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(1)配位化学:通过自组装合成新颖过渡金属配合物,研究其分子结构,研究其非线性光学、磁性和催化性质,探索其在分子器件控制 和储氢材料领域中的应用; (2)新型功能材料:设计合成和研究纳米材料以及高分子改性材料,解决其关键工艺和技术,并实现实验室技术的产业化; (3)资源综合利用。


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Jianliang Zhou, Hegen Zheng,Michael F. Lappert, Yinglin Song, Yizhi Li,Xinquan Xin,‘Crystal structure And excited optical nonlinearity of a 1D polymeric cluster [W2O2S6Cu4(NCMe)4]n”, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem.(13)2754-2758 JianLiang Zhou*, YuanYuan. Wang, Lin. Qin, Hegen. Zheng Syntheses, characterizations and properties of five new metal-organic complexes based 4,4'-(phenylazanediyl)dibenzoic acid CrystEngComm, 15, 616-627, 2013. JianLiang Zhou* MinMin. Wang, Yan. Huo, YuanYuan Wang, HuaWu Yang, Synthesis, crystal structures, and magnetic properties of two new supramolecular coordination complexes constructed by sulfonate groups J. Coord. Chem, 66, 772-779, 2013. Jianliang Zhou*, Yan. Huo, MinMin. Wang, YuanYuan. Wang, YinYin. Gu, Synthesis, crystal structure and magnetic properties of novel copper compound Cu(phen)(m-CBA)2 Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 21, 2660-2664, 2011. JianLiang Zhou, XueQin He, Bin Liu, Yan Huo, Xiao-Gai Chun and Shou-Chun Zhang Synthesis, crystal structures and magnetic properties of transition metal compounds with the 3-pyridylphosphonato ligand , Transition Metal Chemistry (35) 795--800. 2010。
