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教育经历 2009.09 –2014.02, 韩国国立全南大学,理学博士 2002.09 –2009.06, 新疆大学,工学学士& 理学硕士 工作经历 2023.11 -至今,江苏师范大学,生命科学学院,副院长 2021.09 -至今,江苏师范大学,遗传与基因组学研究生导师组组长 2021.03 -2023.11, 江苏师范大学,生化与细胞生物学系主任 2018.09 -2019.08, 美国哈佛大学,访问学者 2014.07 -至今, 江苏师范大学,讲师、副教授、教授 社会服务 2022 -至今,国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家 2023 -至今,江苏省中学生科技创新后备人才培养计划导师 2019 -2021, 江苏省高层次创新创业人才引进计划“科技副总” 2018 -至今, 江苏省植物学会青年工作委员会委员


1.RNA表观遗传修饰调控植物(拟南芥、番茄、甘薯等)生长发育与非生物胁迫的机理 2.非编码RNA调控甘薯、番茄非生物胁迫及生长发育的机理


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N6-methyladenosineRNAmethylationmodulatesliquid-liquidphaseseparationinplants. PlantCell, 2023, 10:koad103.doi:10.1093cell/koad103. 影响因子12.08,生物学一区Top期刊 Epitranscriptomic mRNA modifications governing plant stress responses: underlying mechanism and potential application.Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2022, 20(12):2245-2257. 影响因子13.26,生物学一区Top期刊 Unique features of the mRNA m6A methylomes during the expansion of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) fruits. Plant Physiology, 2022, 188(4):2215-2227.影响因子8.00,生物学一区Top期刊 ArabidopsisN6-methyladenosine methyltransferase FIONA1 regulates floral transition by affecting the splicing of FLC and the stability of floral activators SPL3 and SEP3. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2023,74(3):864-877.影响因子7.37,生物学一区Top期刊 N6-methyladenosine mRNAmethylation is important for salt stress tolerance inArabidopsis. Plant Journal, 2021, 106(6):1759-1775. 影响因子7.09,生物学一区Top期刊 Exogenous melatonin alleviates browning of fresh-cut sweetpotato by enhancing anti-oxidative process.Scientia Horticulturae, 2022, 297, 110937. 农林科学二区Top期刊 Melatonin is a potential target for improving horticultural crop resistance to abiotic stress. Scientia Horticulturae,2022,291,11056. 农林科学二区Top期刊 Comparative analysis of salt responsive microRNAs in two sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) cultivars with different salt stress resistance. Frontiers in Plant Science,2022, 13:879819. 影响因子6.62,生物学二区Top期刊
