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催化化学;纳米材料化学 低碳醇选择性催化氧化。 甘油选择性催化加氢。 纳米催化剂膜催化剂的控制合成。 石油产品和煤焦油的催化加氢脱硫、脱氮。


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G. Shi, T. Franzke, M. D. Sanchez, W. Xia, F. Weis, M. Seipenbusch, G. Kasper, M. Muhler, Thin-film -MoO3 supported on -Fe2O3 as shell-core catalyst for the selective oxidation of methanol to formaldehyde, ChemCatChem, 2012 (4) 760-765. G. Shi, T. Franzke, M. D. Sanchez, W. Xia, F. Weis, M. Seipenbusch, G. Kasper, M. Muhler, Thin-film β-MoO3 supported on α-Fe2O3 as shell-core catalyst for the selective oxidation of methanol to formaldehyde, ChemCatChem, 2012 (4) 760-765. G. Shi, T. Franzke, W. Xia, M. Muhler, Highly Dispersed MoO3/Al2O3 Synthesized by Chemical Vapor Deposition at Atmospheric Pressure, Chem. Vap. Depos, 2011 (17) 162. G. Shi, Y. Zhao, Y. Huang, J. Shen, Mesoporous carbon supported Co-Mo and Ni-Mo catalysts for hydrodesulfurization reactions. Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 31(2010) 961-964. G. Shi, J. Shen, Carbon supported Ni2P catalysts for the hydrodesulfurization of DBT in model diesel. Catalysis Communications 10 (2009) 1693-1696. G. Shi, J. Shen, Production of nanoparticles of nickel phosphide via the solid phase reaction of nickel ion with hypophosphite. Journal of Materials Chemistry 19 (2009) 2295-2297. G. Shi, D. Fang, J. Shen, Hydroisomerization of model FCC naphtha over sulfided Co(Ni)-Mo(W)/MCM-41 catalysts. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 120 (2009) 339-345. G. Shi, J. Shen, Skeletal isomerization of 1-hexene over sulfided Co/Co-MCM-41 catalysts. Energy & Fuels 23 (2009) 320-326. G. Shi, H. Zhao, L. Song, J. Shen, Effect of solvents on the hydrogenation and isomerization of 1-hexene over sulfided Co-Mo/-Al2O3 catalysts for the hydrodesulfurization. Energy & Fuels 22 (2008) 2450–2454. E.L. Gubanova, G. Shi, M. Chaar, M. Muhler, A.C. van Veen, Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Pet. Chem. 2011, 56 (1), 176 石国军, 崔群等, 甲醇水蒸汽重整制氢催化剂制备的研究. 工业催化,14 (2006) 47–51. 石国军, 崔群等, 甲醇水蒸气重整制氢的铜基催化剂研究. 天然气化工 30 (2005) 5–9. 沈俭一,石国军, 燃料油深度加氢脱硫催化剂的研究进展(特约综述). 石油化工, 37 (2008) 1111-1120. 张晓艳, 石国军等,模型石脑油在硫化Co-Mo/SBA-15催化剂上的加氢异构化反应. 催化学报 29 (2008) 553-558. E.L. Gubanova, G. Shi, M. Chaar, M. Muhler, A.C. van Veen, Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Pet. Chem. 2011, 56 (1) 176.
