Jie Han, Genping Song, Rong Guo, A Facile Solution Route for Polymeric Hollow Spheres with Controllable Size, Advanced Materials, 2006, 18, 3140-3144. (他引59次,most-accessed article)
Jie Han, Genping Song, Rong Guo, Synthesis of Rectangular Tubes of Polyaniline/NiO Composites, Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 2006, 44, 4229-4234.
Genping Song, Jie Han, Rong Guo, Synthesis of Polyaniline/NiO Nanobelts by a Self-Assembly Process, Synthetic Metals, 2007, 157, 170-175.
Jie Han, Genping Song, Rong Guo, Synthesis of Polymer Hollow Spheres with Holes in Their Surfaces, Chemistry of Materials, 2007, 19, 973-975. (他引50次,most-accessed article)
Jie Han, Genping Song, Rong Guo, Fabrication of Polymer Hollow Nanospheres by a Swelling-Evaporation Strategy, Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 2007, 45, 2638-2645.
Jie Han, Genping Song, Rong Guo, Nanostructure-Based Leaf-Like Polyaniline in the Presence of an Amphiphilic Triblock Copolymer, Advanced Materials, 2007, 19, 2993-2999.
Jie Han, Genping Song, Rong Guo, Synthesis of Poly(o-phenylenediamine) Hollow Spheres and Nanofibers Using Different Oxidizing Agents, European Polymer Journal, 2007, 43, 4229-4235.
Chuangqiang Zhou, Jie Han, Genping Song, Rong Guo, Polyaniline Hierarchical Structures Synthesized in Aqueous Solution: Micromats of Nanofibers, Macromolecules, 2007, 40, 7075-7078.
Jie Han, Yan Liu, Rong Guo, A Novel Templateless Method to Nanofibers of Polyaniline Derivatives with Size Control, Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 2008, 46, 740-746.
Chuangqiang Zhou, Jie Han, Rong Guo, Dilute Anionic Surfactant Solution Route to Polyaniline Rectangular Sub-microtubes as a Novel Nanostructure, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2008, 112, 5014-5019.
Chuangqiang Zhou, Jie Han, Genping Song, Rong Guo, Fabrication of Poly(aniline-co-pyrrole) Hollow Nanospheres with Triton X-100 Micelles as Templates, Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 2008, 46, 3563-3572.
Chuangqiang Zhou, Jie Han, Rong Guo, Controllable Synthesis of Polyaniline Multidimensional Architectures: From Plate-like Structures to Flower-like Superstructures, Macromolecules, 2008, 41, 6473-6479.
Chuangqiang Zhou, Jie Han, Genping Song, Rong Guo, Fabrication of Polyaniline with Hierarchical Structures in Alkaline Solution, European Polymer Journal, 2008, 44, 2850-2858.
Yi Wang, Jun Zhu, Jie Han, Rong Guo, Modification of MnO2 Nanoparticles with Rutin Synthesized by Triton X-100 Aggregations’ Template, Nanotechnology, 2008, 19, 405606, 8 pp.
Chuangqiang Zhou, Jie Han, Rong Guo, Polyaniline Fan-like Architectures of Rectangular Sub-Microtubes Synthesized in Dilute Inorganic Acid Solution, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 2009, 30, 182-187.
Jie Han, Yan Liu, Rong Guo, Reactive Template Method to Synthesize Gold Nanoparticles with Controllable Size and Morphology Supported on Shells of Polymer Hollow Microspheres and Their Application for Aerobic Alcohol Oxidation in Water, Advanced Functional Materials, 2009, 19, 1112-1117. (most-accessed article)
Jie Han, Yan Liu, Rong Guo, Facile Synthesis of Highly Stable Gold Nanoparticles and Their Unexpected High Catalytic Activity for Suzuki-Miyaura Cross-Coupling Reaction in Water, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2009, 131, 2060-2061. (他引90次,most-accessed article,ESI高被引论文)
Genping Song, Jie Han, Jie Bo, Rong Guo, Synthesis of Polyaniline Nanostructures in Different Lamellar Liquid Crystals and Application to Lubrication, Journal of Material Science, 2009, 44, 715-720.
Chuangqiang Zhou, Jie Han, Rong Guo, Synthesis of Polyaniline Hierarchical Structures in a Dilute SDS/HCl Solution: Nanastructure-Covered Rectangular Tubes, Macromolecules, 2009, 42, 1252-1257.
Jie Han, Yan Liu, Rong Guo, A Simple One-Step Chemical Route to Gold/Polymer Core/Shell Composites and Polymer Hollow Spheres, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2009, 112, 1244-1249.