄冬梅,王信群(已转让)
3. 软件著作权:多层织物热湿传递模拟软件HMS V1.0,登记号:2012SR010240。中国科学技术大学。作者:黄冬梅,张和平