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1. 多相流与流态化技术 纳米颗粒由于粒径非常小,比表面积大,但颗粒间力较大,一般以聚团的形式出现,应用起来有一定难度。但在外力场(振动或磁场)作用下,纳米颗粒以小聚团的形式流化。振动或磁场能大大降低纳米颗粒最小流化速度,节省能源;且在最小流化速度时无气泡,床层膨胀高,从而反应或传热效率高。掌握了纳米颗粒的关键应用技术就能开发出新型反应器、干燥器等。比如,如果纳米催化剂能用在现有炼油厂流化催化裂化装置上,将大大提高催化剂的利用率和产品收率,降低成本;纳米颗粒的干燥,如果采用外力场(振动或磁场)作用下流态化干燥,将会大大降低颗粒间团聚,减少结块,从而提高产品质量。因此,纳米材料的应用技术的研究与开发已成为国际高科技竞争的焦点之一。 2. 纳米材料、超微细颗粒的造粒和表面改性 对纳米材料、超微细颗粒在转筒造粒机、圆盘造粒机、挤压造粒机、对辊压缩造粒机中的造粒,以及流化床中的喷雾造粒进行理论与应用研究,并采用模型对其进行理论模拟,为生产应用提供理论指导。 采用化学方法对粉体材料,如铝粉颜料、CaCO3进行表面改性,研究各种操作条件对表面改性的影响,使其达到工业生产的要求。 3. 医药中间体的合成 通过对工艺操作条件的优化,提出合成医药中间体的新路径,为工业化应用提供技术参数和理论指导。


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T. Zhou and H.Z. Li. Estimation of Agglomerate Size of Cohesive Particles During Fluidization. Powder Technol. 1999, 101(1): 57-62. T. Zhou and H.Z. Li. Effects of Adding Different Size Particles on Fluidization of Cohesive Particles. Powder Technol. 1999, 102, 215. T. Zhou and H.Z. Li. Force Balance Modeling for Agglomerating Fluidization of Cohesive Particles. Powder Technol. 2000, 111: 60-65. T. Zhou, H.Z. Li. Fluidization of group C powders and effects of adding particles, in Fluidization 2000, Science and Technology, CJF-7, D.Xu and S.Mori (eds.), Xian: Xian Publishing House, 2000, p.131. T. Zhou, S. Funaoka, H. Kage, H. Ogura and Y. Matsuno. Effect of vibration parameters on the fluidization behavior of glass beads, The 13th Symposium on Chemical Engineering (Japan-Korea), Fukuoka, Japan, 2000, 131. T. Zhou, H. Kage, S. Funaoka, H. Ogura and Y. Matsuno. Fluidization behavior of glass beads under different vibration module, Advanced Powder Technology, 2001, 12(4): 559-575. T. Zhou, H. Kage, S. Funaoka, H. Ogura. The bubble behavior in a new-type horizontal vibro-fluidized bed, J. Chem. Eng. Japan, 2002, 35(8): 737-743. T. Zhou, H. Kage, S. Funaoka, H. Ogura. Comparison of fluidization characteristics of a fluidized bed with vertical and horizontal vibration, The 4th World Congress on Particle Technology (CD), Sydney, Australia, 2002, No. 56. T. Zhou, K. Shinohara, H. Kage and H. Li. AGGLOMERATING FLUIDIZATION OF GROUP C POWDERS: MAJOR FACTORS OF AGGLOMERATE COALESCENCE AND BREAKUP, The 4th World Congress on Particle Technology (CD), Sydney, Australia, 2002, No. 159. H. Kage, R. Abe, R. Hattanda, T. Zhou, H. Ogura, Y. Matsuno. Effect of solid circulation rate on coating efficiency and agglomeration in circulating fluidized bed type coater, Powder Technol. 2003, 130: 203-210. T. Zhou, H. Ogura, M. Yamamura, H. Kage. Bubble Motion Pattern and Rise Velocity in Two-dimensional Horizontal and Vertical Vibro-fluidized Beds, The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2004, 82(2): 236-242. H. Kage, S. Funaoka, H. Kohno, T. Zhou, M. Yamamura. Effect of vibration addition on bubble size and velocity in two-dimensional fluidized bed, Fluidization XI, Italy, 2004, 651-657. T. Zhou, H. Kage, H.Z. Li. Bubble characteristics in a two-dimensional vertically vibro-fluidized bed, China Particuology, 2005, 3(4): 224-228. T. Zhou, B. Golman and K. Shinohara. Preparation of large agglomerates of high voidage from charcoal particles for liquid absorption and release, Advanced Powder Technology, 2005, 16(5): 535-548. T. Zhou, H.Z. Li, K. Shinohara. Agglomerating fluidization of group C particles: major factors of coalescence and breakup of agglomerates, Advanced Powder Technology, 2006, 17(2): 159-166. ZENG Ping, ZHOU Tao, YANG Jingsi, CHEN Quanqun. Behavior of Mixtures of Nano-particles in Magnetic Fluidized Bed. CJF9, Beijing, 2006, 215-222. Ping Zeng, Tao Zhou, Guanqun Chen, Qingshan Zhu. Behavior of mixed ZnO and SiO2 nano-particles in magnetic field assisted fluidization, China Particuology, 2007, 5: 169-173 Tao Zhou, Jingsi Yang, Lianying Song. Characteristics of mixtures of non-magnetic cohesive particles and magnets in magnetic fluidized beds, The 3th Asian Particle Technology Symposium, Beijing, 2007, 72-78 Ping Zeng, Tao Zhou, Jingsi Yang, Behavior of mixtures of nano-particles in magnetically assisted fluidized bed, Chemical Engineering and Processing, 2008, 47: 101-108 Guanqun Chen, Tao Zhou, Hongzhong Li. Characteristics of anthraquinone hydrogenation catalysts in a liquid-solid fluidized bed, The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2008, 86: 288-292. Hui Liu, Hongqi Ye, Tianquan Lin, Tao Zhou. Synthesis and characterization of PMMA/Al2O3 composite particles by in situ emulsion polymerization, Particuology, 2008, 6(3): 207-213 Jingsi Yang, Tao Zhou, Lianying Song. Agglomerating vibro-fluidization behavior of nano-particles, Advanced Powder Technology, 2009, 20(2): 158-163 Lianying Song, Tao Zhou, Jingsi Yang. Fluidization behavior of nano-particles by adding coarse particles, Advanced Powder Technology, 2009, 20(4): 366-370 Tao Zhou, Jingsi Yang, Runli Diao, Lianying Song, Hiroyuki Kage, and Yoshihide Mawatari. Agglomerating fluidization characteristics of nanoparticles, UK-China Particle Technology Forum II, Guiyang, China, 2009, 91-94 Jingsi Yang, Hui Wang, Tao Zhou, Feng Zhang, Hiroyuki Kage, and Yoshihide Mawatari. Characteristic of Nano-Particle Agglomerates in Vibro-fluidized Bed, UK-China Particle Technology Forum II, Guiyang, China, 2009, 86-89 Lu Xiao, Tao Zhou, Jia Meng. Hydrothermal synthesis of Mn-Zn ferrites from spent alkaline Zn-Mn batteries, Particuology, 2009, 7: 491-495 LIU Min, JIN Baoduo, XIE Xiaofeng, ZHOU Tao. Study on Performance Degradation of DMFC by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy, 60th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Beijing, China, 2009, s05-P-157 李洪钟,郭慕孙,王兆霖,钱梓文,周涛等,中科院自然科学奖一等奖,气固流态化的散式化理论与方法 (1999)
