2001-01--2004-01 中国科技大学 博士
[1] 陈斌,胡宏林,王斌,张小东,卜智勇,王海峰,“OFDM系统中结合自适应调制解码的功率分配方法”,2010.5.12,授权公告号CN101110808B
[2] 金圣峣,芮赟,田金凤,易辉跃,胡宏林,“一种提高切换成功率的小区切换方法”,2010.6.9,授权公告号CN101466127B
[3] 陈斌,徐景,王斌,胡宏林,张小东,王海峰,“演进的通用陆地无线接入系统的上行调度通讯方法”,2010.6.16,授权公告号CN101155393B
[4] 周平,李力,李明齐,胡宏林,张小东,王海峰,“隐含用户控制信息的签名序列发送结构的发射和接受方法”,2010.11.03,授权公告号CN101094027B
[5] 夏小梅,胡宏林,赵巍,金圣峣,陈霞,张小东,王海峰,“减少球形译码初始化半径方法”,2010.12.8,授权公告号CN101155165B
[6] 夏小梅,金圣峣,胡宏林,陈霞,王海峰,“一种基于多源中继无线网络的减少信令开销的方法”,2011.1.12,授权公告号CN101262625B
[7] 陈斌,徐景,王斌,胡宏林,王江,周婷,王海峰,“基于通信系统实际缓存量进行多业务调度的方法”,2011.4.26,授权公告号CN101227226B
[8] 周平,胡宏林,王海峰,“协作蜂窝网络中基于用户端合作分组的随机接入方法”, 2011.6.8,授权公告号CN101365220B
[9] 胡宏林,夏小梅,李明齐,金圣峣,徐景,陈斌,王海峰,“一种下行多流调制编码方式选择和功率加载方法”,2011.7.20,授权公告号CN101150344B
[10] 张健,戎璐,胡宏林,陆晔顼,金圣峣,“蜂窝系统中基站的自动配置方法”, 2011.9.21,授权公告号CN101466105B
[11] 闻世琦,戎璐,朱佳晖,胡宏林,“一种基于位置及拥塞状况的竞争窗口调整机制方法及系统”,2012.2.1,授权公告号CN101631063B
[12] 孙彦赞,胡宏林,易辉跃,金圣峣,郭坤琪,闻鹏举,刘富强,“感知无线电系统选择侦听节点的方法”,2012.5.9,授权公告号CN101572722B
[13] 金圣峣,陈霞,胡宏林,夏小梅,陈斌,徐景,王海峰,“上行多用户多入多出系统中的用户配对方法”,2012.7.25,授权公告号CN101192865B
[14] 田金凤,金圣峣,芮赟,易辉跃,胡宏林,“基于不同带宽的移动通信系统网络的频率复用分配方法”,2012.9.12,授权公告号CN101600210B
[15] 李力,唐琳,胡宏林,徐景,王海峰,“基于干扰相消的双中继信号传输方法”,2012.9.12,授权公告号CN101510800B
[16] 徐晓,张健,郑小盈,魏珍珍,胡宏林,“一种多层次蜂窝系统中移动终端的速度等级估计方法”,2013.1.23,授权公告号CN101925148B
[17] 郭坤祺,胡宏林,易辉跃,金圣峣,孙彦赞,闻鹏举,“一种基于分区感知的无线通信系统频谱感知方法”,2013.2.13,授权公告号CN101667872B
[18] 周玉芬,孙彦赞,易辉跃,郭坤祺,金圣峣,胡宏林,“加速CPE随机接入CR网络的信道预分配方法”,2013.3.6,授权公告号CN101667871B
[19] Method, Devices and System for Local Collision Avoidance for Random Access in Relay Networks, 发明, 2011, 第 2 作者, 专利号: US 20110026409
[20] Method and apparatus in relaying system, 发明, 2011, 第 1 作者, 专利号: US 20110026427
[21] Relay and related method, 发明, 2010, 第 2 作者, 专利号: US 20100278096
[22] Relaying Data in a Communication System, 发明, 2010, 第 2 作者, 专利号: US 201002149304
[23] Beam-hopping in a radio communications system, 发明, 2009, 第 1 作者, 专利号: US 20090221314
(1) IEEE Jack Neubauer Memorial Award, , 其他, 2016
(2) 即插即用无线微基站的分布式自组网技术, 一等奖, 部委级, 2016
(3) 无线通信多通道技术测试评估平台, 一等奖, 部委级, 2015
(4) 新一代无线移动通信系统测试技术及应用, 二等奖, 省级, 2015
(5) 蜂窝移动通信自优化组网技术及产业化应用, 二等奖, 省级, 2012
1、 S. Balandin, Y. Koucheryavy, and H. Hu(胡宏林), “Smart Spaces and Next Generation Wired/Wireless Networking,” by Springer Publisher, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, ISBN 978-3-642-22875-9, 2011.
2、 H. Hu(胡宏林), Y. Zhang, and J. Luo, “Distributed Antenna Systems: Open Architecture for Future Wireless Communications,” by CRC Press, Taylor & Francis LLC, USA. ISBN: 1420042882, Jun. 2007. (由电子工业出版社引进,中文翻译版已于2009年6月正式出版)
3、 Y. Zhang, H. Hu(胡宏林), and M. Fujise, “Resource, Mobility and Security Management in Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications,” by CRC Press, Taylor & Francis LLC, USA. ISBN: 0849380367, Oct. 2006.(由电子工业出版社引进,中文翻译版已于2008年6月正式出版)
4、 Y. Zhang, J. Luo, and H. Hu(胡宏林), “Wireless Mesh Networking: Architectures, Protocols and Standards,” by CRC Press, Taylor & Francis LLC, USA. ISBN: 0849373999, Dec. 2006.(由电子工业出版社引进,中文翻译版已于2008年7月正式出版)
5、 Y. Zhang, J. Zheng, and H. Hu(胡宏林), “Security in Wireless Mesh Networks,” by CRC Press, Taylor & Francis LLC, USA. ISBN: 0849382505, Jan. 2009.
6、 胡宏林,徐景,“3GPP LTE无线链路关键技术”,电子工业出版社,ISBN:7121063476/ 9787121063473,2008年5月。
[1] H. Chen, Y. Jiang, J. Xu, and H. Hu(胡宏林), “Energy-Efficient Coordinated Scheduling Mechanism for Cellular Communication Systems with Multiple Component Carriers,” IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 31, pp. 959-968, May 2013.
[2] B. Zhou, H. Hu(胡宏林), S. Huang, and H.-H. Chen, “Intra-Cluster Device-to-Device Relay Algorithm with Optimal Resource Utilization,” IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, Online on Mar. 2013, in press.
[3] Y. Jiang, H. Hu(胡宏林), Y. Yang, and H.-H. Chen, “Signal Representation in Statistical Spectrum Domain for Wireless Communications,” IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, Vol. 7, pp. 88-94, Dec. 2012.
[4] J. Zhang, L. Shan, H. Hu(胡宏林), and Y. Yang, “Mobile Cellular Networks and Wireless Sensor Networks: Towards Convergence,” IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 50, pp. 164-169, Mar. 2012.
[5] J. Tian, H. Guo, H. Hu(胡宏林), and H.-H Chen, “Frequency-Shift Filtering for OFDM Systems and Its Performance Analysis,” IEEE Systems Journal, Vol. 5, pp. 314-320, Sept. 2011.
[6] H. Hu(胡宏林), J. Zhang, X. Zheng, Y. Yang, and P. Wu, “Self-Configuration and Self-Optimization for LTE Networks,” IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 48, pp. 94-100, Feb. 2010.
[7] H. Guo, H. Hu(胡宏林), Y. Zhang, and H.-H. Chen, “On Stability Regions in Opportunistic Scheduled Packet Access Networks,” IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, Vol. 59, pp. 295-306, Jan. 2010.
[8] H. Guo, H. Hu(胡宏林), Y. Zhang, and H.-H. Chen, “Adaptive Space-Time Diversity Slotted ALOHA over 2×m MIMO Multi-Access Channels,” IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, Vol. 58, pp. 3271-3282, Nov. 2009.
[9] L. Tang, H. Hu(胡宏林), and H.-H. Chen, “On Power Loading Algorithms for Packet-Based OFDM Systems,” IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, Vol. 58, pp. 5324-5330, Nov. 2009.
[10] Y. Yang, H. Hu(胡宏林), J. Xu, and G. Mao, “Relay Technologies for WiMAX and LTE-Advanced Mobile Systems,” IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 47, pp. 100-105, Oct. 2009.
[11] L. Li, H. Hu(胡宏林), X. Chen, and H.-H. Chen, “Adaptive Cooperative Coding with Power Allocation in Wireless Relay Networks,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, Vol. 8, pp. 4604-4615, Sept. 2009.
[12] X. Chen, H. Hu(胡宏林), H. Wang, H.-H. Chen, and M. Guizani, “Double Proportional Fair User Pairing Algorithm for Uplink Virtual MIMO Systems,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, Vol. 7, pp. 2425-2429, Jul. 2008.
[13] P. Zhou, H. Hu(胡宏林), H. Wang, and H.-H. Chen, “An Efficient Random Access Scheme for OFDMA Systems with Implicit Message Transmission,” IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, Vol. 7, 2790-2797, Jul. 2008.
[14] H. Hu(胡宏林), J. Luo, and H.-H. Chen, “Radio Resource Management for Cooperative Wireless Communication Systems with Organized Beam-Hopping Techniques,” IEEE Wireless Communications, Vol. 15, pp. 100-109, Apr. 2008.
[15] H. Hu(胡宏林), Y. Zhang, and H.-H. Chen, “An Effective QoS Differentiation Scheme for Wireless Mesh Networks,” IEEE Network, Vol. 22, pp. 66-73, Jan.-Feb. 2008.
[16] H. Hu(胡宏林), M. Weckerle, and J. Luo, “Adaptive Transmission Mode Selection Scheme for Distributed Wireless Communication Systems,” IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 10, pp. 573-575, Jul. 2006.