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招生专业 070701-物理海洋学 招生方向 卫星海洋学,物理海洋,海洋遥感 海气相互作用 教育背景 2004-09--2007-07 中国科学院海洋研究所 博士研究生 2001-09--2004-07 中国海洋大学 硕士研究生 1995-09--1999-07 河北师范大学 理学学士 学历 中科院海洋研究所 -- 研究生 学位 中科院海洋研究所 -- 博士 工作简历 2013-05--今 中国科学院大学 副教授 2007-08--2013-05 中国科学院大学 讲师 1999-07--2001-09 河北唐山市开滦一中 高中物理教师 教授课程 文献阅读课、 InSAR技术及其应用、 海洋科学概论 科研项目 (1) 紧缩极化合成孔径雷达反演海面风矢量方法研究,主持,国家级,2014-01--2016-12 (2) 极端天气背景下,西太暖池区海气通量特征及其参数化,参与,部委级,2013-09--2017-12 参与会议 (1) WIND SPEED RETRIEVAL WITH RECONSTRUCTED CROSS-POL FROM COMPACT POLARIZATION SAR IMAGES,2015年国际地球科学与遥感大会 ,2015-07,Haiyan Li, William Perrie (2) 紧缩极化SAR海面溢油极化性质分析》,第二届成像雷达对地观测高级学术研讨会,2014-11,李海艳, William Perrie, 何宜军, 吴进, 罗续业 (3) DETECTION OF OIL SPILLS WITH THE SECOND STOKES PARAMETER OF THE HYBIRD POLARIMETRIC SAR ,2013年国际地球科学与遥感大会,2013-07,Haiyan Li and William Perrie (4) On the polarimetric characters of convection in marine atmospheric boundary layer,2010-09,Li, H., W. Perrie, L. Guo




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

(1) Oil spill detection on the ocean surface using hybrid polarimetric SAR imagery,SCIENCE CHINA,2015,第1作者 (2) Analysis of the Polarimetric SAR Scattering Properties of Oil-Covered Waters, ,IEEEJournal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing,2014,第1作者 (3) Target Detection on the Ocean With the Relative Phase of Compact Polarimetry SAR,IEEE Transaction on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,2012,第1作者 (4) Detection of Wind Farm Using the Relative Phase of Compact Polarimetry SAR,IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2012,,2012,第1作者 (5) On polarimetric characteristics in SAR images of mesoscale cellular convection in the marine atmospheric boundary laye,JGR,2011,第1作者 (6) Improving ship detection with polarimetric SAR based on 2-D convolution between co-polarization channels,Sensors,2009 (7) Polarimetric Scattering Mechanizms of Ocean Surface from Wave Breaking or at Large Incident Angles ,IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium,2008 (8) Detection Weak Ship Signals with the Optimization of Polarimetric Contrast Enhancement Method,High technology letters,2008 (9) Ship detection and characterization with generalized optimization of polarimetric contrast enhancement, ,The Chinese Journal of Electronics,2008 (10) 全极化合成孔径雷达海浪遥感方法,遥感技术与应用,,2007 (11) 从内波SAR图像中提取跃层深度和内波振幅的非线性方法,海洋环境科学,2007 (12) Ship detection with the fuzzy c-mean clustering algorithm using fully polarimetric SAR,IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, ,2007 (13) 基于极化SAR图像分类的海上舰船检测,信号处理,2007 (14) Effects of Wind on Internal Waves Synthetic Aperture Radar Images,IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium,2006 (15) A New Approach for Ship Detection in SAR Imagery Based on Convolution between Different Polarization Channels,7th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory,2006 (16) 海洋内波SAR影像成像理论,海洋科学,2005 (17) 两层模式下内波K-dv方程的频散关系,水动力学进展 A,2005
